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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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17:14 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats what i posted hightops!


been a long day
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17:16 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
haha ok i'll let you off since you are the almighty creator of the clan league!
Posts: 10,415
17:52 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah forget bruce and evan

its all bout madmike almighty!

theres a good film in there somewhere
Posts: 10,415
19:43 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Results and previous fixtures to be played still

Funkys Finest 48-30 Uni-sex

Blockheads 50-36 Most Hated

Ultimate Alliance 29-51 Untouchables

Ultimate Alliance 39-41 Blockheads

Funkys Finest 37-27 Funkys Most Hated

_alex19933_vs crazzymadman

Uni-sex 21-41 Untouchables

_psmon_ vs smithbit

Funkys Finest 42-21 Ultimate Alliance

ex_champ vs _champ_
the_goonies 6-5 zantetsukenz (tbc)

Funkys Most Hated 21-20 Uni-sex

d0rkyduck vs walker666
pinkyloo vs pr1ncess
funky_dave vs _psmon_

Blockheads 34-37 Clan Untouchables

horse10000 5-9 smithbit
sporting vs virtuoso107
Posts: 10,415
19:45 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Blockheads vs Uni-sex

hightops vs keoghz
nathyboy vs pr1ncess
horse10000 vs arcadian
sm_rat vs _psmon_
robdut vs walker666
dahall vs weirdo_1

Funky's Finest vs Clan Untouchables

_alex19933_ vs mich_is_back
__anaconda__ vs madmiketyson
ladysapphire vs _nick87_
ex_champ vs smithbit
db1 vs king8ball1
cityfan84 vs quick_pot

Most Hated vs Ultimate Alliance

crazzymadman vs stueyy
pool_bird vs paolo84
cuequeen vs zantetsukenz
pinkyloo vs _champ_
d0rkyduck vs pro_i_am
funky_dave vs dugarry

Blockheads vs Funky's Finest

hightops vs _alex19933_
horse10000 vs bastilha
robdut vs dav3m
sm_rat vs db1
dahall vs alvinglenn
sporting vs ladysapphire

Clan Untouchables 3-0 Most Hated

mich_is_back vs crazzymadman
madmiketyson vs pool_bird
1ukeldinho vs iron_made
egotistical 3-0 _benze_ (tbc)
virtuoso107 vs geavesie
_nick87_ vs anorak

Uni-sex vs Ultimate Alliance

keoghz vs stueyy
arcadian vs paolo84
walker666 vs zantetsukenz
pr1ncess vs _champ_
_psmon_ vs pro_i_am
weirdo_1 vs deuce2

Clan Untouchables 132
Funky's Finest 127
Blockheads 125
Ultimate Alliance 89
Most Hated 84
Uni-Sex 71
Posts: 31,220
20:18 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
This looks really well put together. Nice work, mmt and the rest. I'm not partaking in this. That's not to say that I won't in the future. Maybe after I get the Irish Cup out of the way we'll see. That said, at what stage of the competition(s) are we at?
Posts: 1,102
20:29 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
First season due to finish in coming week with all fixtures been drawn now, this first season was like a test run now we have more clans and a better layout and more competitions involved too
Posts: 31,220
20:43 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
What, like divisions and stuff?
Posts: 1,102
20:57 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Well for next season, we have 2 divisions, a league for each game type as well as overall league, we have tournaments, and other fancy doo dars going on, i will get more information for you tomorrow as i am tired :) night night!
Posts: 10,415
21:00 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
2/3 divisions depending on numbers

the league for each game type is for individual players from clans. they play players from other clans mainly and earn points for their clan in an overall clan table for each game type, as well as overall.

a normal funkypool hourly tournaments counter to see which clans win the most tournys.

A knockout cup.

lots of fun things to do- like being at pre-school again
Posts: 9,456
23:33 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
Results and previous fixtures to be played still

Funkys Finest 48-30 Uni-sex

Blockheads 50-36 Most Hated

Ultimate Alliance 29-51 Untouchables

Ultimate Alliance 39-41 Blockheads

Funkys Finest 37-27 Funkys Most Hated

_alex19933_vs crazzymadman

Uni-sex 21-41 Untouchables

_psmon_ vs smithbit

Funkys Finest 42-21 Ultimate Alliance

ex_champ vs _champ_
the_goonies 6-5 zantetsukenz (tbc)

Funkys Most Hated 21-20 Uni-sex

d0rkyduck vs walker666
pinkyloo vs pr1ncess
funky_dave vs _psmon_

Blockheads 34-37 Clan Untouchables

horse10000 5-9 smithbit
sporting vs virtuoso107

Hi Mate me and Alex played games already it finished 8-7 to him

Unless this is another game i missed
Posts: 4,447
01:49 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Hang on, I'm confused over who I'm actually playing

madmiketyson said:
Blockheads vs Funky's Finest

hightops vs _alex19933_
horse10000 vs bastilha
robdut vs dav3m
sm_rat vs the_goonies
carlc vs alvinglenn
nathyboy vs ladysapphire

madmiketyson said:
Blockheads vs Funky's Finest

hightops vs _alex19933_
horse10000 vs bastilha
robdut vs dav3m
sm_rat vs db1
dahall vs alvinglenn
sporting vs ladysapphire


Edited at 06:50 Mon 8/09/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,223
02:25 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Your playing in both m8
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03:34 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
No he's not lol!! He's playing db1
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03:36 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Horse10000 5-9 smithbit

ul mate keep it up though i know you can beat the rest
Posts: 1,396
05:11 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Weirdo_1 V Deuce2

Damn User Names They Aint The Scores


US 8 Deuce 1.......Weirdo 2

Stopped Due To Burglar :-O

System:Please Use Longer Cue Strokes(possible lag detected)
Posts: 1,630
06:44 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
a normal funkypool hourly tournaments counter to see which clans win the most tournys.

How's this gonna work mate?

Like whos gonna check whos winning tournys? lol
Posts: 1,102
06:53 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Me and mike, on tournaments page it has last 25 tournament winners, and 1 of us is normally on anyway!
Posts: 638
07:02 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it would be a good help if captains posted the torneys won for there clan here.
Posts: 1,630
07:12 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
mich_is_back said:
Me and mike, on tournaments page it has last 25 tournament winners, and 1 of us is normally on anyway!

Ah yeah I forgot you could view it there
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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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