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Posts: 7,324
14:20 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quite a few others have agreed that they love the high opacity cursor, and nobody I have spoken to yet has had a bad word to say about it. Those who are uncertain about it said they are gonna give it a shot for a while, see what happens, so everyone's a winner it seems, super!
Posts: 881
14:28 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
_niall_ said:
Quite a few others have agreed that they love the high opacity cursor, and nobody I have spoken to yet has had a bad word to say about it. Those who are uncertain about it said they are gonna give it a shot for a while, see what happens, so everyone's a winner it seems, super!

Apart from me...I prefered it when I was the only one on the site who could aim 9 ball rank went up 60 points and I went back to virtuoso on 8 ball (all in a day!)
Posts: 7,324
14:52 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pmsl walker, but then you had no competition, that's no fun, now you have plenty, great fun
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16:13 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Another issue: It would be great if chat height could be remembered between sessions.
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07:24 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
where did the ball on top of the power metre go???
you know the ball that shows what ball you just hit

and can it comeback nick?
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07:26 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
potpotpot said:
where did the ball on top of the power metre go???
you know the ball that shows what ball you just hit

and can it comeback nick?

You can bring it back in the options menu.

Options > Game > Show First Ball Hit

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07:27 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
potpotpot said:
where did the ball on top of the power metre go???
you know the ball that shows what ball you just hit

and can it comeback nick?

It's now in options -> game -> show first ball hit
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07:28 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks heaps
Posts: 4,751
12:50 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've just noticed that the smoother ball rolling code is not enabled yet on UK pool. I will enable it next patch.
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14:22 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nick is the new system cursor the same as the old system cursor just without the outline around it?
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16:03 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't know if these two have been put on the thread already don't have time to read through :L

when you go from 9ball to uk table you can see a line a pixel wide of the power bar from the 9ball table on the right hand side of the uk power bar.... you can get rid of it by changing the size of the chat panel for a second and then back to 1

and on 9ball after your opponent breaks you have the pushout button if you get a combination and pot the 9 the pushout button stays there when the start and cancel buttons come up.
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16:11 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey there
just had a few problems with killer
theres a group of us trying to play killer but its sayin we havnt clicked...yet we have
and its sayin theres another 13-30 people still to click lol
Posts: 1,012
18:39 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Happened to me too
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19:16 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
u could barely make a shot nick...i think you should just put the aim ow it was to normal plz m8 alot of us are complaining
Posts: 1,012
19:30 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just because a few people don't like but like 80% of the people like it....

I don't know what nick is going to do about the 20%...

So ask him yourself
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20:40 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
the old aimer is now fine
Posts: 4,751
10:00 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
OK, I've patched the system to:
1) Add smoother rolling code to UK pool
2) Fix Incorrect number in killer
3) Remove push out option when shown incorrectly
4) Pixel line shown occasionally when flicking between games
5) Better quality for the image icons
6) Fix chat window scrolling for some users (hopefully!)

Thanks to all of you who reported the problems and for your patience during this week. As far as I'm concerned (and looking at the error reports on the log) this version is already at least as stable as the last version.
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10:43 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers nick!
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12:01 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Looks great, Nick!
Posts: 396
15:07 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
can sumone please chalk my cue
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