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Posts: 1,357
02:19 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
vixen_xox 4 vs 2 stellafella


I snookered him in the first game and while he was trying to get out of it his ball hit mine and went in but I hit a pretty brazen fluke in 9ball so it was pretty evened out. He went in off in the last game too unfortunately on his last ball.


Pretty even games overall, neither played spectacularly.

ggs Tom.

DeeDee!!! Great win!! And i heard klien bought a ticket and watched Where was my invite guys??!! 2 on 1 isn't fair !! Good win under pressure!
hope everyone laughs as much as me!

Lol thank you, I didn't mind, it was nice to have someone to say gg wp to and gl to since Tom's muted.. And how did you know?? Stalker

Ash told me ...
Posts: 2,327
02:21 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh lord.

Btw northy and naaaaath have arranged for tomorrow.

Great to see these games getting played guys, if anyone has any issues with times/arrangements please let me, James or Noob know as it's a very short deadline.
Posts: 404
04:45 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks, James.

Oh and silent_phil, regarding your offline message, I wasn't playing pool while "my son was sick" because I wasn't even home, hence why I had to message James telling him I wouldn't be home. So get a grip, dear.

I'm not sure why I'm surprised you've decided to get personal, it's not like enough people didn't warn me what a disgusting little tool you are

But was he recently ill? During these past few weeks? Well how am i going to know that. If only you an james knew he was ill. Because you were online and in the server telling everyone your son was ill. I wasn't even online at the time. But my mate told me what you said. I mean if theres no logic to what i've just said. How would i even know you had a son?! Point proven.
Posts: 2,062
05:04 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL vs Phil

8us asd(2) phil(0). 9ball asd(1) phil(1). 8uk asd(2) phil(0)

v ul early on, with some scrappy games of 8uk. ggs wp gl.

Boom nice one bud!!
Posts: 2,062
05:05 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And dee too.
Posts: 2,327
05:41 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks, James.

Oh and silent_phil, regarding your offline message, I wasn't playing pool while "my son was sick" because I wasn't even home, hence why I had to message James telling him I wouldn't be home. So get a grip, dear.

But was he recently ill? During these past few weeks? Well how am i going to know that. If only you an james knew he was ill. Because you were online and in the server telling everyone your son was ill. I wasn't even online at the time. But my mate told me what you said. I mean if theres no logic to what i've just said. How would i even know you had a son?! Point proven.

How on earth is it 'logic' that you know I had a son, just because I posted that I did. o_0

I had the week off work when he was getting better and logged in twice to actually play, both times after 10pm, unless i'm expected to watch him sleep incase he turns over. I never play during the day, I work unlike some.

You're butthurt because I queried whether you were eligible to play, which was common sense since we got screwed over earlier in the season with a game that had to be replayed, it had nothing personal to do with you whatsoever.

If you wanna question 'motherly intent' i'd speak to your own because some of the things you say to people is beyond normal thought range
Posts: 2,327
06:03 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You can't really tell me to go and stalk women on facebook and insult their kids without proof really can you?

If i wanted to insult anyone and their family. You'd be the first since day 1. Playing pool whilst your son is ill.

Mum of the year award literally!
Sent about 5 hours ago

And I need proof to know you were insulting itsa_miracles sick child on facebook, but you can go off of what your 'mate' said and it's golden? <rolls eyes>
Posts: 404
12:00 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You can't really tell me to go and stalk women on facebook and insult their kids without proof really can you?

If i wanted to insult anyone and their family. You'd be the first since day 1. Playing pool whilst your son is ill.

Mum of the year award literally!
Sent about 5 hours ago

And I need proof to know you were insulting itsa_miracles sick child on facebook, but you can go off of what your 'mate' said and it's golden? <rolls eyes>

Posts: 38,097
15:28 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
i see klien posted, but yes he had messaged asking if he could move him to the other team as he hadnt played any games for either which i allowed as others have done similar if no games have been played. If a game had been played it would not have been allowed
Sent about 12 hours ago
And in play offs it is unlimited subs swaps, short deadlines so the removal is not required
Sent about 12 hours ago
ok cheers. would have been nice for him to notify us beforehand though as most people like us would assume Phil was in Team A
Sent about a minute ago

^ So seems if a player hasn't played a game for that clan all season, you can play your first match for either team. Thanks for clarification Keith and as said had we had notification then none of this would have happened. I know for the future though.

Hopefully it can stop the arguing now and move on.


And Ash's Sub stands as i mailed Keith to make sure that 2pac didn't have to be removed as with situation above i wasn't sure so asked Keith directly. It is a legitimate reason which i won't go into so i won't contest it.

Good Luck Trats mate
Posts: 38,097
15:30 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season XI
2 of each (Bonus for GB/RO)

Dragon Flame A vs Phoenix A
allypunk vs legend_pot
lolumadbro vs snowden
dvz vs rapid_pot
__start__ vs mich

Dragon Flame B 11 vs 7 Funky Pool Devils B
dgeneratio 2 vs 4 ric_flair
asdfghjk 5 vs 1 silent_phil
vixen_xox 4 vs 2 _stellafella
northman vs naaaaaaaaath

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 23rd October 2016
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:00 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And Ash's Sub stands as i mailed Keith to make sure that 2pac didn't have to be removed as with situation above i wasn't sure so asked Keith directly. It is a legitimate reason which i won't go into so i won't contest it.

There was everyone thinking Dee was Captain of this team and that you are preparing to remove yourself from the clan scene as you have told this forum about 50 times. It seems you are neck deep in clan issues for somebody 'done with clans', especially when everyone knows you WILL 100% play next season and everyone is just waiting for the post where you explain how 'Dee asked me to stay one more season'...


There was no need for you to question the swap. Ash explained the score with 2pac clearly. The issue lies with you and your continued 'beef' with Ash, which you want everyone to know about at every given opportunity to the point of messing with fixtures. You and your team seem to be at the centre of most arguments these days. A 27 year old man and a woman in her late 30's acting like 14 year olds over a bloody pool game FFS.

You will play next season!

You will be on more regardless of posting daily your gaming habits and times along with an explanation of why you won't be around!

Change the record mate. It's boring.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:13 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Your life must be even more boring.....
Posts: 38,097
16:15 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Actually, in previous games you had to sub to remove a player so while the reason were noble if he had to remove 2pac then the sub wouldn't be allowed as he would have to remove 2pac first.

I checked with Keith on the above basis and turns out you don't have to with short deadlines so i didn't question it.

It has nothing to do with my beef with him, i'm trying not to fight with him and only time i have lately was the defaulted clan match which i had a right to do.

It doesn't hurt to check if you're not sure of something.

Now go back to stealthing on different accounts instead of serving your ban like a normal person.

And obsessing over me as usual.

Change the record mate. It's boring.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:37 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Why not tell everyone your angel times again James? We missed them the first 1000 times Add your tank times whilst you're there

Don't forget to add that you are done this season for the 500th time,

The funny thing is nobody from the team ever replies!

Posted Image
Posts: 3,072
16:44 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
the '12' watch? a little older no?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:58 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
the '12' watch? a little older no?

Says the guy that can't handle his beer and likes to regularly post sexual content on a 'family site' when he's had a couple of tins

The mods must have missed that one
Posts: 3,072
17:02 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 3,072
17:10 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
i liked that one 1st time ive seen it
Posts: 2,588
17:12 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sorry but how can you even consider yourself a runner (pool or snooker) without knowing that a player isn't team tied until he has actually played a game for that team. Like seriously. No clarification should be needed, just know for future that I know the pool rules and would never cheat or try and get around them.

Matter over.
Posts: 3,072
17:14 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
12 yr olds included in the family site m8?

Edited at 14:19 Sun 16/10/16 (BST)
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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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