Resident Evil 5;
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16:51 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)
if you fully upgrade guns u can get infinite ammo for that gun
if u fully upgrade the 2 magnums u get a stronger 1 that fully upgraded deals bout 7000 damage
brilliant wit infinite ammo
wot u think of mersenary mode or new game+
if u fully upgrade the 2 magnums u get a stronger 1 that fully upgraded deals bout 7000 damage
brilliant wit infinite ammo
wot u think of mersenary mode or new game+
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19:55 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)
I just beat RE:5. I'm gonna try to beat it in under 5 hours to get the achievement. Anyone have it yet?
23:28 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)
seen as yee were on about scary parts in the games! i remember as a kid playin the first silent hill game on the PS1!! scared the hell out of me each time! that freaking radio static was sooooooooo creepy! anyone remember that one?
gonna have nightmares now reliving my traumatic childhood
gonna have nightmares now reliving my traumatic childhood
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23:41 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)
I think all the Silent Hill games are like that. I remember when Origins came out. I was playing that and freakin the hell out every time it got staticy....
08:27 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
ya true! but there was something about the first one! mabey it was the poorer graphics or the fact that i was younger playing the first but it always creeped me out especialy when playin in a dark room! *shivers*
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11:13 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
Is this an XBOX achievement?
I don't believe it's one of the PS3 trophies.
psyco05 said:
I just beat RE:5. I'm gonna try to beat it in under 5 hours to get the achievement. Anyone have it yet?
Is this an XBOX achievement?
I don't believe it's one of the PS3 trophies.
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13:23 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
007jb1 said:
wot u think of mersenary mode or new game+
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14:55 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
Yeah i got the Silent Hill Demo with the first Metal Gear Solid was really scary at the time. Dead Space is also a very freaky game. Well not so much freaky as tense.
So is the new RE any good? never really liked the others?
hipbob said:
seen as yee were on about scary parts in the games! i remember as a kid playin the first silent hill game on the PS1!! scared the hell out of me each time! that freaking radio static was sooooooooo creepy! anyone remember that one?
gonna have nightmares now reliving my traumatic childhood
gonna have nightmares now reliving my traumatic childhood
Yeah i got the Silent Hill Demo with the first Metal Gear Solid was really scary at the time. Dead Space is also a very freaky game. Well not so much freaky as tense.
So is the new RE any good? never really liked the others?
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16:08 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
Is this an XBOX achievement?
I don't believe it's one of the PS3 trophies.
rogan said:
psyco05 said:
I just beat RE:5. I'm gonna try to beat it in under 5 hours to get the achievement. Anyone have it yet?
Is this an XBOX achievement?
I don't believe it's one of the PS3 trophies.
If you beat the game in under 5 hours, you can unlock unlimited ammo for the rocket launcher.
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16:23 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
Ah thanks Katie, I thought he meant an actual trophy.
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18:09 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
I have the day off tomorrow, so I think I'll spend the whole day playing it
To make up for the time I haven't been playing it this week.
To make up for the time I haven't been playing it this week.
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18:11 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)
Wish I could. I have to play on my cousin's system.
But it's all good!
But it's all good!
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13:10 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
That battle against Wesker - in the volcano - is ridiculous!!!
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13:15 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
Want to know a sure-fire way of beating him?
(That is, if you don't already know.)
I found this out myself by accident, much to the disbelief of my brother, who'd spent around an hour battling with him
Edited at 18:18 Sun 29/03/09 (BST)
(That is, if you don't already know.)
When you and your partner are on the rock fighting him, he will use a move where a lot of tentacle things spiral around him, AS SOON AS it finishes run over to him and you will be prompted with an action button to restrain him, if you successfully hit all of the buttons a cut-scene will play in which he will die. Much easier than dealing damage to him.
I found this out myself by accident, much to the disbelief of my brother, who'd spent around an hour battling with him
Edited at 18:18 Sun 29/03/09 (BST)
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13:21 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
I already beat it, but MY GOD, that sounds so much easier!
I probably wouldn't do it, though - just because I like the challenge.
It really sucked when I beat him the first time, put the controller down, and didn't know you had to press the buttons to shoot rockets at him.
I had to do it all over then.
I probably wouldn't do it, though - just because I like the challenge.
It really sucked when I beat him the first time, put the controller down, and didn't know you had to press the buttons to shoot rockets at him.
I had to do it all over then.
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13:22 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)
Aww yeah that's the thing with Resident Evil, you can never just WATCH the cut-scenes
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Resident Evil 5;
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