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FPB (Funky Pool Buddies) II

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18:13 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
However it's the only clan who has let him play therefore proving himself. He took the opportunity played and did his clan proud played them quick and bought a good spirit within the team, he may keep leaving the clans he creates due to the nasy comments people write about him not being able to do it and therefore making him think he can't.

He is 12/13 You need to give the lad a chance, give him a game and he will show what he has got, no one is the best when they start out but in time they grow and become good players and learn how to treat people and to act on the forums, he might "spam" but he is just trying to get a game for a clan.
Posts: 5,201
18:16 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well you give him a go
Deleted User
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18:18 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
My clan aint running til next season and if you aint read I already said previous page I am full
Posts: 5,201
18:21 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
So are we i do belive ? Anyways pinky has spoken !!

Deleted User
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18:24 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I also said doesn't have to be you lot that give him a chance just think someone should so he could show his potential and how he acts when he is playing in a clan.
Deleted User
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18:29 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:

He is 12/13 You need to give the lad a chance,

so am i and i dont feel the need to leave every clan and spam every thread
Deleted User
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18:30 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Tell you what then Mich, i'll arrange some regular matches with him, exactly the same format as the clans play. Me and Owen can play the matches (if he is up for this idea) and i will post scores on the "players waiting for clan thread". If he shows up to matches, say a couple of times a week, this will show his commitment, and also will show his skill and potential, if you believe he has some. I'd be willing to do this simply because i trust your opinion in players. That wouldn't be a trial for FPB, but it would be alike to voluntary work, it would look good on his CV for other clans
Posts: 13,570
18:36 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ok fair enough you's all have yer opinions and thats great but i really am more interested in the content of my belly button than the crap bein posted here!

if need be i'll start a thread for the topic called.......................... 'tell it to someone that gives a dam'

have had a few lol and am open to all suggestions, and obviously more than happy to have an opinion atm

sry matt if ive stepped on yer toes but this is the biggest pile of bull......worse than eastenders!!!

hope all me buddies are doin well
Deleted User
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18:39 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hippes go back to the pub!
Posts: 5,201
18:40 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
ok fair enough you's all have yer opinions and thats great but i really am more interested in the content of my belly button than the crap bein posted here!

lmaoooo hippes , so am i , is it blue ? ^^^^

Deleted User
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18:45 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Great Idea black, I will get in touch with Owen and let him know. There will be 3 players he will be having friendlies against though, me, yourself and stokie as a bit of variation is best, will give him 1 or 2 a week see what happens.
Deleted User
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18:46 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds good mate, let me know what his reaction to the idea is please.
Deleted User
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18:47 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Will do mate.
Posts: 2,106
18:47 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:
To be honest pinky Owen done awesome at his last clan as I explained up there they just fell apart as the FNL fell apart, I aint saying you should give him a try but maybe cut him some slack.

He has quit 1 or 2 clans but wouldn't you if they said you could join but can't play? And clans are about giving everyone an equal opportunity not who you see is playing the best at the time. It's meant to be a good time for everyone and because Owen maybe isn't top class people don't want him? He is a good lad and has great potential IMO.

I know he's a nice lad and hopefully in the future he gets sorted but he has had a few chances now, crazy 8's gave him a great chance and because they weren't ready to give him a game he left, not the sort of player we need at the moment, plus we have a full squad at the moment, maybe have a word with keith and see if MVP will let him have your spot in their team next season?
Deleted User
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18:47 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i wouldnt mind given him a few friendlies as i have nothing better to do or is that to many?
Deleted User
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18:51 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Depends, if he's on enough and is up for it can do. Dont want to overpower the poor lad though
Deleted User
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18:53 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have messaged him explaining the terms etc left the ball in his court, will let you know the reply when he is on tomorrow.
Posts: 19,967
18:56 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
He's 9 next month

and he has had several clans where he's left before there is a chance for him to get a game so his fault he hasn't had a chance to, including him starting a clan and just leaving it for no apparent reason

I think it may be good for him to have another go, if he can be patient and not just leave because he doesnt get a game, can't just join a top clan and expect to get a lot of games, you need to work up

He did do well in his 4 days at oceans

I wouldn't mind running an individual league for the people on the waiting list so they can all prove themselves

sorry FPB for this post
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:59 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Zak, i'd like to give you a hand with that? After all i was alike to Owen and was an unknown quantity until Rick (no_talking) gave me a chance at Bulldogs and now am sat at (my opinion ) one of the best clans on the game. So i would very much like to help you with that?
Deleted User
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19:05 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I would also help in it, I would however be limited to time but if it gives those without a clan a game or 2 to play then count me in.

Sorry Fpb for having this discussion on your thread.
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FPB (Funky Pool Buddies) II

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