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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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Posts: 38,097
15:07 Mon 12 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
New Thread so old one can be spammed off.

i'll let someone else bring fixtures over though as pages to go through lol.
Posts: 38,097
15:08 Mon 12 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  

dvz 2 vs 0 mich (9-6)
__start__ 2 vs 0 2pac786 (8-7)

SL (4 of each bonus for events)
_epicshot_ 0 vs 2 rapid_pot (4-9)
dgeneratio vs legend pot (4-10)

FBL types
US8 don_mega 0 vs 2 joeyy (3-6)
US9 matttt 2 vs 0 moore6cc (7-4)
UK8 allypunk vs andyw1 (10 frames first to 6 or 5-5 draw) - Joey on Standby
STR8 i_am_noob 0 vs 2 dead_silence (0-3)

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on Sunday 18th September 2016.

Posts: 38,097
Posts: 38,097
14:07 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL (8 frames of your type, 2 of Straight)

Funky Pool Devils A 2 vs 4 Dragon Flame A

8US: crazy_greg 2 vs 0 lolumadbro (5-0)
9US: triple_b 0 vs 2 i_am_noob (3-5)
8UK: klien 0 vs 2 __start__ (3-5)
STR: whocares8x8 vs dvz

Dragon Flame A 2 vs 2 Phoenix B

8US: lolumadbro 2 vs 0 kirk (5-0)
9US: allypunk vs davyb0207
8UK: __start__ 0 vs 2 andyw1 (0-5)
STR: dvz vs dead_silence

Dragon Flame A 0 vs 2 Black Scorpions A

8US: __start__ vs the__priest
9US: allypunk vs slimeball
8UK: _epicshot_ 0 vs 2 bigcjl2 (3-5)
STR: dvz vs mighty_zeus

Dragon Flame A 6 vs 2 Black Scorpions B

8US: _epicshot_ 0 vs 2 veyron (2-5)
9US: i_am_noob 2 vs 0 drewdt3 (5-1)
8UK:: _takeiteasy_ 2 vs 0 mufc_man (5-3)
STR: lolumadbro 2 vs 0 tonyc455 (2-0)

Deadline: Midnight UK on Sunday 25th September 2016
Posts: 38,097
14:07 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL (8 frames of your type, 2 of Straight)

Strawberry Goats 0 vs 2 Dragon Flame B

8US: immortal vs asdfghjk
9US: horse10000 0 vs 2 matttt (3-5)
8UK: ritcho vs vixen_xox
STR: erigert vs don_mega

Funky Pool Devils B 2 vs 4 Dragon Flame B

8US: ric_flair 0 vs 2 asdfghjk (1-5)
9US: justadream vs matttt
8UK: naaaaaaaaath 2 vs 0 vixen_xox (5-2)
STR: watchinawe 0 vs 2 dgeneratio (0-2)

Black Scorpions A 1 vs 5 Dragon Flame B

8US: bigcjl2 vs don_mega

9US: kris 0 vs 2 matttt (1-5)
8UK: fastboysam 0 vs 2 dgeneratio (3-5)
STR: the__priest 1 vs 1 asdfghjk (1-1)

Phoenix A 5 vs 1 Dragon Flame B

8US: moore6cc vs don_mega
9US: 2pac786 1 vs 1 matttt (4-4)
8UK: versatile 2 vs 0 silent_phil (5-2)
STR: legend_pot 2 vs 0 dgeneratio (2-0)

Deadline: Midnight UK on Sunday 25th September 2016
Posts: 38,097
14:07 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL set 2

Dragon Flame 6 vs 4 Uprising

matttt vs dark_chocco
i_am_noob vs ritcho
dvz vs cgibson92
lolumadbro vs miss_harriet
_wales_lad_ vs turtle1560
__start__ vs horse10000
allypunk vs apples_back
hippesville 6 vs 4 zantetsukenz

Dragon Flame 46 vs 29 Funky Pool Devils

_epicshot_ vs justadream
vixen_xox 8 vs 7 hustler_1987
dvz vs naaaaaaaaath
asdfghjk 6 vs 9 _stellafella
_takeiteasy_ vs watchinawe
matttt 14 vs 1 itapool
dgeneratio 14 vs 1 ferretlady
i_am_noob 4 vs 11 ric_flair

Dragon Flame 40 vs 30 Black Scorpions

dvz 7 vs 8 the__priest
hippesville 4 vs 6 veyron
_takeiteasy_ vs bigcjl2
_epicshot_ 9 vs 6 _huts24_
__start__ vs mr_pink_eyes
matttt 7 vs 8 slimeball
vixen_xox vs mighty_zeus
dgeneratio 13 vs 2 drewdt3

Dragon Flame 32 vs 28 Phoenix

dvz vs legend_pot
__start__ 10 vs 5 mich
hippesville vs _fresh_
matttt 10 vs 5 andyw1
dgeneratio vs rapid_pot
lolumadbro 8 vs 7 letsgochamp
i_am_noob 4 vs 11 versatile
_wales_lad_ vs moore6cc

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 2nd October 2016
Posts: 38,097
18:05 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
should be playing adam tonight

was a sub for fresh posted? can't remember
Posts: 2,327
18:08 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
should be playing adam tonight

was a sub for fresh posted? can't remember

No, not yet.

I'm pretty much just waiting to hear from my remaining opponents, mighty_zeus has been off 10 days and I've messaged Ritcho regarding the FBL match but heard nothing back, yet.
Posts: 2,327
18:19 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
__start__ vs the__priest

Since the priest has listed his available times this week as 7.30pm mon-thurs, perhaps you could both arrange and agree to a time you can both meet eachother on Friday. Before priest goes on holiday on Saturday. That way Trats isn't left opponent-less for a week and there isn't a mad rush on deadline day.
Posts: 38,097
21:23 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  

I did put on DFE thread perhaps you could both arrange a time that suits you both on Friday, before you leave on Saturday, that way trats doesn't have to log on on a whim just on the off chance you may finish earlier than 7.30pm.

it would be good if your player was online during the times he said he could play

cant do much else

You do realise all you and trats are doing is saying "Play Now", You both come online and "Hope" the other is one then write on thread saying how you waited to play but theirs no times arranged so how can you wait to play if you don't know the other is online or not?

You do it and so does Trats to get more points but while you both provided times (I understand Trats hasn't been on much this week from 5-7) but you both haven't tried to narrow down those times either.

Take me and Rapid_pot, I know he plays evenings and i'm flexible so he chooses 9:30-Late and i choose 2 pm-11 pm, the denominator there is 9:30-11 pm and i should only check for Adam after 9:30 pm.

Just saying to "Play Now" and posting when they're not online doesn't help to complete games. You both asked when the other is online but at different times in the fixture, you both refused. Only difference is that Craig has asked if Trats can play more.

You both should find a common time and stick to it and this applies to Tratter as well.

Will copy this to our thread for Trats to read too.
Posts: 2,327
21:36 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ In trats defense, if he's busy why should he log on during his 'usual hours' when he's under the impression Craig won't be available.. Had Craig not given his hours this week as 7.30pm mon-thurs I have absolutely no doubt trats would have made the time to come on during his 'usual hours'.

It's pretty funny that both Monday and Tuesday when trats wasn't around, priest managed to 'finish earlier' ready to point out trats isn't on. I can guarantee had trats been online today, Craig wouldn't have "finished earlier". Not that I'm insinuating that he's lying of course.. More like, Murphys law.

So, Friday? For the 4th time, can you amicably agree a time, since it's a day Craig won't be finishing at 7.30 (or earlier with uncertainty) and the day before he leaves for a week.

Have a think about it, thanks.
Posts: 38,097
21:52 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
True just an outburst post, just bored of these mind games, multiple times a day.

Anyways onto more important things
Posts: 2,327
21:56 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I also find it peculiar that Craig completely ignores the one day he and trats could both make a mutual agreement on a time for, even though I've asked 5 times back and forth between both threads.

Obviously he prefers 'popping on earlier than expected' and wanting to play there and then, (but only when trats is offline) rather than making a definitive agreement so both players have prior knowledge.
Posts: 38,097
21:58 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Want to say a massive well done to DFE B who won each game (some by minor points) except vs our own DFE A in SL and Keith believes a default will decide the League Shield Winners. I Still class knockouts as the SL Champions but still a big well done to you all.

I just done a quick update SL will be decided on a default i think

DFEB or Uprising Ultras

Uprising game v phoenix zantetuskenz played twice so i have put second game to a default.

phoenix win default dfeb are champions

uprising get a draw or better in default they win league on frame difference i think

That is an educated guess
Sent about 21 hours ago
Ah nice, at the same time i consider SL knockout champions the real winners, always did when chris ran it.
Sent about 21 hours ago
I was scratching my head then noticed it said DFE 8/8 wins so i looked and find the root and turned out the code wasn't intended to add Clan vs Clan games so that has been changed and working
Sent less than a minute ago
Posts: 2,327
21:59 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
True just an outburst post, just bored of these mind games, multiple times a day.

Anyways onto more important things

Yes that's all it is. Hence his reluctance to arrange an actual time they both agree on later in the week.

Of course, he does get most of his games played in the first week but then he doesn't refuse to play most people or tell them he 'will wait until next week now or until I am ready' like he did to trats.
Posts: 7,974
22:02 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
think you really need to check
this I refused to play

real funny I was saving the screen shots incase of default

but im sure if you check, tratter asked me to play now, he was in 9 arcade marathon

so he could hardly do it, could he

pleased I screen shot it, I even went into the room to do it

hope this will help
Posts: 2,327
22:03 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes, our B team have been absolutely awesome this season, getting some great wins against both Phoenix's A and B teams as well as all Uprising teams.

Regardless of the default between Phoenix and Uprising we fully deserved our place on the table, and it's nice to see a team that were always the "under dogs" achieving such a high position.
Posts: 38,097
22:05 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
the__priest said:

real funny I was saving the screen shots incase of default

lol, only people who thinks about defaults would screenshot.
Posts: 2,327
22:05 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
think you really need to check
this I refused to play

real funny I was saving the screen shots incase of default

but im sure if you check, tratter asked me to play now, he was in 9 arcade marathon

so he could hardly do it, could he

pleased I screen shot it, I even went into the room to do it

hope this will help

So can you possibly make an arrangement for Friday where you can both agree on a time, in advance? It's not any help you logging on or vice versa when trats has no idea you're finishing earlier than previously stated, or with no arrangement made.

I feel an actual in advance arrangement will solve all of this.
Posts: 2,327
22:07 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
the__priest said:

real funny I was saving the screen shots incase of default

lol, only people who thinks about defaults would screenshot.

I respect huts as a captain, but If Craig is away on holiday leaving trats opponentless for one quarter of the fixture (1/4 week) coupled with all the back and forth screwing around from both they wouldn't win the default. We wouldn't win by much either but trats isn't going to be 100% absent for a week.
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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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