Nominating the 9 ball
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01:44 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
It wouldn't have to be all the balls. You only nominate the pocket the 9 ball will go in. So a legal shot is still the same because if you have an easy 3-9 combo, then you nominate a pocket for the 9, so if you miss it but fulfill the requirements of a legal shot its your opponents turn, and if you make it in the wrong pocket the 9 ball is respotted and it is your opponents turn, with no foul.
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03:10 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
no mate, there are still many problems with that.
ok, you sink the 9 legally on a 3-9 combo, but what if the cue ball was to keep travelling onto say...the 7 ball and sink the 7?
respot it?
yes, easy enough but it just makes it harder to learn. As it is, many people struggle to get the basics of 9 ball, so then why come in and make it twice as hard to learn? how is new person going to react when they know they sunk the 9 legally but its respotted because another ball went in legally as well??
yes, its hard to keep up with my post here but your idea will work ONLY IF ALL BALLS WERE TO BE NOMINATED!
ok, you sink the 9 legally on a 3-9 combo, but what if the cue ball was to keep travelling onto say...the 7 ball and sink the 7?
respot it?
yes, easy enough but it just makes it harder to learn. As it is, many people struggle to get the basics of 9 ball, so then why come in and make it twice as hard to learn? how is new person going to react when they know they sunk the 9 legally but its respotted because another ball went in legally as well??
yes, its hard to keep up with my post here but your idea will work ONLY IF ALL BALLS WERE TO BE NOMINATED!
11:52 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
Why would two game types be a bad idea? What made the pro games die out? (was before my time)
And I completely agree it should be on all balls. It would make sense first of all, and also go a long way to avoid flukes (which funky or not, is a good way to go imo)
aflumpire said:
jan: i dont think it would be wise to have 2 seperate game types for nominating ect. They tried 'pro' games when they made the balls bigger and kept the 'pro' games in for the people who wanted the priginal funkypool/poolsharks.
sorry mate, in my opinion, it should either be all the balls or none of the balls!
sorry mate, in my opinion, it should either be all the balls or none of the balls!
Why would two game types be a bad idea? What made the pro games die out? (was before my time)
And I completely agree it should be on all balls. It would make sense first of all, and also go a long way to avoid flukes (which funky or not, is a good way to go imo)
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12:01 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
Just to kind of sum up a little. If you don't like being fluked against then don't play 9 8 ball the only fluke then would be on the black and that's a lot less likely. Flukes are part of the win some you lose some. If someone flukes against me I just say well done and get on with it.
16:16 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
Which is precisely what I and a lot of players do. It's nothing that ever said 9ball should be a lottery of luck tho
shaunbing said:
Just to kind of sum up a little. If you don't like being fluked against then don't play 9 ball...
Which is precisely what I and a lot of players do. It's nothing that ever said 9ball should be a lottery of luck tho
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18:37 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
Why would two game types be a bad idea? What made the pro games die out? (was before my time)
no one was interested in the old 8 and 9 ball pro (it was only in US format) because it was harder and everyone found it easier to play the new, easier version.
Im not syaing that people would avoid the ominating part but I think that from theis forum alone, many would play nominating version at first (like mini golf) but then people who would normally fluke a lot of shots (like me....and most people on funkypool for that matter) would end up going back to the original.
like I said, this thread should have been capped LONG AGO as I put down 3 other similar threads by just typing in 'nominating' in the search box.
i dont think that there is much more we can squeeze out of this thread....unless someone can come up with a spinner like idea (really good one)
janmb said:
Why would two game types be a bad idea? What made the pro games die out? (was before my time)
no one was interested in the old 8 and 9 ball pro (it was only in US format) because it was harder and everyone found it easier to play the new, easier version.
Im not syaing that people would avoid the ominating part but I think that from theis forum alone, many would play nominating version at first (like mini golf) but then people who would normally fluke a lot of shots (like me....and most people on funkypool for that matter) would end up going back to the original.
like I said, this thread should have been capped LONG AGO as I put down 3 other similar threads by just typing in 'nominating' in the search box.
i dont think that there is much more we can squeeze out of this thread....unless someone can come up with a spinner like idea (really good one)
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23:06 Sat 12 Apr 08 (BST)
aflumpire and monstrmac1 please stick to debating the point, personal attacks will only lead to the removal of your posting abilities!
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04:09 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
yes, very good point and that is my opinion on this matter. I was in a 9 ball tournament when I fluked the 3 and 7 ball....they guy started complaining but he got a couple back on me.
very good point.
shaunbing said:
Just to kind of sum up a little. If you don't like being fluked against then don't play 9 ball... Flukes are part of the win some you lose some. If someone flukes against me I just say well done and get on with it.
yes, very good point and that is my opinion on this matter. I was in a 9 ball tournament when I fluked the 3 and 7 ball....they guy started complaining but he got a couple back on me.
very good point.
06:10 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
The next time you ask for a thread to be capped I am quite possibly gonna have to do something ugly to you lol.
More seriously tho, lay off the cap-mania already, there's no amount of traffic on this board that suggests on-topic debates like this thread being a problem. If people wanna debate something debated before, let them. You always have the option to not read or post of you don't take an interest.
Back on topic. Yes, the nominating version might very well turn out to be less than a success, but so what? There's no consequence to it, so no reason to not give it a try either. Worst case, you end up with a dead game type you can remove later
aflumpire said:
like I said, this thread should have been capped LONG AGO as I put down 3 other similar threads by just typing in 'nominating' in the search box.
i dont think that there is much more we can squeeze out of this thread....unless someone can come up with a spinner like idea (really good one)
i dont think that there is much more we can squeeze out of this thread....unless someone can come up with a spinner like idea (really good one)
The next time you ask for a thread to be capped I am quite possibly gonna have to do something ugly to you lol.
More seriously tho, lay off the cap-mania already, there's no amount of traffic on this board that suggests on-topic debates like this thread being a problem. If people wanna debate something debated before, let them. You always have the option to not read or post of you don't take an interest.
Back on topic. Yes, the nominating version might very well turn out to be less than a success, but so what? There's no consequence to it, so no reason to not give it a try either. Worst case, you end up with a dead game type you can remove later
06:44 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
I love you
janmb said:
The next time you ask for a thread to be capped I am quite possibly gonna have to do something ugly to you lol.
More seriously tho, lay off the cap-mania already, there's no amount of traffic on this board that suggests on-topic debates like this thread being a problem. If people wanna debate something debated before, let them. You always have the option to not read or post of you don't take an interest.
More seriously tho, lay off the cap-mania already, there's no amount of traffic on this board that suggests on-topic debates like this thread being a problem. If people wanna debate something debated before, let them. You always have the option to not read or post of you don't take an interest.
I love you
12:43 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
Why would two game types be a bad idea? What made the pro games die out? (was before my time)
And I completely agree it should be on all balls. It would make sense first of all, and also go a long way to avoid flukes (which funky or not, is a good way to go imo)
The Pro games were the original designs used for the US games, based on real life dimensions. he current games were introduced as a trial and proved extremely popular, so much so that the old (then called pro) games died out.
Regarding nominating, if it were introduced, it would be in line with real life rules. There's no reason to be different and it would only confuse those who play real pool.
The idea of a simulation game is one i have mentioned a few times.
Fuller rules (nominating etc), a 3D game engine to take account of english when next to balls/cushions, more real dimensions etc.
However, this would require a big enough userbase to be successful - and move away from what has made funkypool/snooker a success to begin with, the gameplay.
janmb said:
Why would two game types be a bad idea? What made the pro games die out? (was before my time)
And I completely agree it should be on all balls. It would make sense first of all, and also go a long way to avoid flukes (which funky or not, is a good way to go imo)
The Pro games were the original designs used for the US games, based on real life dimensions. he current games were introduced as a trial and proved extremely popular, so much so that the old (then called pro) games died out.
Regarding nominating, if it were introduced, it would be in line with real life rules. There's no reason to be different and it would only confuse those who play real pool.
The idea of a simulation game is one i have mentioned a few times.
Fuller rules (nominating etc), a 3D game engine to take account of english when next to balls/cushions, more real dimensions etc.
However, this would require a big enough userbase to be successful - and move away from what has made funkypool/snooker a success to begin with, the gameplay.
13:22 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
umm the way we call pockets for 9 ball in the us, atleast around here is, every other ball is free until you get to the 9 you have to call the pocket.. but lets say it comes to where you want to make a 4-9 combo you would have to call it and if you miss, and hit another ball into the pocket, then the ball is respotted on the table and its considered a foul.. quite simple really.. im all for calling pockets, brings a little more fun into the game at times i just find myself randomly hitting balls around the table
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13:29 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
yes, very good point and that is my opinion on this matter. I was in a 9 ball tournament when I fluked the 3 and 7 ball....they guy started complaining but he got a couple back on me.
very good point.
Pretty much what I said
I dont think it would bring fun. It would be more serious!
aflumpire said:
shaunbing said:
Just to kind of sum up a little. If you don't like being fluked against then don't play 9 ball... Flukes are part of the win some you lose some. If someone flukes against me I just say well done and get on with it.
yes, very good point and that is my opinion on this matter. I was in a 9 ball tournament when I fluked the 3 and 7 ball....they guy started complaining but he got a couple back on me.
very good point.
Pretty much what I said
misterchyme said:
im all for calling pockets, brings a little more fun into the game
I dont think it would bring fun. It would be more serious!
14:05 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
it adds another aspect to the game we have all played so much, and some of us would like a little variety. there could always be an option when you go to set up a game if called pockets are on or not..
16:12 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
I 100% agree with you there mate well said
aflumpire said:
*yawn* cap this please....
been discussed time and again.
just to name a few.....
and every time this comes up, I always disagree because why nominate a hole?? If they fluke it, good for them. Maybe you shouldnt have played him 7 times!!
I dont like the idea....never have, and it will take a very good debater to get me to change my mind on it.
There is some good....but I dont see why we should change. I would rather see things like moving the balls manualy on the practice table and spinners idea of randomly been placed into a game....those ideas that change the site, not just a game.
Edited at 09:57 Fri 11/04/08 (BST)
been discussed time and again.
just to name a few.....
and every time this comes up, I always disagree because why nominate a hole?? If they fluke it, good for them. Maybe you shouldnt have played him 7 times!!
I dont like the idea....never have, and it will take a very good debater to get me to change my mind on it.
There is some good....but I dont see why we should change. I would rather see things like moving the balls manualy on the practice table and spinners idea of randomly been placed into a game....those ideas that change the site, not just a game.
Edited at 09:57 Fri 11/04/08 (BST)
I 100% agree with you there mate well said
16:14 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
so what about when you break of, you can't nominate the 9ball then?
Edited at 21:16 Sun 13/04/08 (BST)
Edited at 21:16 Sun 13/04/08 (BST)
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18:16 Sun 13 Apr 08 (BST)
yeah, what does happen on the break? is it...every hole nominated lol??
i still stand by my original points though
pool_fool said:
so what about when you break of, you can't nominate the 9ball then?
yeah, what does happen on the break? is it...every hole nominated lol??
i still stand by my original points though
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Nominating the 9 ball
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