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Tips For Newbies

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07:47 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey everyone..further to a little discussion, this post is here to encourage newbies to play and teach them the tricks of the trade!
If you disagree with someone elses post, post your alternative method rather than a criticism..
Deleted User
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07:47 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done to nutter who Ive quoted below, some great advice.
If newbies have game questions there are plenty of advanced users who'd love to have to ask though! and if you get someone who doesnt want to help just move on and find someone else!
Deleted User
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07:49 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
From Nutta:
If you know your going to lose just put your ball on the pocket and when its open to win. go for it

All ways look what ball your going for and what ball after that so set it up

Always take your time to line up the shot

Don't keep hiting the ball full power

Use back spin, forwed spin and side spin

Keep trying

Don't give up

Practice all your weak shots on the practice table

When facing a player that plays fast slow the game down

Figure out your opponents weaknesses

When facing a slow paced player play really fast and they will give way
When playing a good player eg topshot,guess_who etc your best way off winning is to snooker whenever possible and wait for a carry, then clear
Playing hundred's of games will not make you a better player! practising you weaknesses on the practise table for half hour or so every day does!
Deleted User
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07:49 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
If you have carry, don't be afraid to pot the opponents ball to get a better position on your colours!
(remember, you can only do it for the first shot after you recieve carry)
If you are struggling, like playing against someone very fast pace. use snookers and position your balls over pockets or rest on their balls to slow the game down and make them play at your pace.
Eventually they will crack and most likly make mistakes that will hand you the game.
Dont keep blastin the balls all the time cause it dont always work. and with funkysnooker they go in better if you hit them soft.
On the practice table, play a game against yourself. break and play until a ball goes in, and then remember whose turn it is; "red you" or "yellow you" it's the best way of bringing up situations that will really come up, and if you play enough games against yourself, you will practice all your weaker shots.
Deleted User
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07:50 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Its also good to try trick shots aswell.cause you never know when your gonna be snookered
If you cant pot also try to snooker them.

All above thanks to nutta in the thread below:
Deleted User
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07:51 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
one litttle tip I'd likeo add: practice trying to put the white in off (ie into the pocket) on everyshot while on the practice'll learn fantastic things about spin and more importantly...if you know how to put it should be able to keep it out!
I find some newbies can be great potters they just lose every game by hitting too hard and fouling.
Deleted User
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08:27 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Some really good tips there nutta nice one.Ill add few more myself,first is to believe your gona win before all your games it will help ya,.......,2ndly dont be afraid to ask questions because theres a lot of people online who will help you,but most of all Dont take the game too serious meaning have fun while your playin,thats what its all about.

-Thats thanks to topshot
Posts: 8,940
14:11 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a quick note to say excellent thread Magicblack. Nice to see someone else who practices in-offs!
Deleted User
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14:24 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
y would you wanna practice in-offs? i pracice to avoid a in-off
Posts: 8,940
14:31 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well you need more precision to pot in-off, so practising that builds the skill to use avoiding them in play (though personally i cant resist a good in-off!)

Also, its te nearest we can get to billiards ATM
Deleted User
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14:39 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Here are my tips:

- No matter who you're up against, play your own game. Even if your opponent is a newbie or a virtuoso, stick to your gameplan. Don't start playing in a way you're not used to.

- if you feel like you're playing worse than usual, don't worry. Happens to us all.

- Play to enjoy, not to win.
Posted by dan_cliv (or somethin!)
Deleted User
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15:02 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
^ posted by meeeee
Deleted User
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15:03 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
soz dan I didnt spell your name right!
Deleted User
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15:04 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
no probs, hope the tips help!

Edited at 20:04 Wed 10/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:46 Wed 10 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
nice thread magic ... one question ... Whats wiv all your posts !! i loked at it and thoht it was just you lol Nice tips though
Deleted User
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04:00 Thu 11 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
They're not myn Im afraid, I copied and pasted them from the other newbie thread, hope I referenced them ok. Have you anything to add force?
Everyone has some trade secrets!
Thats the thread they came from, while we were dicussing tactics!
Posts: 2,056
15:04 Fri 12 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
how can you pot the black off the break????
Deleted User
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08:09 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ok i'll put my nice hat on.

1. You have to learn to miss. Sounds easy. For example if you have three balls in a cluster, two are yours one is opponents. Your balls are covering opponents so he cant pot it. You have the advantage in the game. Dont go clearing all your balls up to look flash. Miss a few on purpose, or tap them over pockets. When your opponent clears his up, then he is faced with the prospect of having to smash the cluster up, which 90% of the time should work in your favour. Then you clear up/snooker (as you have balls left easy to snooker) to win the game.

This is the best tip you can have. Trust me.

Edited at 13:10 Sat 13/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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08:10 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
2. Dont get over-awed by anyone on here. The best can appear to play quick and make it look easy. The best still make mistakes though, not often but it happens. You will get generally two chances in a game against the very best unless they are on top form. Just remember if they pot 6 balls straight off the mistakes will come, maybe only one but it'll happen. If you think about your game you can take advantage and snooker them. Dont get frustrated thinking they will thrash you.

*takes nice hat off, for now*
Deleted User
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08:44 Sat 13 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol fair play phillipe that is actually fantastic advice, Im takin notes on it!

Golden break: Ill try and get one of the pros to post. Ill ask milkykev. In the meantime, a LOT of practise. You really need to watch someone do it though its hard to describe.
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