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Tips For Newbies

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Deleted User
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19:53 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I was just flicking through old threads, notice how I never got a golden break pro to share the wealth!
common knowledge now anyway I suppose.

After a few months has anyone found more revolutionary ways of playing the game?
Deleted User
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20:49 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hit and hope
Posts: 3,764
20:54 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep, a well used classic!

I use it myself on a regular basis, although I tend to hope before I hit!
Deleted User
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20:57 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we all revert to it eventually
Anything with a little more structure would be welcomed
Posts: 3,764
21:04 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  

Always remember to chalk your cue, and never ever smoke over the table!

Is that what you mean by more structure?
Deleted User
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22:50 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
just keep at it play the pro's at friendlies and eventually it will all click into place do not play ranked games until u have played a range of ppl as its hard to get yout rank back up. Get to grips with the spinner on the practise table and bring it into ur game slowly as it never ceases to screw up your game at some point.

If all else fails give the balls a good pelt with ur cue and hope for the best
Deleted User
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23:36 Sat 5 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I find just knowing where the white is going to go is the most important factor for a good player. For a good break you need to spin the white into any clusters and open them up, if nothing will go play a safe, slide it behind you own and wait for another shot. sometimes missing on purpose is effective, a ball over a pocket, or indeed any easily potted ball can be an advantage as it gives you another oppurtunity to open up a cluster.
My general rule is that if I know I cant clear, I won't pot, thats a little extreme though, a tactic only used where potting the balls is straightfoward and long term tactics are on the mind.
as everyone says, enjoy it, but we all know, winning is enjoyable. As a noe of encouragement, when I started off, I went down to 625, a fairly dismall rank, I slowly climbed back up from there, never contemplated a delete and restart.
you'll most likely never be the best, (considering theres three games and snooker) thats the great thing, always a challenge.
Deleted User
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05:12 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
A good tip ... put the balls in the holes worked for me
Deleted User
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05:26 Sun 6 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
You make that sound so easy tom .
Deleted User
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11:52 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice to see that my tips are still being used

Its not all about the shots you take any more, its about tactics!

A few tactics here:

Pot 1 or 2 balls, then go for a snooker, keep snookering every time its your shot and when they have 1 or 2 balls left snooker them again and make sure its not an easy 1, then when they miss try your best to clear up! if you can not clear up go for an extra snooker, then clear up when they miss.
Deleted User
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11:52 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
If its your break go for a little break don't break it up so much, just so the balls are touching. if your yellow for an e.g. put your yellow on the black so its hard to pot the black for that other person, so let them clear up but make sure you have a few yellows around the black and when they want to pot the black its going to be hard for them so they will most probly smash the balls up or 'foul', so just try to pot all the balls you can, if you cant do that put a yellow on the black again or just snooker.

hope these help!

Edited at 16:56 Mon 7/08/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:52 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Play the people who've been playing for over a year and have made it to proffessional or have played over 5000 games. Pick up on they're shot choices and tactics, play like them.

It's what I did anyway, so its not the best plan of action but worth a shot
Deleted User
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13:06 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Tip: Practice makes perfect.
Deleted User
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13:09 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol, squeezy. i was doing that to you when i was lambertz haha
Posts: 8,940
19:24 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Another thing that can be useful for newbies, is to open your mouse settings and slow the reaction time down (different drivers work different ways but most offer this function)

This makes cue control and positioning a little more forgiving..
Deleted User
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21:28 Mon 7 Aug 06 (BST)  [Link]  
My Tip:
Note: Many people forget this:
The main important thing about Funkypool is the element of fun, you cant have fun if your slapping yourself every time you miss an easy red into the middle pocket. Try and practice these shots. Also my tip is to play people who are higher ranked than you as you can learn a lot about the game from the way they play and in turn if you do happen to beat them it boosts your confidence.

Dont be shy, open yourself up and dont forget to participate within the chat rooms. This will make you feel more welcome every time you sign in and can also give you a break when you are losing, knowing that you have some one in the chat room always helps.

Edited at 02:44 Tue 8/08/06 (BST)
Posts: 4,347
09:09 Wed 13 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Here you go Tricky 2 - loads of tips on this thread.
Deleted User
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11:28 Wed 13 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
omg so many cheats on here who just dont wanna play the game!! Why would you wanna brake the balls up as little as possible! SAD! Have fun and play the best to learn from them!! It takes time to get good, but you get there in the end!
Deleted User
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11:47 Wed 13 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Loose to me! lol! Watch the good players and play as many tournys as possible as you get to play a range!
Deleted User
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12:26 Wed 13 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
TIP = try to play pros if they dare play you... if you play pros and watch carefully you will learn how they play and can mimick ther play in future games.... so you will steadily improve thats how i did it
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