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DFE IV - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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22:42 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL vs allypunk

8us ally(2)-asd(0). 9ball ally(1)-asd(1). 8uk ally(1)-asd(1).

overall 4-2 allypunk.

Can't complain losing to a teammate. I didn't play so well myself, and he played real well, so I was happy with the result. 8 us he cleared nicely without leaving me many chances. During 9 ball I hit/pocketed the wrong ball once, like a dingus, so I was happy with the tie. 8 uk I scratched right away, and he made use of that opportunity real well. He did have an unfortunate scratch on the last game, which at least gave me a chance to make some decent shots. Overall ggs, and v wp.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:46 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
allypunk 5 v 2 asdfghjk

8us 3-0 runout for me , 9us 1-1 8uk 1-1

ggs mate good luck
Posts: 2,062
22:47 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice one ally. Ul asdfghjk.

Nice run out there too
Deleted User
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22:47 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah, thanks for the edit on the score there. I would have forgotten. wp m8, gl to you as well.
Posts: 38,097
23:26 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
well done both
Posts: 9,926
23:45 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship

Round 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 07th August 2016
Posts: 38,097
23:51 Mon 25 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship (4 of each)

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 07th August 2016

silent_phil vs triple_b
i_am_noob vs dv8

_takeiteasy_ has a BYE
Posts: 485
00:03 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks Noob, that's very kind.

Hi Chaps, sorry for my absence. I got offered a job that was too good to be true. I replaced a guy that was defrauding the company and was fired on the spot. I had to take over with 20 minutes notice. Been working 20 hours a day 24/7 ever since. We had to meet a deadline that was Friday just gone, and thankfully we made it.....just!

Let it be known, I have never had a job in my life, always worked for myself. I find it quite strange having a boss. If anybody can give me advice about avoiding the act of murder, please message me.

If there's still a place, I am back and fighting fit. New job's all calmed down now.

Cool man, I had to take you off team but ill put you back on for next fixture set.
Posts: 2,062
02:07 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship (4 of each)

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 07th August 2016

silent_phil vs triple_b
i_am_noob vs dv8

_takeiteasy_ has a BYE

thanks m8
Posts: 2,327
02:23 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Got whipped by Richie 6-2 (it was 5-0) which then went to 7-5 as we continued playing >.< I was at the wrong end of the spectrum Very good games as always hon, xxx
Posts: 3,072
02:34 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
ul there v we all know ya both top players :)
Deleted User
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02:47 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
re_rack_jack vs joeeyyy


11-4 him Man nothing to say here i played good just balls werent rolling my way as they say sooo long

RIP re_rack_jack
Posts: 2,327
03:56 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Jack shouldn't have played that game ^ actually, since Ally said he'd been arranging with joeyy but if an official sub was made then it can't be changed. Very unlucky Jack, it's still not over!
Posts: 2,062
05:44 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It's because I'm a bad captain.
Posts: 404
06:34 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  

me vs zeus

1-4 9us
3-2 8us
1-4 8uk

10-5 loss overall.

I knew I needed a 11-4 win or better to win the fixture, but he really is a robot! I made very few mistakes in terms of my own play, but he cleared up anything with the one chance he got. He was extremely lucky when it came to some shots in 9us, but that's how 9ball goes. Not sure what time it is over in Canada too, I did google it.. 22:30 i think.. 5 hours behind us over in the UK.. So tiredness for me probably was a key factor aswell. But the fixtures played now. I just regret the result could have been a lot better. But as said above when he saw a clear, he went for it, and got it 9 times out of 10. I doubt many top players would actually better this result, against a player on great form. Wasn't my night! Guaranteed though, if i get a rematch with this guy, i'll make sure its on my terms, my times! And i guarantee he won't be so lucky. Gl for rest
Posts: 2,062
09:56 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
ul bud. zeus is a great player so it was a tough ask.
Posts: 38,097
14:48 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
unlucky guys, Dee you should replay as it is clearly an imposter first he won 5-0 (and 6-0 on Snooker) and he has played two clan games in one day
Posts: 3,359
18:09 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
unlucky guys, Dee you should replay as it is clearly an imposter first he won 5-0 (and 6-0 on Snooker) and he has played two clan games in one day

Posts: 2,588
18:30 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Can I get a sub for _wales_lad_ against ric_flair please.

Aled has been nothing but abusive in personal messages to ric_flair who was just trying to arrange the games in his unique way..

Aled called ric "annoying little idiot" and told him that he was a bad player and also said he would only play when he was on and wouldnt arrange through PMs.

Not something I would expect from a DFE player, let alone a player whose teammate is brothers with Ric, wonder how Jack feels about this.

Ric shouldn't have to play this guy when hes being abusive in pms, the fixture is already won on your part, so a sub would be nice for Ric.
Posts: 38,097
18:55 Tue 26 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We can't sub until Week Four and Dee wouldn't remove Aled as he is active, Only other way is to Swap the UK match but i'm no longer involved with Subs or Swaps this season due to politics in previous seasons.

Feel sorry for Ric i really do if it is true but players moaned about the "wooo" thing quite a bit as people think it is stale. I quite like the "wooo" though as i find it humorous in a good way.

Dee or Noob will have to decide what happens now.

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DFE IV - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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