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just why do people play like that

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09:22 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Please say thats sarcasm and not ment as a serious comparison!!!
Posts: 4,447
10:06 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
houston said:
This argument doesn't hold water, same could be said about football where its within the rules to line up 11 men along the goal-line for 90 minutes to stop the opponents scoring. You have to play within the spirit of the game too.

Unfortunately, that just doesn't work (with it being a training exercise when I played for my local team). However, sticking 2 men on the posts when it's a corner, can pay dividends -- It's exactly the same for snookering, you do it when it's logical or needed. You'll never win a game by snookering alone, just like you wouldn't win a game if 11 men were on your own goal line!
Deleted User
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10:45 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
this thread has become stupid now.
Posts: 5,373
10:50 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
houston said:
This argument doesn't hold water, same could be said about football where its within the rules to line up 11 men along the goal-line for 90 minutes to stop the opponents scoring. You have to play within the spirit of the game too.

Yes it does hold water houston.

The rules for the game are clear. Whether people choose to be sporting is another matter and that is entirely voluntary and defined by opinion rather than objective rules.

Personally I don't find it the slightest unsporting to play snookers either, it's a perfectly viable, sensible and fair game strategy and has nothing to do with limited potting skills.

In general, the best players (also the best potters) are also the ones utilizing defensive play styles the most often - simply because that category player is most often those able to plan sufficiently far ahead to know when a snooker is in fact the better option (despite available balls to pot).

Most complaints about snookers come from players who think balls on the table is a hurdle that is removed by potting them. While most good players realize that your own balls is a resource, not an obstacle. (no pun intended)
Posts: 5,373
10:51 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
bobs_pride said:
this thread has become stupid now.

Well, that sure contributed to make it less so!
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11:41 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
bobs_pride said:
this thread has become stupid now.

Well, that sure contributed to make it less so!

yeah i kinda thought it was a nice touch to top it all off
Deleted User
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08:20 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
bobs_pride said:
this thread has become stupid now.

To be honest, I thought it was stupid in the first place!
Deleted User
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10:27 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
houston said:
This argument doesn't hold water, same could be said about football where its within the rules to line up 11 men along the goal-line for 90 minutes to stop the opponents scoring. You have to play within the spirit of the game too.

Unfortunately, that just doesn't work (with it being a training exercise when I played for my local team). However, sticking 2 men on the posts when it's a corner, can pay dividends -- It's exactly the same for snookering, you do it when it's logical or needed. You'll never win a game by snookering alone, just like you wouldn't win a game if 11 men were on your own goal line!

Exactly no-one has yet to win a match by snookering on this site alone. Its a fact
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10:46 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
alexander said:
sm_rat said:
houston said:
This argument doesn't hold water, same could be said about football where its within the rules to line up 11 men along the goal-line for 90 minutes to stop the opponents scoring. You have to play within the spirit of the game too.

Unfortunately, that just doesn't work (with it being a training exercise when I played for my local team). However, sticking 2 men on the posts when it's a corner, can pay dividends -- It's exactly the same for snookering, you do it when it's logical or needed. You'll never win a game by snookering alone, just like you wouldn't win a game if 11 men were on your own goal line!

Exactly no-one has yet to win a match by snookering on this site alone. Its a fact

Not fact mate
Posts: 8,939
11:23 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
One thing I always find interesting - you never see this topic come up on the snooker site..

Before anyone gets smart - a name is just a name, its all billiards at the end of the day and yet this seems to be a regular gripe with a small subsection of pool players.

Personally i enjoy nothing more than a good snooker
Deleted User
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11:37 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats because in reality snookers are a much bigger part of the game snooker hence the name.

In reality pool if you miss one shot you basically lose the match snookers dont take place.

However on here no player can runout every game and as an internet site people adapt with new and innonative techniques.
Deleted User
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11:55 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a quick question for all those who think snookers are a crime against humanity (although anyone may answer if they so desire!). What if you fluke a snooker, your opponent misses and you get a carry with an easy clear up? Are people seriously suggesting they would give up the carry on the grounds that 'snookering isn't morally acceptable'? If so let me know and I'll play you anytime
Deleted User
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11:57 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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13:59 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
__anaconda__ said:
Just a quick question for all those who think snookers are a crime against humanity (although anyone may answer if they so desire!). What if you fluke a snooker, your opponent misses and you get a carry with an easy clear up? Are people seriously suggesting they would give up the carry on the grounds that 'snookering isn't morally acceptable'? If so let me know and I'll play you anytime

Id surely throw the game if i fluked a snooker, it just wouldnt be right lol, i would have nightmares, in all seriousness this is just for people who have lost and got angry that it was over a snooker, which is part of the game, if people are making threads on this i suggest they read the rules to be honest.
Posts: 8,939
17:09 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Thats because in reality snookers are a much bigger part of the game snooker hence the name.

In reality pool if you miss one shot you basically lose the match snookers dont take place.

Have you ever watched professional 9ball?

Snookers are a fundimental part of the game!

The fact is that in Snooker, it would take an awful lot of snookers to win a game without a single bal being potted. In pool, it only takes 3, so it is natural that snookers are a big part of pool.

Indeed, for the ideas expressed in this thread to be balanced, we should be seeing the same being said about people potting to win instead of snookering..
Posts: 5,373
17:42 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
__anaconda__ said:
Just a quick question for all those who think snookers are a crime against humanity (although anyone may answer if they so desire!). What if you fluke a snooker, your opponent misses and you get a carry with an easy clear up? Are people seriously suggesting they would give up the carry on the grounds that 'snookering isn't morally acceptable'? If so let me know and I'll play you anytime

I'd might actually do that, in interest of being sporting, but not as an obligation by any means.
Deleted User
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18:34 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
snooker related question as there is no option in pool to give the shot back to the other player.

what if your opponent lagged on a shot hit no ball and left you and himself snookered, would you give it back or take on the next shot yourself?
Deleted User
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18:50 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
bobs_pride said:
snooker related question as there is no option in pool to give the shot back to the other player.

what if your opponent lagged on a shot hit no ball and left you and himself snookered, would you give it back or take on the next shot yourself?

For me it would depend how far in the game is and how likely I was to hit my ball(s).
Deleted User
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19:11 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
this happened to me earlier on today and it was almost impossible for me to hit my ball from the position of the balls.

and it was late in the game and as a result of me giving it back he missed and i cleared up.

needless to say he was not happy
Posts: 31,220
19:53 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Your opponent fouls, you can put him back in. If he left you with nothing to hit, there was no way you were gonna take the shot on. Of course you had to give it back.

Lag is nasty and we all get it, but unfortunately you can say it's a result of the player's own playing environment and therefore down to them, as it were. Same as if they were playing with a dodgy mouse; if their equipment isn't up to scratch, no-one would expect you to be sporting every time.

But that's an argument far removed from tactically snookering your opponent in pool, to which sportsmanship applies not one bit.
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just why do people play like that

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