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Deleted User
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13:51 Sun 9 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao i'm sure you was!

I would like to see more images on the homepage becuase people might think oh it don't have killer but it does!

In other words actually explaining what the site has.

Lol sorry if this doesn't make sence its a quick rush post!
Deleted User
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03:38 Mon 10 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
Make the ranking system more severe in cases where guys at the top of the rankings play ONLY the worst of the worst on the site to boost their score. For instance, don't award ANY points for a guy of above 900 ranking who wins more than say 5 games in any one day against players of a ranking below 700. Would make the whole idea of a ranking more fair and competitive rather than people taking advantage of the current system.

Where were you when I needed your support in past debates over the current 'points gathering and high score' system which serves as a ranking system in name only???!!
Deleted User
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12:11 Mon 10 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
in 9ball doesnt the player get so many pushouts during a match, so maybe that could be introduced say 1 a rack?
Posts: 881
17:26 Mon 10 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
walker666 said:
Make the ranking system more severe in cases where guys at the top of the rankings play ONLY the worst of the worst on the site to boost their score. For instance, don't award ANY points for a guy of above 900 ranking who wins more than say 5 games in any one day against players of a ranking below 700. Would make the whole idea of a ranking more fair and competitive rather than people taking advantage of the current system.

Where were you when I needed your support in past debates over the current 'points gathering and high score' system which serves as a ranking system in name only???!!

Soz mate, haven't been around the site for long. Can't really understand those that would be against this idea....well, I could think of a few ...can understand why you don't bother wih ranked much anymore. You've beaten me a few times in tourneys so would be right up there. Pah for the people that don't like a challenge
Posts: 881
18:49 Mon 10 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah there is a bunch of real losers on this site, check out my recent results to see who they are. The site has become a joke recently Muhahahahahahahaha
Deleted User
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12:36 Tue 11 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
When you get tournament results through on the screen, it would be nice for it to tell you who is through on a bye via a non attendance punishment.
Deleted User
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11:57 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Player of the month awards.

Whoever has the highest number of events in that particular calendar month wins. Or mods and admins could nominate and everyone gets a vote on the game shouts forum. I think that would be cool
Deleted User
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12:09 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah that would be a good idea.
Posts: 31,220
12:33 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
What I'd like to see is people posting what they'd like to see into separate threads. There's been some good ideas here I'm sure but with them all getting sucked into the one thread, people aren't taking any interest.
Posts: 881
14:14 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
What I'd like to see is people posting what they'd like to see into separate threads. There's been some good ideas here I'm sure but with them all getting sucked into the one thread, people aren't taking any interest.

Hey Cloone,

walker666 said:
No need for petty arguments on here. Just in future, if someone has an idea can they just stick in the below thread to make it easier.

Rather than creating yet another thread. Half the ideas people come up with are a complete waste of everyones time. Even the above thread was on the third page of topics when I was looking for it the other day. Cheers

Quoted from side by side idea thread thingy, and you know what people have actually taken notice of me

Think it makes it easier for game development for nick to just scroll through one thread with different suggestions on it rather than opening dozens of threads and getting lost. Most of the threads with new ideas on them just descend into petty squabbles between members.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:51 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
sporting said:
Player of the month awards.

Whoever has the highest number of events in that particular calendar month wins. Or mods and admins could nominate and everyone gets a vote on the game shouts forum. I think that would be cool

I like this idea,also have player of the year in each game type and overall,voted by funkypool members,would urge players to play to their best!!
Posts: 881
17:56 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
zodiac said:
sporting said:
Player of the month awards.

Whoever has the highest number of events in that particular calendar month wins. Or mods and admins could nominate and everyone gets a vote on the game shouts forum. I think that would be cool

I like this idea,also have player of the year in each game type and overall,voted by funkypool members,would urge players to play to their best!!

Yeah I must say I also like this idea man.

OK then to kick things off....the October player of the month for 9 ball is.....*drumrolls*


sweet, so is the cheque in the post mate
Deleted User
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19:38 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
There is nothing stopping us from just creating our own, but it would be messy as I doubt there would be one winner because nobody will agree!

I tried it once, but it wasn't so tidy, it was just everyone casting their opinion on who was the best at the particular game type that month. Everyone who is mentioned could be put on a shortlist for a weekend with every member having the right to vote. Just an idea for an un-official one. I'm shattered and will probably sleep till December after staying up this late so count me out for creating it

Edited at 01:40 Thu 13/11/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:15 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i do like that idea. maybe a top 10 in no particular order to stop any big rivalries and arguments happening over who is the best??

also (dont know if this has been mentioned), a fetured player. give the player some questions and put them into the monthly awards or something lol.

just pick someone at random (who had been loged in the last 7 days and be a member for say a year) and then email them some questions.

Edited at 05:16 Thu 13/11/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:02 Thu 13 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we should have like a 8 ball UK Pro game.
(same table)

1 shot if a foul happens
breaks should only be in the D
3 different balls must hit the cushion on break.
If break is illegal in any way the next player will rebreak with the same conditions.

I also would like to see mini-golf and killer tournaments!
Deleted User
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17:01 Fri 14 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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17:04 Fri 14 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
The mini-golf tournaments are a good idea. That game is fading, so tournaments would be great to give the game a boost and get its popularity back.

But then again it might not be considered by many popular enough to bring in tournaments.

It would give it an initial boost though, imo. It's also a good game enjoyed by many, along with bringing a variety to the site so would be good for it to evolve like the others.

Edited at 23:16 Fri 14/11/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:05 Sun 23 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree since killer and straight pool came in mini golf is not really big news anymore
Posts: 31,220
06:55 Mon 24 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mini golf was only there to test multi-player gaming, and eventually this potential was realised in killer.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:53 Mon 24 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have a query could u make the pm system different by having a tick box so u can delete multiple msgs at a time plzzzz


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