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09:26 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
elliott1234 said:
haha spoonie youll give my team bad results wont you ill put my self up if im aloud

Captains can't be part of the defaults panel...'tis in the rules!

Spoonie can though.
Posts: 1,000
09:26 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
lol god im sorry bot cheating but still im fair always to do witnh fcl and fnl
Posts: 2,601
09:28 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol so im in
Deleted User
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14:45 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Fugitives Vs Sharpshooters

Jordanwake Vs metterzrocks
Mikkeyboy Vs Bradonforest
Lewie Vs Doyley
Smith Vs Bumble37
Spoonie Vs Doubted2
Kimbo_xx Vs Chalkie32

Thunder Vs Fugitives

Perfect _play Vs Kopite_no1
Shady_009 Vs Dmb
Shooter001 Vs Jordanwake
Elliot1234 Vs Mikeybboy
Greenie1983 Vs Kimbo_xx
Virtuosomuch Vs Spoonie

Hurricanes Vs Crazy Eights

Zantetsukenz Vs viking4life
Nurse Vs _onevisit_
Stokies_back Vs Gentle_giant
Antione08 Vs Jerry
Mr_pink_eyes Carl_cj
Dark_angel Vs _vol_

Crazy Eights Vs The Cobras

Seasider Vs Dark_chocoo
_vol_ Vs Qpounder
Carl_cj Vs Cphaynes
Jerry Vs Kevross
Viking4life Vendetta
_mewtwo_ Vs Ub3rnator

Sharpshooters Vs Golden Eagles

Doubted2 Vs Teamplayer
Chalkie35 Vs Ciderman
Bumble37 Vs Nh425
Metterzrocks Vs Welshdragon
Bradonforest Vs Marcolupetti
Doyley Vs Blackapple

The Cobras Vs Hurricanes

Ub3rnator Vs Antione08
Qpounder Vs _angel_
Cphaynes Vs Stokies_back
Vendetta Vs Warney7
Kevross Vs Familyguy0
Dark_chocoo Vs Dark_angel

Untouchables Vs Thunder

Master_p00l Vs Greenie1983
_k1rk_ Vs Shady_009
Dgeneratio Vs Shooter001
__robdut__ Vs Virtuosomuch
eemad Vs Perfect_play
Rubber_duck Vs Upforit

Golden Eagles Vs Untouchables

Blackapple Vs _k1rk_
Ciderman Vs rubber_duck
Bustamante Vs Ukspinshot
Teamplayer Vs Mich
Yetti Vs __robdut__
Nh425 Vs eemad

Deadline is 27th August (two weeks). Good luck everyone.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:49 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
how do we play it ?
new style if we are home team we choose the games how many games are play and how many games home team choose ty for reply sorry if i didnt put attention.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:52 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
There is an outline of the format here:

And a there is a list of the rules here:

Any questions, please message me/mich.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:03 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
If you are home you choose 2 games, If it is Us8 Uk8 or 9 ball you play 4 games each worth 1 point.

If you choose straight you play 2 games each worth 2 points.

A bonus 5 points will be awarded to the player who wins their fixture overall, if they are the home player, 7 points will be awarded if the winner is away. A further 15 points is awarded to the winning clan in each fixture. If a game is drawn, then both players will receive a 'bonus' of 2 points. If a fixture, between two clans, is drawn, then 5 points will be awarded to each clan.

Hope this clears up any queries and good luck all!
Deleted User
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15:05 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah mich ty so total games will be 8 games straight games count by 2 right ty iam clear now
Posts: 6,262
15:34 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
If you choose uk and straight you'd play 6 games, 4 uk games worth 1 point each, and 2 straight games worth 2 points each But allways 8 points in total available..
Deleted User
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15:43 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
That is correct.
Posts: 19,967
15:55 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
and the left team is the home team?
Deleted User
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15:57 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
and the left team is the home team?
The team listed first, so yeah, the team on the left.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:44 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
thunder vs fugitives
elliott1234 vs mikeybboy

straight 1-1

8uk 2-2

overall 4-4
Posts: 169
22:08 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
bradonforest vs mikeybboy

9 ball - 3 - 1

8 ball - 0 - 4
Posts: 169
22:08 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
bradonforest vs mikeybboy

9 ball - 3 - 1

8 ball - 0 - 4
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:09 Fri 13 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
fugitives vs sharpshooters

mikeybboy vs bradonforest

9 ball 1-3

8 us 4-0

overall 5-3 to mikeybboy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:26 Sat 14 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
We will update the website (page below) as and when I see fixtures posted (either on this thread, or on the individual clan threads). If any are missed, please message me or Mich with the result.

Also: the website will also be updated with bonus points, I have already seen a thread where results are shown but no bonus points are counted in, so unless they are, what is shown may not be the true fixture result.

Fixtures/Results page:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:34 Sat 14 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_angel said:
We will update the website (page below) as and when I see fixtures posted (either on this thread, or on the individual clan threads). If any are missed, please message me or Mich with the result.

Also: the website will also be updated with bonus points, I have already seen a thread where results are shown but no bonus points are counted in, so unless they are, what is shown may not be the true fixture result.

Fixtures/Results page:

She has no idea what she is on about Use the FNL results thread please, with all results in one place it makes it easier for us to update <Link to results thread!
Deleted User
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07:47 Sat 14 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:
dark_angel said:
We will update the website (page below) as and when I see fixtures posted (either on this thread, or on the individual clan threads). If any are missed, please message me or Mich with the result.

Also: the website will also be updated with bonus points, I have already seen a thread where results are shown but no bonus points are counted in, so unless they are, what is shown may not be the true fixture result.

Fixtures/Results page:

She has no idea what she is on about Use the FNL results thread please, with all results in one place it makes it easier for us to update <Link to results thread!

Mich made me go around and post on every I look an idiot-don't say anything...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:49 Sat 14 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I did say results thread...

mich: First off YOU should post on every thread linking them to the FNL results thread...(From pm window)

See you just didn't listen properly
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