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The spirit of the game

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16 years ago  [Link]  
Trying to have a neutral view and not let it lead to kicking off.

There are un-written rules in sport that players use. This is classed as sportsmanship (and so are many other things) and in certain sports, if a player breaks one of the un-written rules, especially on the professional front, the media and fans can go nuts and get all aggressive and personal. I dare say this is a case of that.
Now what happens is the player can get a bad name for it by victims and fans of attacking play, But they also gain a high number of fans by pulling out all the stops to compelete the task which he/she is set, winning.

Everyone has there own opinions, and if the match is two players who dis-agree with exposing the un-written rule, they will treat the un-written rule as serious as the written rules, so this problem will not occur.

Where it can be visa versa and it can lead to booing, DQ'd etc....

So I can see your point, it is not very nice, enjoyable and people can get completely dis-heartened by it, but you've got to take it on the chin, bring the problem up like you have and see if people think that this should be an official rule.

Calling people names will not work this out. Remember you can always learn and master the tactic or you can stick to your guns and try and bring this rule in for ever and a day
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
theres nothin better than a tactical match to keep you sharp
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16 years ago  [Link]  
an1h0ny said:
theres nothin better than a tactical match to keep you sharp

Maybe, but it's not necessarily the most enjoyable
Posts: 881
16 years ago  [Link]  
Good input on this thread guys..I personally don't mind a tactical match as it shows that you're playing against somebody who is thinking what they're doing rather than a hit-n-hope merchant. On the UK game I guess it's a bit different because you have an advantage as the defensive player because its easy to lay snookers when your opponent has few balls and you have many. On the US game the penalty for fouling is reduced. One way around this is to adopt world rules to the UK game (such as no free balls with your first shot of first visit and cushion contact after every shot), but I'm guessing this would prove very unpopular (with me too), so I guess you've just got to try and enjoy the games as they are.

On the subject of "the spirit of the game" I don't think tactics really come into, but people who try to put you off during the game and who swear at you when you win is a different matter.
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
sporting said:
Maybe, but it's not necessarily the most enjoyable

True enough, then again, making the opponent have an enjoyable time isn't necessarily the top priority of all players.

If a player chooses to be sporting (no pun intended), kudos to him/her, but it's important for all players to understand that sportsmanship is a 100% voluntary matter and nothing that should ever be enforced in any way.

I cynical player who plays to win and cares nothing about what his/her opponent feels about the game is entirely within his/her right to do so. The single way to deal with that is to get over it and move on, because no rule in the world is going to be able to force players to be likeable
Posts: 195
16 years ago  [Link]  
couldnt agree more, i play to win.


Edited at 18:07 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
janmb said:
because no rule in the world is going to be able to force players to be likeable

True, nothing can force anyone into being likeable.

My point was the same, just I tried to give it a balance because there are people who want there to be a rule that stops the kind of play we are on about, (alhusky for example) and because 100% of this thread is against it, there is no need for him to say "oh well, forget it" If he doesn't want this play to continue then he should persue the idea for a rule.

Experimental rules are fine, it is play like the current talking point that is usualy the for front of much debate in every sport/game, and take rugby for example, new experimental laws are brought out to see if it can enhance the games popularity etc... There is nothing wrong if funkypool followed suit, and it only will if people like alhusky speak up and mention new rules etc... Just like the rugby public did

So I dis-agree with the get over it bit, but my post was basically the same, people have the option to follow the un-official rules if they want, but it's not forced

Edited at 18:41 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 2,683
16 years ago  [Link]  
I like this guy ^^
Posts: 1,325
16 years ago  [Link]  
if i do make it to the finals and if i do finish before the other game being played, i go to the other room and all i say is winner faces me in finals, gl both

Edited at 19:23 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,223
16 years ago  [Link]  
If onua plays like that and wins everything

then why not

the guy to beat at his own game i say

Edited at 19:36 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
sporting said:
So I dis-agree with the get over it bit, but my post was basically the same, people have the option to follow the un-official rules if they want, but it's not forced

Don't misunderstand the "get over it" part... it may sound cold, but the point is that it's the best attitude to have towards playstyles you don't like - simply because those players aren't going to change because of your dislikes - on the contrary... hence, the best way to keep a good mood and a smile on your face is to make the best of it and try not to care so much.
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
janmb said:
sporting said:
So I dis-agree with the get over it bit, but my post was basically the same, people have the option to follow the un-official rules if they want, but it's not forced

Don't misunderstand the "get over it" part... it may sound cold, but the point is that it's the best attitude to have towards playstyles you don't like - simply because those players aren't going to change because of your dislikes - on the contrary... hence, the best way to keep a good mood and a smile on your face is to make the best of it and try not to care so much.

I think we are both going along different paths here, maybe.
To say get over it when someone wants a rule change just because more than say 70% don't, then it's just not fair, in my opinion.

I don't know if youfollow much sport but imagine the sports governing body saying 'get over it' They just don't do it !
If alhusky wants a rule to be implemented, I don't think that it is fair for him just to 'get over it' because alot don't agree. There is nothing wrong with him sticking to his idea, and you never know an experimental rule may be brought in.
I'm saying this because it is rules, not moving practice balls around. They are there to be fiddled with until you find the best solution, and there is nothing wrong with this site trying different rules, such as the one mentioned by alhusky to see where it leads.
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
sporting said:
To say get over it when someone wants a rule change just because more than say 70% don't, then it's just not fair, in my opinion.

I am still referring to how to react towards aspects you (in the general sense) don't like.

Discussing rule changes is another matter entirely. But some times it simply pays off better to realize they can't be changed and thus should not be allowed to be a source of frustration.

Getting frustrated over something always requires two things: Whatever you are getting frustrated over, as well as (and here is the important part) letting it get to you. The former you can't in this case do anything about - the latter you can.

Simple logic really.
Posts: 2,683
16 years ago  [Link]  
This is becoming a heated discussion between Jan and sporting kind of reminds me off Obama vs McCain
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
You should never accept that rules cannot be changed. Everything in life evolves - sometimes for the better sometimes not - if the will of enough people is there.

Keeping it to funkypoolworld - if rules were not there to evolve then we would still be playing those that were on Nick's original release of the killer game. I think everyone would agree they are better now than they were then.

Edited at 22:11 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
janmb said:

I am still referring to how to react towards aspects you (in the general sense) don't like.

Discussing rule changes is another matter entirely. But some times it simply pays off better to realize they can't be changed and thus should not be allowed to be a source of frustration.

Getting frustrated over something always requires two things: Whatever you are getting frustrated over, as well as (and here is the important part) letting it get to you. The former you can't in this case do anything about - the latter you can.

Simple logic really.

The first thing is I have no problem whatsoever with the tactics being discussed.

Why exactly can't rules be changed? And the word rule(s) have been brought up alot in this thread, so I think it is a fair place to talk about them.

I completely agree with your post about frustration, Jan and I do feel that these tactics that are in question are fine. However I also feel that experimenting new rules are also fine. A new rule has been proposed by a member, it's is not fair the completely shrug it off because it replaces a tactic currently used, It should be looked into like all proposals.

Rules change and those changes could well have some great feedback as it could lower the frustration levels of the game, which I'm sure will make some players happy and might make it more interesting.

What is wrong with experimenting rules I don't know.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
I see alhusky's point here. If you are a player who tries their best to hit their ball, and not just tap it in the middle of a pack, to have that against you can be very annoying. I think I play a bit like husky, cause I played him earlier today (or yesterday) and we both went for it, no defensiveness. So I'd guess we'd both get annoyed at this style of play, and I fully see husky's point here.

If a rule like husky's suggestion was implemented, games would probably be a lot fairer. Then again, for this to happen, the majority would need to agree, which isn't the case here.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
I think making it more fair is the wrong word there, Yoda. The game is fair now, as I mentioned earlier there is nothing stopping you playing these tactics.
It would just be a change, a change that would determine weather it will help progress the game with the style of play and mood of players etc... It could well be the biggest flop since Schevchenko but it could also work and I think it is always good be opened minded and realise things change. I.e Rules.

You have to remember also that there are many more players out there than the players who have just replied to this thread
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
You call it fair now. Would you call the tactic used in this case as fair, which is not even attempting to hit your own ball? I know there isn't any rules to stop this on Funkypool, but I wouldn't call it fair. Maybe I just like players with Sportsmanship, and prefer their style of play.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
yoda said:
You call it fair now. Would you call the tactic used in this case as fair, which is not even attempting to hit your own ball? I know there isn't any rules to stop this on Funkypool, but I wouldn't call it fair. Maybe I just like players with Sportsmanship, and prefer their style of play.

It's bad sportmanship, but it's fair. Un-fair would be your opposition having the oppurtunity to do these tactics and you not able.

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