just why do people play like that
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21:33 Fri 17 Jul 09 (BST)
There is nothing wrong with snookering, in any way, shape or form, at all.
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05:17 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
somewhere in the rules it says to use proper english so that everybody can understand. **shrugs**
and even if usa is talking about rolling up behind another ball that is a perfectly legitamate method of snookering.
its used all the time in professional snooker for example.
and even if usa is talking about rolling up behind another ball that is a perfectly legitamate method of snookering.
its used all the time in professional snooker for example.
05:40 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
I will gladly take the blame for this, i guess snookering all started with me and Bernhard back in 2002.. lol, people just kinda copied our methods after, and since it has been the 'top standard' of the poolgame and funkypool era's.
On this game (8 ball UK espeically) you wont get anywhere without a balanced playstyle, meaning snookering, high skill with snooker escapes, great weight control and very, very sound strategy.
Personally, when i was at the top of my game, no matter where i was snookered on the table i would escape, and leave the opposition player tite up behind my ball, 9/10 times i would get a carry out of my opponent snookering me. Not because they sucked, but because i practiced like a mad man to get the weight and angles down to perfection.
Shouldn't moan about a snooker, just practice escaping, work on your weight control and make sure your angles are sound and snookering is ultimately a benefit when it happens against you.
On this game (8 ball UK espeically) you wont get anywhere without a balanced playstyle, meaning snookering, high skill with snooker escapes, great weight control and very, very sound strategy.
Personally, when i was at the top of my game, no matter where i was snookered on the table i would escape, and leave the opposition player tite up behind my ball, 9/10 times i would get a carry out of my opponent snookering me. Not because they sucked, but because i practiced like a mad man to get the weight and angles down to perfection.
Shouldn't moan about a snooker, just practice escaping, work on your weight control and make sure your angles are sound and snookering is ultimately a benefit when it happens against you.
12:45 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
thats a matter of opinion m8 i understand were your coming from but it anoys me to see somebody go for a snooker than too make there shot, its like you havent got enough faith in yourrself thats what i dont get.snookering has and is being abused just to win a match knowing your person your playing outplayed you. its an excape goat in my books and no i will not and will never snooker to win a match. like i said im not here to change the rules im here because i had a question that seemed to be brought up because i just dont understand
each player to there own enjoy and gl people
each player to there own enjoy and gl people
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12:47 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
As is your whole argument.
u_s_a_rule said:
thats a matter of opinion m8
As is your whole argument.
13:23 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
Whatever would we have done without such great predecessors as yourself to set the standards for us here on FP lol. My oh my.
Hate to step on your ego, but it's kinda hard to miss: I'm afraid pool as a game (and snookering with it) started quite a few decades before you were born.
14r5 said:
I will gladly take the blame for this, i guess snookering all started with me and Bernhard back in 2002.. lol, people just kinda copied our methods after, and since it has been the 'top standard' of the poolgame and funkypool era's.
Whatever would we have done without such great predecessors as yourself to set the standards for us here on FP lol. My oh my.
Hate to step on your ego, but it's kinda hard to miss: I'm afraid pool as a game (and snookering with it) started quite a few decades before you were born.
13:31 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
That's not the case AT ALL.
The point is that skilled players aren't concerned with the shot they are currently making. They are concerned with what happens 2,3,4 up to 7 shots ahead.
For good players, balls left of the table is a resource, not an obstacle. Many newbies tend to think whoever has potted the most balls in 8 ball are the closest to winning the frame. The truth is pretty much the opposite.
In short, when you can't clear the table on the current visit, you are often better off snookering NOW, handing a difficult table to your opponent, rather than removing all your own playing-points first, giving your opponent a much easier time snookering you right back.
A closely related issue is the "blocking ball in the pocket". An opponent ball sits on the edge of a pocket, in front of one of your own balls. Pretty much any good player will pot (and foul) that ball as soon as possible, rather than to wait until you really have to. The earlier in the frame, the more chance of turning it around.
The rationale behind snookering is pretty much the same - don't pot all your own balls leaving yourself no strings to play on before handing the table over to the opponent - unless you know 100% that the table is "clearable"
u_s_a_rule said:
thats a matter of opinion m8 i understand were your coming from but it anoys me to see somebody go for a snooker than too make there shot, its like you havent got enough faith in yourrself thats what i dont get.
That's not the case AT ALL.
The point is that skilled players aren't concerned with the shot they are currently making. They are concerned with what happens 2,3,4 up to 7 shots ahead.
For good players, balls left of the table is a resource, not an obstacle. Many newbies tend to think whoever has potted the most balls in 8 ball are the closest to winning the frame. The truth is pretty much the opposite.
In short, when you can't clear the table on the current visit, you are often better off snookering NOW, handing a difficult table to your opponent, rather than removing all your own playing-points first, giving your opponent a much easier time snookering you right back.
A closely related issue is the "blocking ball in the pocket". An opponent ball sits on the edge of a pocket, in front of one of your own balls. Pretty much any good player will pot (and foul) that ball as soon as possible, rather than to wait until you really have to. The earlier in the frame, the more chance of turning it around.
The rationale behind snookering is pretty much the same - don't pot all your own balls leaving yourself no strings to play on before handing the table over to the opponent - unless you know 100% that the table is "clearable"
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13:33 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
oh jan twice oyuve beaten me to it.
Dude you talk some serious bull. Honestly by the way you talk anyone would think you were a victoria cross holder survivor of the 2 world wars.
I mean for godsake this started out in 2002/03 which means you may of been here 6/7 years. You wernt to bad a player then if I recall nothing like the standard of today but thats a differnt argument entirely.
The fact is no-one invented "snookering" on this game it is instinct people do so after playing on real pool tables. The one thing we can agree on is its part of the game and requires skill to master.
My advice is to change the record from yesterday and try mastering the game today.
Dude you talk some serious bull. Honestly by the way you talk anyone would think you were a victoria cross holder survivor of the 2 world wars.
I mean for godsake this started out in 2002/03 which means you may of been here 6/7 years. You wernt to bad a player then if I recall nothing like the standard of today but thats a differnt argument entirely.
The fact is no-one invented "snookering" on this game it is instinct people do so after playing on real pool tables. The one thing we can agree on is its part of the game and requires skill to master.
My advice is to change the record from yesterday and try mastering the game today.
13:59 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
pointless, just play your way let ENEMIES play their way, if they end up winning it worked for THEM ( your enemies ) its like you dont wanna lose? and want them to play your way? aint ever gonna happen! and this is telling me anytime i get you in a tourny to play safe just to get on your nerves
21:12 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
In a lot of cases, it's nothing to do with not having faith in yourself. Sometimes it's far wiser and more practical to claim the two shots to do real damage to you opponent rather than taking a shot that's difficult in terms of leaving you in position for the next shot (e.g. if you have only one ball left and it's well covered).
Snookering is not being abused, just used. And if your opponent really is outplaying you, he/she will beat you. "Just to win a match": it all goes back to the basic idea that if it's within the rules, it's a valid method of winning.
Fair enough, but if I was playing an opponent who had no shot on and a snooker is the correct shot, I'd be surprised if it wasn't attempted. Logically, if you can't continue your run, you will play it safe, and what safer way to play than leave your opponent with no direct line to any of his object balls.
u_s_a_rule said:
it anoys me to see somebody go for a snooker than too make there shot, its like you havent got enough faith in yourrself thats what i dont get.
In a lot of cases, it's nothing to do with not having faith in yourself. Sometimes it's far wiser and more practical to claim the two shots to do real damage to you opponent rather than taking a shot that's difficult in terms of leaving you in position for the next shot (e.g. if you have only one ball left and it's well covered).
u_s_a_rule said:
snookering has and is being abused just to win a match knowing your person your playing outplayed you.
Snookering is not being abused, just used. And if your opponent really is outplaying you, he/she will beat you. "Just to win a match": it all goes back to the basic idea that if it's within the rules, it's a valid method of winning.
u_s_a_rule said:
i will not and will never snooker to win a match.
Fair enough, but if I was playing an opponent who had no shot on and a snooker is the correct shot, I'd be surprised if it wasn't attempted. Logically, if you can't continue your run, you will play it safe, and what safer way to play than leave your opponent with no direct line to any of his object balls.
21:40 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)
I'm sure you're not aware of this (or even understand it), but what you just said directly implies that you think it's wrong for someone to play legally, within the rules of the game, with the motivation of winning the match.
Ironically, the very opposite would been true: Playing without the intention of winning a match is in fact disallowed.
u_s_a_rule said:
snookering has and is being abused just to win a match
I'm sure you're not aware of this (or even understand it), but what you just said directly implies that you think it's wrong for someone to play legally, within the rules of the game, with the motivation of winning the match.
Ironically, the very opposite would been true: Playing without the intention of winning a match is in fact disallowed.
22:50 Sun 19 Jul 09 (BST)
ok this, is the end of the line, stop your excuses and your controlling ways of thinking, im 47 years old ok, use to skip school to hit the pool halls ok, its easy to talk the talk but diffently to walk the walk. IF YOU HAVE A EASY I MEAN EASY BALL TO MAKE AND YOUR SO GOOD AT CONTROLLING THE BALL POT YOUR BALL HAVE CONTROLL OF IT AND SET UP NEXT SHOT,,, DONT SNOOKER A FELLA AND STEAL THERE GAME BECAUSE YOU FAIL OF CONTROLLING THE BALL OK SIMPLE,, EASY AND ITS POOL THKS
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02:33 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
Have you even read what others have said? Well i doubt is as clearly you are totally missing the point and just ignoring what everyone else has said.
Lets say your reds, and your opponent has 3 balls left on table and you have 2. You have a pot on but your other red is tied up by your opponent's balls, and you have no way of splitting them up, but you have a very easy snooker to play at. What would you go for? The ball then have nothing on next shot and then leave your opponent in? No you wouldn't.
Unless i have read it wrong, your talking about playing real pool and playing safe. Firstly remember we are talking about a pool site and not playing actual pool.
Secondly i know i would exactly the same, because i aint a good potter at all at real pool, so i would play safe to try and make it as easier as possible for me.
u_s_a_rule said:
ok this, is the end of the line, stop your excuses and your controlling ways of thinking
u_s_a_rule said:
Have you even read what others have said? Well i doubt is as clearly you are totally missing the point and just ignoring what everyone else has said.
Lets say your reds, and your opponent has 3 balls left on table and you have 2. You have a pot on but your other red is tied up by your opponent's balls, and you have no way of splitting them up, but you have a very easy snooker to play at. What would you go for? The ball then have nothing on next shot and then leave your opponent in? No you wouldn't.
u_s_a_rule said:
im 47 years old ok, use to skip school to hit the pool halls ok, its easy to talk the talk but diffently to walk the walk.
Unless i have read it wrong, your talking about playing real pool and playing safe. Firstly remember we are talking about a pool site and not playing actual pool.
Secondly i know i would exactly the same, because i aint a good potter at all at real pool, so i would play safe to try and make it as easier as possible for me.
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02:36 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
We have no doubt at all that you used to skip school, I think we can all tell by looking at your spelling and layout of the your argument.
But because you are complaining about snookering which is very legal, it does not mean people will stop doing it but actually quite the opposite it will give those who werent in the know about snookering a good idea to try do it more.
Snookering and positioning are 2 of the 3 vital parts of the game of pool along with the obvious potting, if you cant do 1 of the 3 it usually leaves you in a pretty bad way.
By creating this thread among other threads you have complained about snookering on, you are giving opponents an insight into how to play against you, which is a bit silly in my opinion as now they can read your play but you cant read theirs as you do not know everyone who has read this.
But because you are complaining about snookering which is very legal, it does not mean people will stop doing it but actually quite the opposite it will give those who werent in the know about snookering a good idea to try do it more.
Snookering and positioning are 2 of the 3 vital parts of the game of pool along with the obvious potting, if you cant do 1 of the 3 it usually leaves you in a pretty bad way.
By creating this thread among other threads you have complained about snookering on, you are giving opponents an insight into how to play against you, which is a bit silly in my opinion as now they can read your play but you cant read theirs as you do not know everyone who has read this.
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03:25 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
Are you saying that you have NEVER snookered anyone either online on this site or in real life??
Its purely a tactic. For some it works, but for others like me, it doesnt.
Its a bit like playing a cricket match and stacking the field to the batsman's offside - while it may be contraversial, there is nothing in the rules against it.
All I can say is that if you like playing attacking pool, well then play your attacking pool.
But you will never get to change anyone's game plan unless you can prove how it will better their game.
The other thing I can suggest is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!! If you play a game 'against yourself' on a UK table, try to get out of snookers. While it may not work for the first few goes, once you start learning your angles, then you will find it much easier to get of of snookers.
I do that a lot of the time when I am in the chat room - and I would class myself as a decent...get out player
Edited at 08:28 Mon 20/07/09 (BST)
Its purely a tactic. For some it works, but for others like me, it doesnt.
Its a bit like playing a cricket match and stacking the field to the batsman's offside - while it may be contraversial, there is nothing in the rules against it.
All I can say is that if you like playing attacking pool, well then play your attacking pool.
But you will never get to change anyone's game plan unless you can prove how it will better their game.
The other thing I can suggest is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!! If you play a game 'against yourself' on a UK table, try to get out of snookers. While it may not work for the first few goes, once you start learning your angles, then you will find it much easier to get of of snookers.
I do that a lot of the time when I am in the chat room - and I would class myself as a decent...get out player
Edited at 08:28 Mon 20/07/09 (BST)
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05:05 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
Capra excapus, discovered by Darwin on his voyage to the Galapagos. He drew this illustration:
that is some funny stuff!!!
i think this ridiculous argument about how snookering is such an unsportmanlike, downright ignorant and disgraceful thing to do should be capped now!!
one piece of advice for usa rules, never play funkysnooker, the place is full of "negative" players using disgraceful tactics such as snookering.
clooneman said:
u_s_a_rule said:
its an excape goat in my books
Capra excapus, discovered by Darwin on his voyage to the Galapagos. He drew this illustration:

that is some funny stuff!!!
i think this ridiculous argument about how snookering is such an unsportmanlike, downright ignorant and disgraceful thing to do should be capped now!!
one piece of advice for usa rules, never play funkysnooker, the place is full of "negative" players using disgraceful tactics such as snookering.
05:53 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
Pretty much sums it up.
I've been trying to explain/teach WHY you want to snooker before the point where you absolutely have to, but seems he's pretty much made up his mind and only posts to whine about it instead of improving his game.
damee said:
Have you even read what others have said? Well i doubt is as clearly you are totally missing the point and just ignoring what everyone else has said.
Pretty much sums it up.
I've been trying to explain/teach WHY you want to snooker before the point where you absolutely have to, but seems he's pretty much made up his mind and only posts to whine about it instead of improving his game.
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07:00 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
It's a common misconception that pool is just about potting. It's not, it's a game of strategy, meaning you do what you can within the rules to win. The way I look at it, a snooker is a useful way to gain the advantage when the odds are against you. Personally, I enjoy playing against snookerers because I'm good at escaping and leaving them worse off than before
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08:47 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)
This argument doesn't hold water, same could be said about football where its within the rules to line up 11 men along the goal-line for 90 minutes to stop the opponents scoring. You have to play within the spirit of the game too.
mach_3 said:
It's a common misconception that pool is just about potting. It's not, it's a game of strategy, meaning you do what you can within the rules to win.
This argument doesn't hold water, same could be said about football where its within the rules to line up 11 men along the goal-line for 90 minutes to stop the opponents scoring. You have to play within the spirit of the game too.
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just why do people play like that
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