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Deleted User
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04:41 Sat 2 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
V ul colins mate, still a good 6points though

Welldone also for gettin all games played vs MVP
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:08 Sun 3 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
jerry vs. weirdo_1, we are unable to play this game.
One of us must be subst.

I can play @daytime, wierdo tonight @9 pm
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:15 Sun 3 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
jerry said:
jerry vs. weirdo_1, we are unable to play this game.
One of us must be subst.

I can play @daytime, wierdo tonight @9 pm

ive asked for a crazy 8's sub 1 week ago mate, im not prepared to make a sub unless one of my players are online.

Ill see what i can sort out
Deleted User
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21:36 Sun 3 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Fix set 5

Top Dogs 5 vs 10 Wipeout

andyw1 vs. crazy_greg
greenie1983 vs. daan
colins vs. dgeneratio
antione08 vs. strobe
alxima vs. unknown_id
mdj vs. janmb
al_ vs. whocares8x8
weirdo_1 5 vs. 10 zantetsukenz

Funkypool Buddies 0 vs 0 Top Dogs

hippesville vs. alxima
mr_pink_eyes vs. colins
perfect_play vs. weirdo_1
chaos_ vs. al_
apples_back vs. cushion
agrovasion vs. antione08
im_crap_adam vs. mighty_zeus
deejay vs. greenie1983

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort it

Best of luck TD

Edited at 21:54 Sun 03/10/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:12 Sun 3 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Crazy Eights 51 vs 54 Top Dogs

_mewtwo_ 10 vs. 5 adam_92
seasider 6 vs. 9 colins
gentle_giant 5 vs. 10 antione08
ucyforit 8 vs. 7 alxima
stueyy 5 vs. 10 greenie1983
jerry vs. weirdo_1
cragginatorr 9 vs. 6 andyw1
coolhandct 8 vs. 7 cushion

Top Dogs 53 vs 67 Most Valuable Poolers

greenie1983 4 vs. 11 destiny
antione08 8 vs. 7 ab_rfc
andyw1 9 vs. 6 mich
colins 6 vs. 9 ginomanx3
alxima 9 vs. 6 horse10000
weirdo_1 3 vs. 12 __robdut__
mighty_zeus 6 vs. 9 shooter001
adam_92 8 vs. 7 daveygee

Still just the one game needed to be played, v wd this fixture set, seems we have tightened things up a bit, nice confidence boost goin into last fixture set
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:57 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
weirdo_1 vs zantetsukenz

8US 3-2 to weirdo_1
9US 4-1 to zante
8UK 4-1 to zante

Overall 10-5 to zante

Gg's both v wp, high standard indeed, great games to watch

Wp kay wd on the 5, got us of the mark nicely. Hope TD can carry on bringin the points home

weirdo_1 vs jerry

7-3 to jerry

after 10 frames, jerry wasnt able to finish off the games and had to leave but v gg's up until that point

Edited at 22:00 Sun 03/10/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:34 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
choas_ vs al_

is now

Master_p00l vs al_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:08 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
apples_back said:
antione08 said:
Please TD lets welcome to the team...

Oh thats just not fair...

Lol i dont see why its not...jealousy perhaps

why be jealous, i didnt join
Posts: 168
07:54 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont get this league thingys what do u do on here?? do u play a bunch of people if so i need info on this anybody?
Posts: 38,097
15:02 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 10-5 al_
Posts: 38,097
20:10 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dgen vs colins

US: 3-2
9 Ball: 2-3
UK: 3-2
Total: 8-7

very close indeed and nice golden in 2nd frame of 9 ball

if i didn't attack in first 2 games of UK score may have been different but enjoyed playing
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:31 Mon 4 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
New League

Would love to have you in it!!!!!!

Hopefully were get a good few teams!!!!!!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:58 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cushion versus apples_back

8 uk 3-2
9ball 3-2
8 ball 4-1

overall 10-5 cushion

very good games apples_back was very unlucky throughout but credit to him did nt complain a gentleman to play and i wish him the best of luck in future matches.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:59 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
colins (Top Dogs) v mr_pink_eyes (FPB)

8ball: 4-1
9ball: 3-2
8ball UK: 5-0

Total: colins 12 - 3 mr_pink_eyes
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:16 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hi ant, gotta player lookin 4 a clan if we need any1, let me know matey !!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:34 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
greenie1983 jus won the random tourney which is my 1st, BOOM !!!
Posts: 5,201
11:24 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
master_p00l said:
choas_ vs al_

is now

Master_p00l vs al_

Thanks for subbing in for me matty , you know my reason for being subbed out , as for you al_ i explained my reasons why to you out of courtesy, which i didn't need to ,subs can be put in at anytime , and i dont appreciate your snide comments to fellow members of my clan.... GET USED TO IT AL_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:19 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
well done TD so far in last fix set keep it up
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:21 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 5

Top Dogs 17 vs 28 Wipeout

andyw1 vs. crazy_greg
greenie1983 vs. daan
colins 7 vs. 8 dgeneratio
antione08 vs. strobe
alxima vs. unknown_id
mdj vs. janmb
al_ 5 vs. 10 whocares8x8
weirdo_1 5 vs. 10 zantetsukenz

Funkypool Buddies 8 vs 22 Top Dogs

hippesville vs. alxima
mr_pink_eyes 3 vs. 12 colins
perfect_play vs. weirdo_1
chaos_ vs. al_
apples_back 5 vs. 10 cushion
agrovasion vs. antione08
im_crap_adam vs. mighty_zeus
deejay vs. greenie1983

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort it

Best of luck TD
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:07 Tue 5 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
antione08 said:
Fix set 5

Top Dogs 17 vs 28 Wipeout

andyw1 vs. crazy_greg
greenie1983 vs. daan
colins 7 vs. 8 dgeneratio
antione08 vs. strobe
alxima vs. unknown_id
mdj vs. janmb
al_ 5 vs. 10 whocares8x8
weirdo_1 5 vs. 10 zantetsukenz

Funkypool Buddies 12 vs 31 Top Dogs

hippesville vs. alxima
mr_pink_eyes 3 vs. 12 colins
perfect_play vs. weirdo_1
master_p00l vs. al_
apples_back 5 vs. 10 cushion
agrovasion vs. antione08
im_crap_adam vs. mighty_zeus
deejay 4 vs. 9 greenie1983 TBC

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort it

Best of luck TD
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