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Funky Pool Devils

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Posts: 4,046
05:23 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL~ Fixture set 1

Firestorm Phoenix (8) v (0) Funky Pool Devils

8 US: joeyy v fatmikeee
8 US: friendyboy (2) v (0) _psmon_
9 US: slimeball v fasteddie_
9 US: alex_lewis v jacksealy21
8 UK:_fresh_ (2) v (0) anoneeemouse
8 UK: davybaumers v scottyjr
STR: legend_pot (2) v (0)watchinawe
STR: miss_harriet (2) v (0) pot_luck_

Funky Pool Devils (0) v (2) Uprising

8 US: ferretlady v horse10000
8 US: klien v strange_daze
9 US: blackcabman7 v faust (sub)
9 US: scottyjr v nike
8 UK: watchinawe v zantetsukenz
8 UK: _huts24_ v _niall_
STR: whocares8x8 v turtle1560
STR: _psmon_ (0) v (2) erigert

Funky Pool Devils (0) v (2) The Revolution

8 US: blackcabman7 v mr_magoo
8 US: _huts24_ v veyron
9 US: jacksealy21 v derik_dalton
9 US: the__saint v tinie_v17
8 UK: ferretlady v lolumadbro
8 UK: whocares8x8 v thegreatone7
STR: klien v drewdt3
STR: _psmon_ (0) v (2)poolbiird

Best of 8 in 8,9 & 8 UK 2x straight

Edited at 02:27 Sat 05/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 4,046
05:31 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL SEASON 26 FIXTURE SET 1 (23/08/15 - 13/09/15)

The Revolution 8 v 22 Funky Pool Devils

mad_matt 2 days v aladdin_sane
chezz (3) v (12) scottyjr
mr_magoo v the__saint
thegreatone7 3 days v watchinawe
tinie_v17 (sub on 7th) v buckjam
_equality_(5) v (10) _huts24_
tip_doctor 6 days v ferretlady
drewdt3 5 days v fatmikeee

Uprising 27 v 18 Funky Pool Devils

zantetsukenz 10 v 5 fasteddie_
_niall_ v jacksealy21
turtle1560 (2) vs (13) buckjam
ritcho v _huts24_
horse10000 v whocares8x8
erigert 7 v 8 klien
strange_daze 10 v 5 watchinawe
fran_ v _pot_luck_

Pocket Dynamos 30 v 32 Funky Pool Devils

letsgochamp 8 v 7 _pot_luck_
punkpoet 4 v 11 klein
scarlets2k15 v jacksealey21
blueberry v the__saint
ang3l v whocares8x8
walktall (8) v (7) fasteddie_
re_rack_jack (10) v (5) blackcabman7
toon_lad v anoneeemouse ~ arranged

5 frames of 8, 9 & 8UK
Please message your opponents,keep all messages until game is played Good luck
Posts: 7,297
11:44 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL SEASON 26 FIXTURE SET 1 (23/08/15 - 13/09/15)

The Revolution (8) v (22) Funky Pool Devils

mad_matt 2 days v aladdin_sane
chezz (3) v (12) scottyjr
mr_magoo v the__saint
thegreatone7 3 days v watchinawe
tinie_v17 (sub on 7th) v buckjam
_equality_(5) v (10) _huts24_
tip_doctor 6 days v ferretlady
drewdt3 5 days v fatmikeee

Uprising (48) v (27) Funky Pool Devils

zantetsukenz (10) v (5) fasteddie_
_niall_ v jacksealy21
turtle1560 (13) v (2) buckjam
ritcho (8) v (7) _huts24_
horse10000 v whocares8x8
erigert (7) v (8) klien
strange_daze (10) v (5) watchinawe
fran_ v _pot_luck_

Pocket Dynamos (30) v (32) Funky Pool Devils

letsgochamp (8) v (7) _pot_luck_
punkpoet (4) v (11) klein
scarlets2k15 v jacksealey21
blueberry v the__saint
ang3l v whocares8x8
walktall (8) v (7) fasteddie_
re_rack_jack (10) v (5) blackcabman7
toon_lad v anoneeemouse ~ arranged

5 frames of 8, 9 & 8UK
Please message your opponents,keep all messages until game is played Good luck .
Posts: 1,361
15:38 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sent one last message to Beth to get our game done this weekend. Stated I'd be busy next weekend so must get it done this weekend to avoid default
Posts: 10,109
16:40 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
the_marine v blackcabman7


me v cabbie
Posts: 5,821
17:12 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
9 US: blackcabman7 v faust F BL LEAGUE

blackcabman7 ( 3 ) vs (5 ) faust

good player he missed a few shot and let me in other wise the score would be differnt gl in rest m8
Posts: 4,046
19:15 Sat 5 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
9 US: blackcabman7 v faust F BL LEAGUE

blackcabman7 ( 3 ) vs (5 ) faust

good player he missed a few shot and let me in other wise the score would be differnt gl in rest m8

Good score against Faust buddy. Thanks for playing.
Posts: 9,926
00:27 Sun 6 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX

I have drawn the season schedule and it can be found here:-

I require team lists in from all teams for the first set of fixtures by Sunday night 06/09/15.

Please make sure that you check full list as games between clans are all happening in the first set.

There is only going to be one big league this season where all clans play everyone once.

The top 4 will then play off (1 v 4 and 2 v 3) for the overall winner.

Clan teams will be fixed in the play off part.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 22:48 Sun 06/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 1,986
01:20 Sun 6 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
buckjam (capt)
anoneeemouse (v capt)

Edited at 22:48 Sat 05/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
06:03 Sun 6 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
mr magoo cant play times i am on
Posts: 14,736
15:17 Sun 6 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Can we have a sub please for jacksealy21, offline 10 days vs alex_lewis.

Posts: 5,821
22:03 Sun 6 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
U not mean f b l ash
Posts: 7,297
23:02 Sun 6 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Can we have a sub please for jacksealy21, offline 10 days vs alex_lewis.


its FBL not FCL
Posts: 9,926
03:22 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX

I have drawn the season schedule and it can be found here:-

I require team lists in from all teams for the first set of fixtures by Sunday night 06/09/15.

Please make sure that you check full list as games between clans are all happening in the first set.

There is only going to be one big league this season where all clans play everyone once.

The top 4 will then play off (1 v 4 and 2 v 3) for the overall winner.

Clan teams will be fixed in the play off part.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 22:43 Sun 06/09/15 (BST)

Super league fixtures release will need to be delayed. I have had no team lists from Firestorm Phoenix and Revs have sent in 3 teams even though they never posted for 3 so I have asked that they send me teams for the 2 teams that they have and the games that they have.

If the teams above have not sorted and sent teams by tomorrow night when I log in, I will pick teams randomly.
Posts: 14,736
05:10 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Like to say it was a pleasure to play vs fasteddie_ earlier in the Players Championship. A top person and a very good player in the making I believe.

Some very good games, he unfortunately suffered some abysmal luck.

Good games mate and all the best for the rest of the season.
Posts: 1,361
05:11 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Probably need to sort out a sub for Beth. Been offline 7 days.

Not sure about the game against zante. We arranged for a weekday between 3pm - 6pm but we seem to be missing each other.
Posts: 19,819
15:32 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ang3l v whocares8x8
Is now
w_hoolahan v whocares8x8

ang3l isnt on as much this week and Harry is always very active.

Also jacksealey offline 11 days, can we have a sub?
Posts: 4,046
15:52 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ang3l v whocares8x8
Is now
w_hoolahan v whocares8x8

ang3l isnt on as much this week and Harry is always very active.

Also jacksealey offline 11 days, can we have a sub?

Am hoping Jacks been on holiday so could be back today. If not will sub him out tonight
Posts: 4,231
21:08 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL subs vs FPD-s

was thegreatone7 vs watchinawe
is tinie_v17 vs watchinawe

was kingdadcool vs buckjam
is lolumadbro vs buckjam

both our players were inactive...
Posts: 4,231
21:10 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL sub

was 8uk thegreatone7 vs whocares8x8
is 8uk mad_matt vs whocares8x8
2 3 23
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Funky Pool Devils

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