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02:14 Wed 6 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Al v master_p001

UK 3-2
US 5-0
9 4-1

12-3 to Al

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:15 Wed 6 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Very well played al mate crackin results

Keep it up TD
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:17 Wed 6 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 5

Top Dogs 17 vs 28 Wipeout

andyw1 vs. crazy_greg
greenie1983 vs. daan
colins 7 vs. 8 dgeneratio
antione08 vs. strobe
alxima vs. unknown_id
mdj vs. janmb
al_ 5 vs. 10 whocares8x8
weirdo_1 5 vs. 10 zantetsukenz

Funkypool Buddies 15 vs 43 Top Dogs

hippesville vs. alxima
mr_pink_eyes 3 vs. 12 colins
perfect_play vs. weirdo_1
master_p00l 3 vs. 12 al_
apples_back 5 vs. 10 cushion
agrovasion vs. antione08
im_crap_adam vs. mighty_zeus
deejay 4 vs. 9 greenie1983 TBC

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort it

Best of luck TD
Posts: 374
04:23 Wed 6 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
nice result al....bout time an all m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:49 Wed 6 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
greenie1983 jus won his 2nd 8uk tourney, BOOM !!!!
Deleted User
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20:51 Wed 6 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,396
01:05 Thu 7 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ANNOUNCEMENT: Straight Pool -weirdo-1 got 30 successive pots

Posts: 1,396
01:06 Thu 7 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: Straight Pool Ranked - weirdo_1 (1) 63 - 26 (0)
RANKINGS: weirdo_1 773.2 (+0.7), 656.2 (-2.3)

was it really worth it lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:51 Thu 7 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Welldone kay nice run indeed

Lol i think it may have been worth it somehow
Posts: 5,373
21:05 Thu 7 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone know status for mdj? Not been on at all since Monday.

I am off during this weekend myself, so if he will not be around next week either, please consider a sub (no point until over the first weekend tho)

Still plenty of time, just being up-front
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:24 Thu 7 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah mate, thats no problem, i dont know his status at the moment but ill make the sub if need be
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:07 Thu 7 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Crazy Eights 59 vs 61 Top Dogs

_mewtwo_ 10 vs. 5 adam_92
seasider 6 vs. 9 colins
gentle_giant 5 vs. 10 antione08
ucyforit 8 vs. 7 alxima
stueyy 5 vs. 10 greenie1983
jerry 8 vs. 7 weirdo_1
cragginatorr 9 vs. 6 andyw1
coolhandct 8 vs. 7 cushion

Top Dogs 53 vs 67 Most Valuable Poolers

greenie1983 4 vs. 11 destiny
antione08 8 vs. 7 ab_rfc
andyw1 9 vs. 6 mich
colins 6 vs. 9 ginomanx3
alxima 9 vs. 6 horse10000
weirdo_1 3 vs. 12 __robdut__
mighty_zeus 6 vs. 9 shooter001
adam_92 8 vs. 7 daveygee

Welldone all got our first win on the board, welldone kay u just done enough durin ur game, very well played, was great to watch the 10frames that were played

Edited at 20:10 Thu 07/10/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:07 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 5

Top Dogs 26 vs 34 Wipeout

andyw1 9 vs. 6 crazy_greg
greenie1983 vs. daan
colins 7 vs. 8 dgeneratio
antione08 vs. strobe
alxima vs. unknown_id
mdj vs. janmb
al_ 5 vs. 10 whocares8x8
weirdo_1 5 vs. 10 zantetsukenz

Funkypool Buddies 15 vs 43 Top Dogs

hippesville vs. alxima
mr_pink_eyes 3 vs. 12 colins
perfect_play vs. weirdo_1
master_p00l 3 vs. 12 al_
apples_back 5 vs. 10 cushion
agrovasion vs. antione08
im_crap_adam vs. mighty_zeus
deejay 4 vs. 9 greenie1983 TBC

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort it

Best of luck TD

andyw1 vs crazy_greg

8us 3-2 to greg
9us 3-2 to andyw1
8uk 4-1 to andyw1

Overall 9-6 to andyw1

Nice result andy mate wd keep them comin TD
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:52 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 5

Top Dogs 26 vs 34 Wipeout

andyw1 9 vs. 6 crazy_greg
greenie1983 vs. daan
colins 7 vs. 8 dgeneratio
antione08 vs. strobe
alxima vs. unknown_id
mdj vs. janmb
al_ 5 vs. 10 whocares8x8
weirdo_1 5 vs. 10 zantetsukenz

Funkypool Buddies 25 vs 48 Top Dogs

hippesville vs. alxima
mr_pink_eyes 3 vs. 12 colins
perfect_play 10 vs. 5 weirdo_1
master_p00l 3 vs. 12 al_
apples_back 5 vs. 10 cushion
agrovasion vs. antione08
im_crap_adam vs. mighty_zeus
deejay 4 vs. 9 greenie1983 TBC

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort it

Best of luck TD
Posts: 1,396
13:56 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
perfect play v Weirdo_1

us 3-2 to perfect play
9 ball 4-1 to perfect play
UK 3-2 to perfect play

Overall 10-5 to Perfect Play

Great games hanks for staying and getting them done ..Best of luck to your clan or the rest ! ! ! !

K~A~Y x
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:58 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done kay, nice result vs a top player at the moment keep up the good work
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:29 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to antione08 (Professional) who won their 10th ever 8 Ball UK Tournament!

Back on the board after a few days of gettin close but not close enough lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:22 Sat 9 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: 8 Ball Pool Tournament - poolbiird (0) loses to antione08 (3) with 2 balls remaining
TOURNAMENT: antione08 knocks out poolbiird
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to antione08 (Professional) who won their 43rd ever 8 Ball Tournament!

Posts: 504
00:08 Sun 10 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
unknown_id vs alxima

US8 4 - 1
US9 2 - 3
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:04 Sun 10 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
top dogs vs fpb

greenie1983 vs deejay

8ball 3-2
9ball 4-1
8uk 4-1

overall 11-4 to me !!!
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