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Please...(selecting rank of opponents in games)

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Deleted User
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10:18 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can we have a feature which only allows certain ranks to enter our room. When making a game, i'd like to be able to select 800-900 or 800-850 etc.

I make a room saying 800 plus and i'm fed up with 750's coming in saying 'Why dont you play me, scared to lose' when the simple fact is I just want a game with decent players which would benefit my rank.
Posts: 10,415
10:24 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please............. use the search forum option before starting a new thread that is exactly the same as about 50 other threads.

This must be the most wanted thing in the history of funkypool judging by the amount of times people start threads askin 4 it, so hopefully it will be introduced soon
Posts: 5,223
10:25 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
You know what to do.
Posts: 10,415
10:27 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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10:27 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets just not let newbies or lower 700/600 players not play pros or virts at all!!

Sends out wrong message entirely.
Posts: 10,415
10:28 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
colins said:
Lets just not let newbies or lower 700/600 players not play pros or virts at all!!

Sends out wrong message entirely.

huh? elaborate on that post?

Sarcasm or actual thoughts?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:31 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
riseagainst said:
Can we have a feature which only allows certain ranks to enter our room. When making a game, i'd like to be able to select 800-900 or 800-850 etc.

I make a room saying 800 plus and i'm fed up with 750's coming in saying 'Why dont you play me, scared to lose' when the simple fact is I just want a game with decent players which would benefit my rank.

I like the idea...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:33 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
do you know what really makes me laugh.
WE WAS ALL NEWBIES ONCE, give them a break they only want to play pool like the rest of us
Posts: 5,223
10:34 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 10,415
10:35 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
adidas said:
do you know what really makes me laugh.
WE WAS ALL NEWBIES ONCE, give them a break they only want to play pool like the rest of us

??? kev? noone mentioned newbies (cept colins and i think he was bein ironic) lol the example given was a 750 rank.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:44 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
yea sorry my mistake, but not all 750 players are bad, lower ranked players on here get better by playing higher ranked players they watch and learn some of the skill you 850 plus players have. if your that good and happen to loose a game against a 750 how long would it take you to recover the lost points,,, hmmmm let me see
Posts: 8,940
13:44 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Isn't it funny - a couple of years ago people were trying to keep me away from these threads instead of drawing my attention to them

Yes, this has been mentioned many many times, easily the most common subject on the queries forum and indeed was the subject of the oldest post on the forum at one time.

There is nothing wrong with fresh debate at any time, however this one almost always boils down to the same thing so lets get that out of the way :

Restricting access for any full member will detract from the game experience, and despite this cropping up regularly it usually only has a few supporters.

The commonly reached compromise is to have the room occupants rank displayed when selecting a game.

That lets the picky people be picky about their opponents rank, and the others play as normal.

However - i will always encourage you to play everyone. The ranking system is carefully designed to operate this way and balance out over time.

Before somene mentions "fake newbies" - remember the newbie adjustment means that the amount a high ranked player loses to a newbie is minimal (and less than if playing someone of equal rank). By the time the newbie adjustment is down to 10% or so, most reset players ranks are well over the 800 level anyway so it becomes a moot point.

Take time to read the ranking explaination pages, and to really understand how it works overall, not just on a game-per-game basis. You will realise the time and hassle spent finding the ideal opponent can be spent having much more fun playing whoever comes along
Posts: 230
16:22 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Now that's an explanation... If i've seen one!
Posts: 8,940
16:24 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can you tell i've seen this topic before?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:42 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funny how I've been reading the same threads for around 5 years. Funny, and a little sad.
Posts: 1,977
16:45 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
well said spinner!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:47 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ooo High_tops. I need to play you for that league thingy, not sure whether games are ranked or what games we need to play or what the rules are etc. I don't like to read stuff...
Deleted User
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19:15 Tue 8 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
dr35d3n said:
Funny how I've been reading the same threads for around 5 years. Funny, and a little sad.

lol.i have seen them forever that I have ben a member as well.

isnt this cappable spinner??
Posts: 230
12:22 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
It seems to be sliding off topic anyway, so I wouldnt be suprised
Posts: 8,940
12:33 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
There's no need to cap since its been a while since the subject came up. Who knows when a new idea might come out of nowhere
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Please...(selecting rank of opponents in games)

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