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08:44 Sun 8 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yes but this isnt a sport its an online game and in other sports you dont get any bonuses for winning at all so comparing it to other sports is irrelevant.

it is harder on this site as most people are not very good at certain formats and dislike some of the rules in these formats

the formats (for the benefit of warns) can be the pitch dimensions which can cause problems with size of pockets etc.

and the disliked rules can be the biased ref so it should be considered that an away bonus should be higher
Deleted User
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13:18 Sun 8 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_angel said:
We have come up with a new system, here's the outline:

Using 4 game types, both 8's, 9 and Straight.

1 clan will be designated as a home team, the other an away.

Each home player will choose 2 game types to play against their opponent.

If either 8ball, 8UK or 9ball is chosen then 4 games are played of that, resulting in 1 point per frame. If Straight is chosen, 2 games are played, with 2 points per frame (so a max. of 8 points are available overall on frames no matter what games are chosen).

A bonus 5 points for winning against your opponent overall will be given and a further bonus 15 points will be given to the match-winning clan.

If 2 clans are on the same number of points, they will be sorted by the number of: Fixtures won (as a clan), then games won (by players).

An example:

dark_angel vs mich

As the home player, I choose 8US and Straight.

8US 4-0

Straight 2-0

Overall 6 - 0 in frames, but the points would be 8-0, as each frame of Straight is worth 2 points.

For winning my game, I would also receive a bonus of 5 points, so altogether I would receive 13 points.

Please post any feedback, queries and issues and we'll reply as soon as we can.

love it

i have also seen posts about away teams not getting more - i disagree with that as the away players are not choosing the game type

brilliant format and thanks to mich and angel for stepping in


Deleted User
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14:09 Sun 8 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree :)
Deleted User
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05:38 Mon 9 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i also think that to save confusion, you should put in place a results "team" meaning the players will only post the actual score - bonus points etc etc are then calculated and updated - would save a whole heap of confusion
Deleted User
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09:56 Mon 9 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think you just contradicted yourself a bit maybe Emily?

You want more points for away teams but you want to save confusion with other things about bonus points?

Sure away bonus points add to confusion.

Also, many people are as adaptable to all game types. I think my stats are similar for all game types in the format and I'm sure most people's are.

I strongly oppose away bonus points.

Those claiming football has away bonus points and things, yeah, when things are level at the finish, but not during the season, it's a tie-break situation, not like say Villa beat Man United at Old Trafford, we get 4 points because we won at Old Trafford, and we only get 3 points at Villa Park because we were at home.

So away bonus points, I strongly disagree with.
Posts: 7,164
17:23 Mon 9 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
when is this getting underway ppl
Deleted User
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19:26 Mon 9 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
We are sorting the rules out hopefully tomorrow and wednesday the finalising things so hopefully the weekend!
Posts: 19,967
21:40 Mon 9 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Have to say atm im er-ing on the side of Warney, Home choice - Away extra points doesn't sound worth it, that means you give the home side initial advantage then the away side the edge

wont work when you could get people playing their prefered game type and then extra points just cause they didnt choose (although this is what they would have chosen anyway)

e.g. an 8 uk player vs 8 uk player
both would have the advantage of playing their prefered game type, but one would have the extra edge of playing for a higher bonus + they woul still get to choose their game type

for me it could only 'fairly' work if each player was assigned a prefered game type - which they automatically have picked for home games and automatically cant play for away games

although that too raises its own issues with eligible subs and clans that have a tendency to a particular type
Deleted User
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01:43 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
think its ok the modality u are using but im not sure if it good that extra points u giving think it will only confused new players like lol i know i dont have to do nothing posting here n sorry but i think u should just leave normal frames wins and take off bonus more its easier to just know your score.

like if i win 4-0 9ball and lose 3-1 8us overall will be 7-1 and thats it no more confusion so i guess its easy and home team can be put by the lower ranking team could take a little advantage of that cause is the weaker team so it has at least his games to choose player with a rgular or low ranking maybe that can work. hope not to bother.

Deleted User
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02:54 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
it would be 5-3 overall but who is counting .. ;)

at the beginning me and vi said we would listen to your views and it seems as though there is a split in the bonus system so we will talk later and see what we can come up with and one of us will post soon with our latest ideas, thanks :)
Deleted User
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03:12 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
warney7 said:
I think you just contradicted yourself a bit maybe Emily?

You want more points for away teams but you want to save confusion with other things about bonus points?

Sure away bonus points add to confusion.

Also, many people are as adaptable to all game types. I think my stats are similar for all game types in the format and I'm sure most people's are.

I strongly oppose away bonus points.

Those claiming football has away bonus points and things, yeah, when things are level at the finish, but not during the season, it's a tie-break situation, not like say Villa beat Man United at Old Trafford, we get 4 points because we won at Old Trafford, and we only get 3 points at Villa Park because we were at home.

So away bonus points, I strongly disagree with.

i didnt contradict myself

you should have bonus points as the away team are at a disadvantage - i know if someone was pro in uk and 9us i would deffo choose 8us and one other

all i think should happen is they are only recorded after the match to ensure they are done correctly
Posts: 19,967
07:59 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
What about someone who still prefers to play 8us/straight but has a better uk/9 rank?

or what about someone who has exactly the same rank overall?

With be giving an advantage to both home and away team players in some games, and just away players in others
Posts: 38,097
08:48 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
example why i have to disagree.

me vs universe

im ok on 9 ball so i choose 9 ball
universe is not so good at 9 ball but flukes a win

anyone can fluke on 9 ball so this is unfair for me.

It could work on snooker however because of the different table sizes between arcade, regular and original, plus not many people play carom.

on pool its always the same size table, only UK table is different because of the pockets but everything else is exactly the same really.

universe is fictional by the way so i am not naming and shaming
Deleted User
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08:56 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
looking at some of the posts, these are the same ppl that were complaining about the lack of creativity and how this league was just copied from others.......

some original ideas have been suggested here which i think would really make the league more interesting and less predictable......

until this has been tried and tested in a couple of friendlies i think we should give it a go.......

if the friendlies are an utter failure then something else can be discussed.....



Deleted User
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08:59 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
example why i have to disagree.

me vs universe

im ok on 9 ball so i choose 9 ball
universe is not so good at 9 ball but flukes a win

anyone can fluke on 9 ball so this is unfair for me

It could work on snooker however because of the different table sizes between arcade, regular and original, plus not many people play carom.

on pool its always the same size table, only UK table is different because of the pockets but everything else is exactly the same really.

universe is fictional by the way so i am not naming and shaming

unfair whether there are bonus points on offer or not hon......

flukes will always be part and parcel of the game......

comparing it with snooker is also unfair i think as they are two different games - btw - i have lost a few frames of arcade due to flukes also
Posts: 38,097
09:16 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah like i always say 9 ball and arcade is like a coin, 50% win, 50% loss.
Deleted User
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09:20 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Dgen-The flukes in 9ball is a part of the game, with this league's format, if it's something that worries you, then you don't need to play it (when you're at home...). And 9 and 8ball are very different games, even if the tables are the same, it's possible to be awful at one and good at the other...

Could I ask what it is you disagree with though?

Zak-the home player doesn't need to pick the games to their strengths, they may choose them to pick up on their opponent's weaknesses. No matter what, that gives them an advantage (sometimes it may be slighter than at others) but it is still an advantage. And if you have 2 UK players against each other and UK is chosen, there is still the second game type for the home player to choose and gain an advantage from.

The other thing is, with 2 fixtures against each clan, each player has a chance to have the chance of winning the extra points. The away 'advantage' in points will also only be slight (we've suggested 2 points) so that it isn't too drastic.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the away points, but that's the case with everything-we'll continue to listen to your opinions and make judgement from there.
Deleted User
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09:27 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I still disagree with bonus away points, could be used as a tie-break like in football and other sports, but more points is a no no in my opinion. People may say have innovative ideas, but some will be snubbed by people, even the ones that want change.

And just a quick query.

Say I play Vi in a game, I pick 8ball and straight

You win 4-0 at 8ball, but I win 2-0 at straight, do you claim an overall 4-2 win and claim the 5 points (or 7 if bonus away points is approved) or do we split the points for a 4-4 (as straight is worth 2 points per game.) Also, what happens with a draw and bonus points as you get 5/7 points for a win, possible draws, how many points will be awarded?
Deleted User
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09:31 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
It'd be 4-4, draw.

For a draw, it's a split between scrapping the bonus points (as no-one won, so just frames contribute) or it'll be 2 points each. (May well open that up for debate too...)

Need to talk to Mich about that to be able to clarify...
Posts: 19,967
10:11 Tue 10 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
But what about players who share the same strengths and weaknesses as me?
No real advantage as home player would be gained (or a very small one)

now compare that to someone whos strength is uk and 9 ball against someone whos weakness is those types, there would be a huge advantage gained

so some people would gain more of an advantage being away than others

It should always be preferred to be the home team, but where the home advantage is minimal to no advantage then it would be preferred to be away for the chance of bonus points

Also i only think the extra away points would work if (in like most/all the sports which it is taken from) players played the same people home and away to make it a less bias system to people
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