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Cheating? I think so!

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Posts: 31,220
11:08 Tue 9 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 5,373
15:02 Tue 9 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
From the example given, it is clear that the only reason the PMs happened was to interfere with the opponent. In fact, why would anyone want to PM someone during a game when they can just say what they want to say in the game window?

They could have typed the wrong player name, really wanting to message someone else?

Obviously far fetched and less than likely, but none the less an example of a *possible* explanation we have to take into account before calling someone guilty.

clooneman said:
Maybe, I don't know, but the simple solution is to create a rule that says that taking advantage of aspects of the Funkypool messaging system in order to disrupt an opponent during a game is a no-no, and then proceed from there.

How about fixing the fact that messages can distract you in the first place? Rules and policing is not the solution as long as a minor implementation change would rule out this problem entirely.

We have thousands of users - and only one game. If you can fix the one, that kinda beats trying to fix the thousands.
Posts: 5,373
15:04 Tue 9 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  

With emphasis on the "can be" part. Note that most rules, just like this one, are subject to staff discretion from case to case.

And to repeat - don't think I don't consider this a problem. Of course it is. I just look for other, better solutions than the road of revenge.
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04:53 Wed 10 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I just had this happen to me in a tourny this morning, about to win and my opponent decided to send me a "gs" via pm as I was just taking my shot to get on the black, put me off and through he went, not very nice I got to admit plus the name calling I got off him in the first frame.

But anyway, the idea of the pm opened minimized in the task bar and flashes or something just to let you know you have a new pm would be a good idea to this problem, then you can maximise the window when convenient during the game to view the message.

Edited at 09:59 Wed 10/06/09 (BST)
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05:09 Wed 10 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Try this

I havent used it myself, I read a review on it and sounds like it would work. But i may be wrong. said:
resize your programs automatically every time they start,such as maximize,minimize,normal,minimize to tray.It also set application windows transparency,minimize them to tray,stay on top,align and resize from window system menu. Auto Window Manager automatically manages any window you specify. For instance, some web browsers open up in a non-maximized window. Using Auto Window Manager,you can set those windows to automatically maximize (minimize, normal, minimize to tray,stay on top) every time they're opened. It works with almost any program, including web browsers, Notepad, etc. Auto Window Manager stays running in the system tray, so it stays out of your way while it works

Posted Image

Like i said, i havent used it. As i dont really have the problem... Let me know if this helps though.
Posts: 5,373
05:40 Wed 10 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
If it works on one application at a time, it will do no good in this case. If you can configure it work handle each dialog within an application individually, then we're in business :)

Possibly a good alternative for those running windows - seems to be a good tool for other purposes too, not just here on FP.
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06:10 Wed 10 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
From the screenshot above it looks like it can handle multiple windows (notice the two Internet explorer windows)... So all you would do is set the popup windows to auto minimize.

I'll try it later when im home from work, and let you know if it works
Posts: 5,373
07:21 Wed 10 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
A small test with feedback would be highly appreciated. I'm using linux so I can't do it myself.

It seems it handles multiple applications of the same kind, yes, but that doesn't mean it allows you to handle multiple windows from the same process. Lame as it is, I think IE is still running each window (not each tab though) in separate processes - which makes this a whole different story than multiple windows/dialogs opened in a single java process like we're talking about in this case.
Posts: 31,220
20:04 Wed 10 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
clooneman said:
From the example given, it is clear that the only reason the PMs happened was to interfere with the opponent. In fact, why would anyone want to PM someone during a game when they can just say what they want to say in the game window?

They could have typed the wrong player name, really wanting to message someone else?

Obviously far fetched and less than likely, but none the less an example of a *possible* explanation we have to take into account before calling someone guilty.

only1aphex said:
I just had this happen to me in a tourny this morning, about to win and my opponent decided to send me a "gs" via pm as I was just taking my shot to get on the black, put me off and through he went, not very nice I got to admit plus the name calling I got off him in the first frame.

I think we have sufficient evidence here...
Posts: 5,373
04:14 Thu 11 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree that it needs to be solved, but still, even in this case, the game is the root problem, not the lame player.

We simply can't solve this by policing players. Sure, we can boot and eventually ban a few, but there will always be more.

Adding the option to have chat windows appear minimized, preferably with an option to do so in while playing games (like the current, partial ignore option), and this problem will be solved forever.
Posts: 31,220
17:47 Thu 11 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
So... if it can be proved that someone PM'ed an opponent for the sole purpose of distracting them, and especially if it resulted in illegal loss of/gain in points or tournament elimination, can/will sanctions be imposed?
Posts: 5,373
17:53 Thu 11 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
When it comes to site policy, I'll leave that for the admins.

My interpretation of the current rules is that it *can*. Which in turn means it's down to staff discretion in each case.
Deleted User
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19:34 Thu 11 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I just had one do the same to me in the quarters of the 9ball speed tournie, cheating annoying
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19:35 Thu 11 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Wish I could name and shame, but sent the log to the admin, get rid of the idiot NOW!
Posts: 5,373
00:43 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Are we interested in solving the problem or revenge?

I agree that such people deserve punishment, but at the same time it's important to be 100% clear on the fact that it solves nothing.

Remove "the idiot" now, and you have a new one tomorrow.

Again, like I've said numerous times already, it's much better to solve the root cause: PM window behaviour.
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12:22 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I was really annoyed though yesterday to be honest, no need for the abuse that I got.

Thing is, followed him to next game and the abuse continued to the next opponent. Unsure if he got any PMs however
Posts: 31,220
14:45 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Are we interested in solving the problem or revenge?

Both- people want to see action of some sort being done; no-one wants to see see anyone getting away with that sort of thing.

"Down with that sort of thing"
- Father Ted"

"Careful now"
- Father Dougal

Deleted User
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17:29 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
_kinggerard_ said:
Sorry if there is already a thread about this.

I know naming and shaming isn't really appropriate, but in this case it shouldn't be, but I will not name and shame anyways.

I was playing two US 8 Ball ranked games, and in:
Game 1: I was on the black and he PM'ed me, causing me to foul and for him to tap the black in to win;
Game 2: It was my shot and I had a few balls left in easy positions to clear up and he was on the black. Once again he PM'ed and he tapped the black in to win again.

I think that is cheating. Does anyone else?

Please, could a Moderator or Admin deal with this situation.

Thank you,

Edited at 12:48 Mon 8/06/09 (BST)

Well this could purely be coincidence, but if he purposly messaged you to put you of, this can be a form of cheating, therefore this could deserve a boot/ban, depending on how serious the Admins take this situation.

Hope i helped
Posts: 8,939
17:35 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
So... if it can be proved that someone PM'ed an opponent for the sole purpose of distracting them, and especially if it resulted in illegal loss of/gain in points or tournament elimination, can/will sanctions be imposed?

In many cases it is very clear what has been happening and in these cases actions have indeed been taken.

Just to throw out an option I've always liked - how about all PM's initially appear as invites?
Posts: 31,220
19:11 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
As in when someone PMs you, the invite button goes white and then maybe you hear a BOING! and you can then choose to open it? I like that...

An additional option as to whether this happens during a game or pop up as normal when you're idle would be nice, if your idea were to be introduced
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Cheating? I think so!

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