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FPB (Funky Pool Buddies) II

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Deleted User
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13:28 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Listen Owen, i'm gonna give my personal opinion and say you aint good enough, for any clan.... And i dont care if that ruffles a few peoples feathers.
Deleted User
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13:28 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i will deactivate
Deleted User
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13:30 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
eveyone is being narsty to me
Posts: 38,097
13:31 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  

im not being nasty mate we are just saying you have moved around too much for people to believe you.
Deleted User
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13:31 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i will not lleave
Posts: 38,097
13:32 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
so you say but like i said you keep doing it and because you keep doing it its hard for anyone to believe you.
Deleted User
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13:43 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Must defend Owen here, He was going strong in Oceans 9 and played his games and looked to be enjoying it and wanted to stick it out.

Not his fault that clan folded because the league went a bit messed up, I don't have any space in Ut for next season but I say give the lad a try can't be all that bad he just wants to play.
Deleted User
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14:05 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And Owen, another thing you can do is STOP SPAMMING. Edit a post if you have something else to say or just remember to put it in one post... I'm not speaking for FPB, i'm speaking for myself, but i would object to him being in this clan. I'm not trying to be nasty here, i'm just being honest, i dont think he's good enough for clan play.
Deleted User
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14:13 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sorry but that last comment is disrespectful blackapple, so he might not be as good as some players but to say he isn't good enough for any clan or clan play in general is a bit harsh. On their day any player can beat any other player depending on the roll of the balls and luck etc.
Deleted User
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14:16 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yess Mich i know exactly what you mean mate, but by that i do not mean his playing skill. He is unreliable and you cant contend that. A lot of clans aren't even about skill, it's about the social aspect, and even on that parts he lets himself down by spamming multiple threads...
Deleted User
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14:34 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
All's I say is give the lad a chance, he was given a chance recently at Oceans 9 and many people can back me up in saying he was great there, very active very reliable, plus once he plays 1 game for a clan he can't move to another which will therefore mean he has to stay or he can't play in one.

It looks to me as if he has turned a new leaf in terms of reliability, not got the power to run a clan and I wouldn't advise him to do this but once he settles in a clan I think he could be a good laugh and a good lad to be around just needs the right peopl... IMO.
Deleted User
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14:38 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well like i said, i speak for myself and not FPB... no my choice whether he gets a try or not, it is Pinky's or MP's. If he has indeed "turned over a new leaf" in the reliability issue then i doubt he would have created a new clan while asking to join FPB. But i'm gonna sit out on this now, it's Pinky's and MP's choice.
Posts: 5,373
14:55 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Second set of fixtures + cup starts now - good luck everyone
Deleted User
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16:18 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged my opponent guys could be a chance i get these matches done tonight!
Posts: 2,106
16:29 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm still waiting around for gooselfc , he told ant he'd be on about 7 tonight but still no show, he said yesterday dinner he'd be on but no show, have even passed my phone number onto ant and told him give it goose so he could txt me if he came on so I could be on within 5 mins but to no avail, not much more I can do now, looking like my 1st default in 8 season's of playing clan pool

p.s. already spoke to greyhound, we are on for tuesday night
Posts: 2,106
16:35 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Bulldogs vs Funkypool Buddies
stone_henge v perfect_play
greyhound v mr_pink_eyes
cannibals v chaos_
paulshaw7 v deano75
virtuosomuch v cphaynes
roxdude v deejay
lena_rus v hippesville
no_talking v nurse

Funkypool Buddies v Most Valuable Poolers
mr_pink_eyes v alexander
blackapple v shooter001
master_p00l v mich
deejay v phased
hippesville v horse10000
im_crap_adam v destiny
nurse v daveygee
perfect_play v vi0la

Good luck all, remember to get in touch with your opponent asap
Messages will be sent out to you all aswell
Posts: 2,106
16:56 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
best_pooler said:
i will not leave if i leave i have to delete my account but i have to play games and if i am in the clan for over one season or one season and i leave i do not have to delete my account

Hi Owen

Thankyou for your interest in wanting to join this fantastic clan but think I can safely say that both me and the Capt (and most if the team) will have to decline your offer, I know your a nice lad and that but we are only inviting players of a certain standard into this clan at the moment due to us being in the 1st division and your comment which I highlighted above narked me abit, none of our players in this clan are certain of playing games nor do any of them demand that they do, they all understand selection is based on who the captain see's fit to play.
I do hope you find a clan soon and this time stick with them and possibly acheive your potential.


Edited at 21:59 Sun 22/08/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:04 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Good luck FPB!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:34 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest pinky Owen done awesome at his last clan as I explained up there they just fell apart as the FNL fell apart, I aint saying you should give him a try but maybe cut him some slack.

He has quit 1 or 2 clans but wouldn't you if they said you could join but can't play? And clans are about giving everyone an equal opportunity not who you see is playing the best at the time. It's meant to be a good time for everyone and because Owen maybe isn't top class people don't want him? He is a good lad and has great potential IMO.
Posts: 5,201
18:08 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry mich but owen has created heaps of clans and left them all in the lerch , he was given a chance with other clans and left, sure he was told he couldnt play, he had to prove himself first which is fair enough , and as for oceans 9 the clan was going for all of a week if that , that in my eyes isnt long enough to show he has true commitment.

I do wish him luck in finding a clan .
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FPB (Funky Pool Buddies) II

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