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Posts: 38,097
22:10 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im not intimidated until i play the player

destiny intimidates me sometimes because i know how he plays, he also knows how i play
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22:10 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
antione08 said:
joker86 said:
antione08 said:
apples_back said:
antione08 said:
Please TD lets welcome to the team...

Oh thats just not fair...

Lol i dont see why its not...jealousy perhaps

Are we supposed to be intimidated?

I would be if al_ was my opponent, and im sure many players will be

He is a good player

yeah mate, had to pinch myself wen i heard the news lol
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22:11 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
im not intimidated until i play the player

destiny intimidates me sometimes because i know how he plays, he also knows how i play

Lol yeah, destiny is a great player, i can honestly and truly say i beat one of the greats of the game..hope he doesnt mind me pointing that out lol
Posts: 38,097
22:23 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
he did runout on me 1st game lol, im use to it tho
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22:24 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol yeah a class act mate
Posts: 38,097
22:29 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
too much bad luck already here.
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22:49 Thu 30 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 vs ab_rfc

8US 5-0 to antione08
9US 4-1 to ab
8UK 3-2 to ab

Overall 8-7 to antione08

Gg's mate wp, nice come back. Pleasure playing u as always

Sorry TD score should have been more in my favour after the 5-0 but ab played great to come back
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00:12 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
colins have not responded to my message and usually comes on randomly and has not scheduled anything with me, ant have a word with him or get me a sub
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01:27 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive passed on the information to colins on both pool and on snooker. Seeing as its so close to deadline, ill try and make a sub, but i wont waste my time making one if they, and u arent online at the same time due to the fact colins may come online after a sub is made. If i was to make the sub there is still no garentee that it'll get played, therefore i may aswel leave it until u and another one of TD are online.

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05:42 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Colins sent me a offline message 4 hours ago to get online which wasnt very useful I was out so i couldnt get a heads up to go online, and yet he doesnt give me a schedule of what times he's avaiable to play he just shows up when he wants and demands for I to go on even when its clear im offline.
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13:14 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive done all i can do mate, ive passed on messages, ive done the running round by messaging colins on snooker aswel.

Not trying to have a dig, but u can hardly speak about givin demands out after u demanded me either have a word or make a sub, no please or nowt. manners dont cost a thing.

This game will get played i hope one way or another, involving the same players or not, me and ab_rfc will make sure of that
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15:34 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I'm sick of chasing players who dont show me manners anymore, thats why im qutting after this season.

Colins needs to say what time he is available to play unless I randomly catch him online, i will leave it at that.
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16:12 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus, you reckon I've a timetable of when I'll be on? Like every wednesday 8-10? That's mental. We're both regular enough to know that this will get played one way or another. I didn't respond in about 24 hours and you go shouting for a sub.

And the message to you was when I rushed on after being told you were online only for you to go away as soon as i logged in (first time I had seen your original message if truth be told.

For the record, I work funny shifts and am totally unwilling to set aside free time where I am bound to a computer for FP/FS/Clan stuff, as ant knows. But guarantee I'm on at least once for a long period every day or two and can catch up with things then.

Anyway got this started:

8ball: colins 4 - 1 ginomanx3
9ball: colins 1 - 4 ginomanx3

8ball UK to be played at weekend.
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17:37 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ginomanx3 said:
Well I'm sick of chasing players who dont show me manners anymore, thats why im qutting after this season.

Colins needs to say what time he is available to play unless I randomly catch him online, i will leave it at that.

Ive never shown u bad manners, anyone on here will tell you i do the best i can and hardly moan about rude players. But i wont be told what to do and when to do it. Ive done nothin but show manners when me and you have spoke, so i think u was outta order demandin i do one thing or another.

This is the end of it now, the game has started to be played.

And yes im aware that colins works funny shifts and cant always garentee a time to be online, but hes one of the most reliable players on the clan scene
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17:38 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
colins said:
Jesus, you reckon I've a timetable of when I'll be on? Like every wednesday 8-10? That's mental. We're both regular enough to know that this will get played one way or another. I didn't respond in about 24 hours and you go shouting for a sub.

And the message to you was when I rushed on after being told you were online only for you to go away as soon as i logged in (first time I had seen your original message if truth be told.

For the record, I work funny shifts and am totally unwilling to set aside free time where I am bound to a computer for FP/FS/Clan stuff, as ant knows. But guarantee I'm on at least once for a long period every day or two and can catch up with things then.

Anyway got this started:

8ball: colins 4 - 1 ginomanx3
9ball: colins 1 - 4 ginomanx3

8ball UK to be played at weekend.

Nice mate keep it up mate, glad to see its finally got goin lol stops the moanin on both sides
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22:19 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Team

Thanks for welcome - I thought you had a new player called 'spoiler' lol....

Hope i'm not the weakest link

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22:21 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi al mate

lol nah not spoiler

and as for weakest link, we win and lose as a team, not individuals just a little motto i have

God nearly forgot the motto for a min or two lol

Edited at 20:03 Fri 01/10/10 (BST)
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04:14 Sat 2 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
al_ said:
Hi Team

Thanks for welcome - I thought you had a new player called 'spoiler' lol....

Hope i'm not the weakest link


Nice one ant, quality addition.
Deleted User
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04:37 Sat 2 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks colins mate, but its all down to andyw1 for the great addition
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04:39 Sat 2 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i got beat 9-6 in end by ginomanx3

8ball: 4-1
9ball: 1-4
8ball uk: 1-4

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