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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'

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Posts: 14,736
14:01 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow that was random....we haven't decided on roles for next season just yet but trying to keep the team together is the main priority. Obviously keeping you on board is a great step in that direction. Leave it with me and Alex (Co Captain) so we will decide shortly mate.
Posts: 14,736
14:03 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** ACTIVE ***

*** NEW SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge A (matches)

Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (12) Dragon Flame B - Complete

rapid_pot (2) vs (5) dvz
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) __start__
rewill (5) vs (1) i_am_noob
2pac786 (3) vs (3) dgeneratio

Phoenix Revenge A (14) vs (10) FPD's C - Complete
im_crap_alot (2) vs (4)mitch_bougi
_knightmare_ (3) vs (3) watchinawe
2pac786 (4) vs (2) ric_flair
(swp) rapid_pot (5) vs (1) blackcabman7

Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (5) Cues Brothers B
(swp) versatile (3) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) _fresh_ vs _wales_lad_ (s)
shadows (6) vs (0) beemerken
im_crap_alot (4) vs (2) b0nfireheart (s)

Phoenix Revenge A (7) vs (11) Black Scorpions B
shadows (3) vs (3) sinkemall
versatile (1) vs (5) callaway40
_fresh_ vs tombo1 (D) (prev: askingfan)
rewill (3) vs (3) celticbhoy

Edited at 13:43 Thu 24/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 14,736
14:04 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** ACTIVE ***

*** SL ***

SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)

Phoenix Revenge B (matches)

Phoenix Revenge B (10) vs (14) Black Scorpions A - Complete
andyw1 (3) vs (3) bigcjl2
joeyy (3) vs (3) kingdadcool
jmx (2) vs (4) _huts24_
the__priest (2) vs (4) slimeball

Phoenix Revenge B (10) vs (15) Dragon Flame A - Complete
legend_pot (3) vs (3) allypunk
andyw1 (3) vs (4) poolbiird
(swp) _gerardddd_ (2) vs (4) red4eva
(swp) friendyboy (2) vs (4) asdfghjk

Phoenix Revenge B (8) vs (10) Cues Brothers A
the__priest (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
legend_pot vs hippesville
jmx (3) vs (3) _egley_
friendyboy (3) vs (3) horse10000 (s)

Phoenix Revenge B (11) vs (9) FPD's B
(s) jmx (4) vs (2) lolumadbro
legend_pot (2)vs (5) silent_phil
friendyboy vs _psmon_ (s)
(s) andyw1 (5) vs (2) buckjam

* Keep going guys only a few more to finish well done so far. If you require a sub I'll try and get you one asap.
Most fixtures seem to be accommodated by both Captains thank you.

Edited at 14:25 Thu 24/03/16 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:57 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Really don't like the fact that you want and have agreed with Fresh too play for a default? That is the way i read it and if that is the case i want no part in this, i am an eligible sub in that game and if for any reason Fresh can not play just let me know and ill do what i can. Come online tomorrow at 11PM Fresh like Askingfan has said and see if he turns up (if that is when you usually play anyway.) Games can be reversed from the captain of other team and im sure Lee would reverse his all be it weird sub too put Askingfan back in too get it played.

Yes playing for the default would probably get us the fixture win there but im sure others like me here would rather we won the fixture fair and square or at least gave it our best shot
Posts: 14,736
15:11 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I appreciate your opinion and offer to assist but I will decline - we have substantial grounds for the default to happen and the ONLY way this fixture will be completed will be with _fresh_ (our player is not at fault in the slightest here) and possibly a more suitable substitute from our opponents.

* I will not expect nor tolerate anyone over riding our decision. Yes, agreed getting ALL fixtures are this teams main aim but there also has to be a sense of common decency and common sense when trying to achieve that goal.

Please respect this decision Jay - thanks.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:23 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Really don't like the fact that you want and have agreed with Fresh too play for a default? That is the way i read it and if that is the case i want no part in this, i am an eligible sub in that game and if for any reason Fresh can not play just let me know and ill do what i can. Come online tomorrow at 11PM Fresh like Askingfan has said and see if he turns up (if that is when you usually play anyway.) Games can be reversed from the captain of other team and im sure Lee would reverse his all be it weird sub too put Askingfan back in too get it played.

Yes playing for the default would probably get us the fixture win there but im sure others like me here would rather we won the fixture fair and square or at least gave it our best shot

I don't blame them tbh. Huts will just keep doing it else if he can keep getting away with it. If he keeps getting hit with heavy default losses then he'll maybe think twice about subbing an inactive player in for another active player.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:41 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You have no grounds though if askingfan turns up tomorrow at 11PM... you and Lee both have the fixture showing as askingfan / tombo. If you play for the default and completely disregard askingfan's time too play (even if it means subbing out Fresh) then that goes against the team. I thought the objective was too complete as many games as possible with what ever means possible. Fresh has also said he just wants the game too be played as would most people.

We trail by four points just to draw level with Black Scorpions, we need five too take the lead but need six to secure the win? We will be lucky to get three or a possible four points from the default. Depends on how Keith works them out as i know others do it differently.
Posts: 4,046
15:49 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You have no grounds though if askingfan turns up tomorrow at 11PM... you and Lee both have the fixture showing as askingfan / tombo. If you play for the default and completely disregard askingfan's time too play (even if it means subbing out Fresh) then that goes against the team. I thought the objective was too complete as many games as possible with what ever means possible. Fresh has also said he just wants the game too be played as would most people.

We trail by four points just to draw level with Black Scorpions, we need five too take the lead but need six to secure the win? We will be lucky to get three or a possible four points from the default. Depends on how Keith works them out as i know others do it differently.

We all totally agree with your sentiments. The problem is that he put in a in active player in the first place. Couldn't care less about the opponent in the first 2 weeks. Now it looks like it will go to default as fresh has been active and should receive all 6 points. Huts is tearing round now trying to get it played. Don't put inactive players in at the start is the lesson to be learned. He put him against us in the GSC knowing it was only 2 weeks and that tombo1 is inactive. It ain't fair is it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was not saying sub me in either by the way. I would rather Fresh played it as it would be unfair too sub him out of the game he has tried really hard too get played. I just believe in getting games played the normal way and trying to not get a default. That is why through the years certain rules have came into league(s) to try and cut the amount of defaults within reason.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:55 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i know what you are saying buckjam, but if askingfan is on tomorrow like he has said and Fresh is around i would hope that Lee and Ash would agree too reversing the ultimately stupid and insulting sub that was put in askingfan's place (call it that as the player subbed in was ten plus days offline) there for Fresh and he could get the game concluded where the TEAM have more of a chance at winning the tie than we do in a default as Ash instructing a player too go the default route for the past two/four days, that goes against us and there is no way i would give a 6 - 0 default score with that and i am sure Keith would not either.
Posts: 14,736
15:55 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Under no circumstance are 'we playing for default', we are unfortunately meeting much resistance and suitable cooperation to complete the match. _fresh_ has done all he can to complete the fixture. Original opponent failing to show on two occasions without any apology or even acknowledgement.

Their Captain has ONLY made a substitute after 17//21 days when they were requested numerous times to accommodate the fixture. Whether the fixture is played vs another suitable opponent then I will leave that decision down to the player and not interfere.

Due to _fresh_ efforts throughout, being active, approachable and willing to complete the match he will not be substituted just to appease the opposition with their minimal efforts.

Whether we win/lose or even draw the fixture at this late stage of the fixture is pretty irrelevant.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:04 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i know what you are saying buckjam, but if askingfan is on tomorrow like he has said and Fresh is around i would hope that Lee and Ash would agree too reversing the ultimately stupid and insulting sub that was put in askingfan's place (call it that as the player subbed in was ten plus days offline) there for Fresh and he could get the game concluded where the TEAM have more of a chance at winning the tie than we do in a default as Ash instructing a player too go the default route for the past two/four days, that goes against us and there is no way i would give a 6 - 0 default score with that and i am sure Keith would not either.

I think 5-1 will be a minimum.

Horse introduced a new rule where If you have an inactive opponent for the first 2 weeks then It is upto the other team to sub an active player in to suit your times, but they then left it 3 days into the 3rd week before even making a sub and then subbed someone in whos been offline 10 days, askingfan is very rarely online so I don't know where they are going to get any points from tbh.
Posts: 38,097
16:12 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, i'll try and find the post
Posts: 38,097
Posts: 1,111
16:25 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Game

legend_pot 3 - 3 allypunk

0 - 2 8 us
2 - 0 9 us
1 - 1 8 uk

Poor form continues, just cant seem to get out of it atm I don't know what it is but playing on internet explorer I feel like I get worse luck lol. 8 us I feel I was pretty unlucky not to win one here balls just kept looking awkward for me but my defensive style didn't work and he cleared the frames well. 9 us he got unlucky in the one but I cleared well in these frames. 8 uk I won the first then I had a good chance of the run out which I would normally take easily but being in poor form I underhit a positional and he cleared from there. he played well and I played meh again ggs mate
Posts: 7,297
16:29 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to make this clear I'm happy with either askingfan or tombo1 to play _fresh_ , I would like to complete all games before deadline so if askingfan is asking to play friday night and fresh is cool to play it then great !

Askingfan / tombo1 vs _fresh_
Posts: 14,736
16:34 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very good draw mate against a very capable player - Keep persevering mate and I'm sure your form will return to it's best. As for IE I don't touch that with a barge pole. Comodo IceDragon is what I use and also if you have some programs on your computer they could possibly be conflicting with it.

I'll try and help restore your computer issues and hopefully as a result help you back to your best.

Well done to Dragon Flame for winning the match - I actually blame myself for the results of later especially with regards to Phoenix Revenge B. I selected the side with Alex from the start with legend_pot, tinie_v17, joeyy etc and over the course of the season I've not replaced like for like. So I apologise for not maintaining this side as best as I should.

Sorry guys. Take nothing away from our opponents mind, they fully deserve their victories too.
Posts: 14,736
16:38 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to make this clear I'm happy with either askingfan or tombo1 to play _fresh_ , I would like to complete all games before deadline so if askingfan is asking to play friday night and fresh is cool to play it then great !

Askingfan / tombo1 vs _fresh_

IF you can give us 100% guarantee askingfan will be online and can play at a more suitable hour than 11pm and try to accommodate _fresh_ then I'll leave it down to his discretion.

Also IF you feel keeping the alternate player as an inactive 11 days one then I don't feel you're being as helpful as we deserve.
Posts: 7,297
16:48 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to make this clear I'm happy with either askingfan or tombo1 to play _fresh_ , I would like to complete all games before deadline so if askingfan is asking to play friday night and fresh is cool to play it then great !

Askingfan / tombo1 vs _fresh_

IF you can give us 100% guarantee askingfan will be online and can play at a more suitable hour than 11pm and try to accommodate _fresh_ then I'll leave it down to his discretion.

Also IF you feel keeping the alternate player as an inactive 11 days one then I don't feel you're being as helpful as we deserve.

Sometimes to accomondate a match to be played sometimes a possible sub can be made if fresh can't make 11pm ? I subbed myself out of a SL fixture as I couldn't make a time and horse done the same in order to complete a match which was achieved .

I didn't like being subbed out but I could see that way gave that fixture a better chance of it being played so you can either do any thing possible to help in any way for this match to be played or stand in the way and be stubborn.
Posts: 14,736
16:52 Thu 24 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm delighted for you: I have nothing furthermore to add - the posts we've made today are self explanatory and explain our stand point.

I will not be addressing this fixture any further, please respect that.
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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'

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