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Posts: 10,415
16:07 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
pool_life said:
madmiketyson said:
i just hope this isnt the new golf i think bringing it down to 3 people would go a long way to minimizing people forgetting about it after a few weeks

DISCLAIMER:I know people still play golf- but not like they did on the first couple of weeks

It seems to be going pretty well by the looks of things Mike. The big difference is that golf plays pretty much the same if you've mastered the holes. Killer is (Excuse the pun) a completely different ball game,

The waiting times for games have decreased pretty drastically from launch day and right now i find the longest i'm waiting is a couple of minutes, mainly for the 10 player games.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if killer became the most played game type on the site.

Hope your right be fair i havent been in game a great deal since it was launched. My post there was just to point out that 3 people was a great idea. Looks like nick agreed =D Go killer pool!
Posts: 5,373
17:17 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
arcade_fire said:
another variable that can distort them on here is the quality of the opposition that you could often (theoretically ) select to play

True enough, you could of course affect the average opposition level over time, then again I would claim that as a minor factor since you at the very least have no control over the playing order of each game - so you can't choose to always have a bad player after you.

Besides - if you COULD affect the player order, you'd be much more concerned about the player in front instead
Posts: 4,751
18:25 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
OK, I'll add this in one and a half hours. Hence the speed tourny replacing the regular one.

Edited at 23:25 Thu 26/06/08 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
18:50 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Small question about the total number of pots ranking table... What's the purpose of that one?

Unless I'm missing something, that's a table I'd like to be as low as possible on (the more pots you've made, the more games you've played and the less impressive your point score is)

I'd like to suggest adding the two following tables (and possibly just remove the Pots one):
- Points per game played
- Pot average (%)

Both those tables would say a whole lot more and at least be nice additional info.
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19:16 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think having the % in the top 50 table is a good idea, but only after something like 100 pots. otherwise you'll just get newbioes potting 3 out of 3 balls and having a 100% pot success.
Posts: 1,630
19:19 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Small question about the total number of pots ranking table... What's the purpose of that one?

Unless I'm missing something, that's a table I'd like to be as low as possible on (the more pots you've made, the more games you've played and the less impressive your point score is)

Your just saying that because your not top

Haha, well na i totally agree with changing the table to pot percentage, alot more useful information
Posts: 5,373
19:31 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
pooliver said:
I think having the % in the top 50 table is a good idea, but only after something like 100 pots. otherwise you'll just get newbioes potting 3 out of 3 balls and having a 100% pot success.

Good point. Just set a floor of 100 pots for that table (under that and your score is considered 0% for purposes of generating the table)

Very lucky (or very unlucky) players will average out their scores around their real skill pretty fast I think - probably as low as 20 would normally work just fine.

Edited at 00:34 Fri 27/06/08 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
19:31 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
stulovescat said:
Your just saying that because your not top

Posts: 4,751
19:34 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
you'll just have to wait and see!
Posts: 4,751
21:07 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
OK added, 500 turns and 50 games to get on the rankings tables.

Safety may need some refinement. If you miss it shouldn't consider you played a safety.

EDIT: I realise the profile could do with a points per game box, I'll add it.

Edited at 02:22 Fri 27/06/08 (BST)
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21:20 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
How does the computer know if you tried to pot a ball?
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22:45 Thu 26 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok i disagreed with this a while ago, but i believe that we need a ball to either be potted or hit a cusion, to consistute a legal shot, this would stop roll up shots from open play and not just off the break off.

As things stand i think that there is to much reward for the simplest of tap up shots, and it would make the game more entertaining in my view. Thoughts?
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04:43 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick, after a foul break shouldn't it be cue ball in hand?

Why should the player coming to the table be punished for the foul? At least this would give them the maximum chance of potting a ball, either that or allow them to rebreak by reracking and they then get the maximum of two shots to pot a ball?????
Deleted User
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04:55 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
well i did say this before - every shot should be a legal us8 shot or else its ball in hand
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05:27 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think there should be a option to reset killer and only killer.
Posts: 1,630
05:52 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
If a player messes up on the break after a re reck, surely the player who shot before doesn't earn a safety for that?
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06:25 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont like the way you get -200 and it rises and rise so it hard to get out of the - so a reset button would be great.
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08:44 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
warcriminal said:
Nick, after a foul break shouldn't it be cue ball in hand?

Why should the player coming to the table be punished for the foul? At least this would give them the maximum chance of potting a ball, either that or allow them to rebreak by reracking and they then get the maximum of two shots to pot a ball?????

I agree with that.

I've seen a player hitting a very weak break, the cue ball just touching the rack, which didn't move. He got 1 point penalty, and the next player had to play with the unbroken rack, and had only 1 chance to pot.

I think this scenario is very unfair: even if the 1st breaker got a penalty, the next player shouldn't get penalized.
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08:51 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Well it is now the same rules as 8 ball i think.
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08:54 Fri 27 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I won't comment
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Killer pool launched

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