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Posts: 661
00:24 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't worry ferretlady, we still love you.

huts is only average anyway.
Posts: 7,297
00:32 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
klien most of you post is Agreeing with me , all of the above is what ive said and others agree with me on this . The only thing people think was wrong is because i wrote shocking , 1 word .Not a crime or anything and i have'nt even said anything bad , just telling the truth.

anyways its all done and dusted and im pleased not to come on and see poor results, apart from you , seb and scottjr who have done great like myself .
Posts: 661
00:33 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 7,297
00:35 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

shhh lol
Posts: 4,046
00:36 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Im going to post my two cents on this whole thing right here, instead of keeping it in private messages.

I have absolutely no problem with ferretlady and others losing games. Huts' post was out of order, as well as mike's backing of Huts.

The thing is, I don't like when ferretlady only posted along with her results "me again". No apology for losing three games in a row and potentially throwing a fixture for the entire team. Heck I apologise when I lose 8 - 7, or even on a marginal win when I could do better. I didnt join here to win the FCL etc. But i sure didnt join here to have games thrown away and the players not even caring, but instead moving on the next one and throwing more games away, instead of taking a break between fixtures and trying to get some form going.
Ferretlady won 2 or 3 frames out of around 30 in 2 hours, potentially throwing 3 fixtures for the entire team, yet there was only one meager "sorry".
I lose 8 - 7 to mad_matt and apologise for it, I let the team down and I recognise this.
Scottyjr loses 11 - 4 to a class player and also apologises for it.
The only thing that I agreed with huts on is that ferretlady should not be playing 3 games back to back within 2 hours, when she clearly isnt on form.

Should buckjam want me to stay here, despite my post above, I am more than happy to stay here. I knew when I joined I wouldnt be winning titles and I am still more than stay here now.

Posts: 661
00:37 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Mel is a really close friend of mine. Everyone loses. Everyone had to start somewhere.
Posts: 4,231
00:46 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
+1 to Jamie

Huts blew it with his best chance, i doubt other clans would take him after this, his best chance is to bring back Black Scorpions or Elite Force

doubt anyone would want to join it mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:50 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm actually at some of the comments on this thread recently . FPD is a fun team , supposedly . We've never had players having a pop at our own team mates before, we try our best to get games done, if we win it's a bonus . If people don't like that , then go and join a different team.
I had terrible results over the weekend , (as i do most of the time lol ) , so what , it's an online game . I have no doubt at all that we all try our best , some have bad days .

FPD are smiley , and ferretlady is one of the nicest , lets keep it that way
Posts: 4,046
00:50 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The two cents you supplied are supposition at best. She may have lost to similar margins at another time or worse if not practised that day.

Maybe she should have expressed her self more remorsely for having lost an online pool game. Maybe a flaying would suffice

I spoke to Mel in an online message and told her what she needed to hear from her captain to help her with future games and knowing when to call it quits for a time. This was done an hour ago

You see this is my job as captain. To change things and encourage players to do better where they can. I do not have to do it publicly to the whole site as you have just done. It is not your place to rollock players in this team for things they should or should not have done.Your feelings on this subject are personal and should have been kept just that. As a previous captain of a clan you would have not done it this way so i am appalled you found it neccesary to do it to ours.

I have no problems with you on the team. But you are part of a team and will respect everyone of them equally, If you cant do that then do one down the road. I couldnt care less right now.
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00:53 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If he doesn't want to play anymore then that's his loss, and not the team's
Posts: 1,361
00:56 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Whatever happened to team spirit? The only way players are going to improve is with encouragement from their teammates. Constantly slating peoples performances solves nothing. Constructive criticism and a few helpful pointers here and there can do a world of good. I've had plenty of tips from teammates about slowing my game down and not rushing into shots and I feel a damn sight better for it!
Posts: 38,097
00:58 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]

I'm stealing your popcorn, awe
Posts: 4,046
00:59 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Whatever happened to team spirit? The only way players are going to improve is with encouragement from their teammates. Constantly slating peoples performances solves nothing. Constructive criticism and a few helpful pointers here and there can do a world of good. I've had plenty of tips from teammates about slowing my game down and not rushing into shots and I feel a damn sight better for it!

Very, very well said buddy. it should happen a lot more. Be interested to know how many team mates have messaged Mel just to help her out and give her some pointers. Hands up who?.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 22:50 Tue 15/09/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Whatever happened to team spirit? The only way players are going to improve is with encouragement from their teammates. Constantly slating peoples performances solves nothing. Constructive criticism and a few helpful pointers here and there can do a world of good. I've had plenty of tips from teammates about slowing my game down and not rushing into shots and I feel a damn sight better for it!
i think buckjam will agree with me here , we won't have any player slating anothers performance in a clan game. We are FPD , have been and will be back to the happy team
Posts: 1,361
01:02 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 2,588
01:04 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It is not your place to rollock players in this team for things they should or should not have done.Your feelings on this subject are personal and should have been kept just that. As a previous captain of a clan you would have not done it this way so i am appalled you found it neccesary to do it to ours.

I am not giving her a 'rollocking'. There are players leaving over this for a reason. I posted my two cents because im sick of explaining my view point, people think im siding with huts, im not. Im on the middle ground here. What was posted was wrong.

My overall point is that she should not have played 3 games in 2 hours when she was on that poor form. Taking a break between games when you are being beaten like that is necessary. It just makes it worse when reading the results, as a teammate, to see that she is hardly apologetic for losing. If she had posted a true sorry, like everyone else does when they get beat, I really wouldnt have minded, everyone loses like that at some point. I feel its just a horrible read when you see some players in the team care more about the team result than others.

As a captain, I would have told ferretlady to not play league games one after the other, especially if she is on such poor form. I would also have suggested that she at least show a bit of feelings with her post rather than someone clocking out at the end of a shift "me again".
Posts: 1,617
01:05 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
team mates are suppose to support each other through the good and the bad times , its that way in every team sport . people having goes at there team mates only makes things difficult , brings down morale and it takes the fun away
she tried her best , just because she didnt post sorry doesnt mean she doesnt care , sometimes its best just to post the result , deep down i say shes gutted about it
i must give great credit to buckjam tho , they way he runs his clan and he way hes dealt with this situation . id be proud if he was my captian

with all the arguing and that on pool i have to admit nearly all the captains are very good 1s in there own way
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:09 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

I am not giving her a 'rollocking'. There are players leaving over this for a reason. I posted my two cents because im sick of explaining my view point, people think im siding with huts, im not. Im on the middle ground here. What was posted was wrong.

My overall point is that she should not have played 3 games in 2 hours when she was on that poor form. Taking a break between games when you are being beaten like that is necessary. It just makes it worse when reading the results, as a teammate, to see that she is hardly apologetic for losing. If she had posted a true sorry, like everyone else does when they get beat, I really wouldnt have minded, everyone loses like that at some point. I feel its just a horrible read when you see some players in the team care more about the team result than others.

As a captain, I would have told ferretlady to not play league games one after the other, especially if she is on such poor form. I would also have suggested that she at least show a bit of feelings with her post rather than someone clocking out at the end of a shift "me again".
Have a go at me then, because i got wooped too . How demoralised do you think she felt ? It's gutting to lose game after game , but she got them played and she tried . There are a lot of games to play , she tried her best , and she had tough opponents . Well done ferretlady for keeping on trying !!!
Posts: 4,046
01:10 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This aint Corrie or Eastenders where all we do is row and niggle one another.

There are 15 players. I have never crossed words with 12 of them. There are 3 who like a row. You know who you are. I will sub you out of every fixture and sit you out if there is one more episode, I kid you not.

Now lets lighten up and play pool

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 22:52 Tue 15/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 399
01:12 Wed 16 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This aint Corrie or Eastenders where all we do is row and niggle one another.

There are 15 players. I have never crossed words with 12 of them. There are 3 who like a row. You know who you are. I will sub you out of every fixture and sit you out if there is one more episode, I kid you not.

Now lets lighten up and play pool

I love a row

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 22:53 Tue 15/09/15 (BST)
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