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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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Deleted User
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02:12 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You hurl abuse all day at someone for making a swap before fixtures are even released and then post 'we're making a swap, not giving any reason for it' then you know exactly what reaction you're going to get.
Posts: 7,974
02:12 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
when I was captain of shooters and sinners
it was the same people abusing players and myself in both those teams

in monkey business a team made to bring fun back to

the same people abused the thread and player

its the same on this thread

daily rituals of abuse

funny really its the same old people doing it

have they been punished ? not a chance

they are known as the untouchables
they can even change the way funkypool is run

Posts: 38,097
02:13 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
can't we all just get along
Posts: 7,974
02:14 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
fran trust me that's all players want to do

but when the captain be him right or wrong is abused daily

is that fun, is it for you ? for us ?

who does it benefit

mate craig..all i did was make a swap for a valid reason.

is this the reaction i expected, far from it man. i will say he brings it on himself thou. Whether im involved or not he has no one to blame but himself.

this is not a dig towards you mate.

I know fran, it the over view im making not personal
Deleted User
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02:15 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself...If all clans, are falling out with this clan...How long before it stops being everyone else's fault?
Posts: 19,967
02:16 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao at faust trying to use joe's rage quit as proof of computer problems
Just proves that too much gobbing off back fired and he felt embarrassed

It was well documented in advance the problems, hardly gobbed off at all and we didn't run from a game just because our player was on the end of a beating. We could've subbed in players who would've won the match, we didn't because we don't prescribe to the logic of victory over fun. We let Joe have his game because he'd managed to get on and was happy to play, whatever the score we would've been happy and don't bother crying or trying to worm our way into a better score. Twice this season we could've but didn't because the scoreline doesn't mean the same to us as it does to some.

However, speaking of gobbing off and backfiring: which game did you smash us in? the 48-72 or the 46-74?

Picking a fight with someone who spoke of discontent at arguments, clear genius at work. You must be obsessed with us because you drag us into everything you can, it's cute but weird, bless you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:17 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You hurl abuse all day at someone for making a swap before fixtures are even released and then post 'we're making a swap, not giving any reason for it' then you know exactly what reaction you're going to get.

Mate i done what i did for a reason..

He sent the team list in but changed it the moment he seen our list.Not trust his team i say....there is no need for players to bicker like they have been its a game some laugh some take it so seriously!

Im not digging at you either but ur not daft and you know im right and he does it all the time. its a game Ubs nor Xv can win the league..all pointless.
Deleted User
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02:19 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nobody has ever had 1 problem getting their game played with ...that should be where everyone else's concerns in the running of this clan end.
Posts: 19,967
02:21 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
when I was captain of shooters and sinners
it was the same people abusing players and myself in both those teams

in monkey business a team made to bring fun back to

the same people abused the thread and player

its the same on this thread

daily rituals of abuse

funny really its the same old people doing it

have they been punished ? not a chance

they are known as the untouchables
they can even change the way funkypool is run


You have never been the victim, you've given out far more than you've taken and you were always the one to start dishing it out. The people with any sense saw through you a long time ago and it just brings laughter when you try to stop arguments because you went out of your way to cause so many previously. Your sweeping statements are just provocation without any real substance. The real issue with clan pool is those who instigate, it's simple cause and effect. Don't blame the effect simply because you rule it immoral. Take off your blinkers.
Posts: 3,250
02:23 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm making one post and only one, then i'm off to bed

Make the swap by all means BUT hippesville and turtle1560 i'm sure have theirs already arranged. They have only just played each other in ZML, so i'm sure there's already some understanding set up there.

First of all no we don't have it arranged.

You hurl abuse all day at someone for making a swap before fixtures are even released and then post 'we're making a swap, not giving any reason for it' then you know exactly what reaction you're going to get.

And also, the sub made was for a match thats already a week out, not for a fixture yet to be released. Fran and tratter havent got their game played yet despite efforts made so making the swap for frans reasons is entirely reasonable.

Also theres no reason why there might be some underhand tactic behind it as neither me or fran care who we play..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:24 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Everyone stop posting please, I'm checking with hippesville IF he's okay with the swap it'll go ahead. JEEZ cut the bloody crap - nothing better to do than type absolute nonsense then blame everything on US or ME.

anything for a bit of Bloody Peace JFC.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:26 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You hurl abuse all day at someone for making a swap before fixtures are even released and then post 'we're making a swap, not giving any reason for it' then you know exactly what reaction you're going to get.

Mate i done what i did for a reason..

He sent the team list in but changed it the moment he seen our list.Not trust his team i say....there is no need for players to bicker like they have been its a game some laugh some take it so seriously!

Im not digging at you either but ur not daft and you know im right and he does it all the time. its a game Ubs nor Xv can win the league..all pointless.

I know mate and wasn't even a direct reply to your post as they were posted at the same time but you guys have been on the wind up about the subs thing for 2 days straight then post a swap that didn't seem to have any reason.
I agree it's madness, neither of us are gonna win the league and neither of us cares and every single one of us get on in games, I get on fine with uprising in games too...just sick of all this crap constantly.

Yes it is somewhat brought on ourselves by the way things are done here but still only 30 self inflicted to 70 people using things as an excuse to start up
Posts: 7,974
02:32 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
take your blinkers off lol

this has been the fairest league system ever
defaults at the lowest ever

entry levels probably at there lowest
player interest dropping
the abusive posts on clan threads probably the worst ever
in the history of clan pool

will you be happy when 2 teams remain and 2 or 3 whipping boys

I don't ever disagree zante that I stood up to the cheats
in clan pool, the runners, captains and the pack that run together

I suffer no one and will never run from pack culture or bullies
and yes Zante I've been banned 3 times, for cheating no
for making forums unpleasant (farcical read this thread)
and for a comment I made about AB 4 words I said

if my bans were followed and the same principles were set in stone

at least 8 of you would be banned right now
but no the untouchables remain

and god forbid one of you be made leagues runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:32 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm making one post and only one, then i'm off to bed

Make the swap by all means BUT hippesville and turtle1560 i'm sure have theirs already arranged. They have only just played each other in ZML, so i'm sure there's already some understanding set up there.

First of all no we don't have it arranged.

You hurl abuse all day at someone for making a swap before fixtures are even released and then post 'we're making a swap, not giving any reason for it' then you know exactly what reaction you're going to get.

And also, the sub made was for a match thats already a week out, not for a fixture yet to be released. Fran and tratter havent got their game played yet despite efforts made so making the swap for frans reasons is entirely reasonable.

Also theres no reason why there might be some underhand tactic behind it as neither me or fran care who we play..

None of our players care who we play either sean, just posting a reason would have avoided any real if ash had posted the exact same swap then onevisit would have had him hung drawn and quartered.
Posts: 3,359
02:34 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]

Everyone welcome no entry fee just for today
Deleted User
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02:39 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 13,570
02:59 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm lost for words at how all this can go on and how all of you, who obviously enjoy the competitiveness of Clan Pool, can justify dishing out so much crap!

This is appauling and is this the type of people you really are?

As for the latest version of Swap Shop, I don't give a damn who I play. I just want to play and have a bit of craic, whether it's Sean or fran or any UB.

Do us all a favour and be nice which makes me think of something we as adults tell kids........if you've nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all

This post isn't aimed at all of you who are posting. I'll leave it to you to decide as to whether your input on this thread has been positive......not excluding XVth Man from this btw.
Posts: 19,967
03:00 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
' entry levels probably at there lowest
player interest dropping
the abusive posts on clan threads probably the worst ever
in the history of clan pool '

125 people currently registered in 8 clans, with the possibility of 10 clans next season which isn't an uncommon number for previous seasons which all had a clan or two which had a lot of inactive players. All that really has happened is we've lost 1 or 2 default causing clans from the league. Since the first season was 36 players in 6 clans, safe to assume the interest is no where near the lowest it has been, even taking into account the increase for next season.

The abusive posts are nothing like what has been in the past when you actually think about what has been in the past. I've seen far worse, it's clear that this time it's just centred around one clan whereas in the past it has been spread over a few.

The pack you refuse to run from consists of people you've gone out of your way to upset, and who stood up to you. Your go to people to argue with when you're bored because you know you'll get a response. Hardly bullies at all.

As for the runners comment, that is purely because you don't like those people and nothing to do with their ability to do the job. Those you have hoped to disregard would do a finer job than yourself if they were selected so why not practice what you preach and be constructive instead of putting off the people who may be able to actually live up to the standards set now by chris.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:18 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
IF you are making a swap then at least make it Official, as gaz says he doesn't care who you put him up against. IF trats is unable to play in the evening then we'll have to sort out another arrangement but as long as one teams content then that's all that matters.

I'm sure trats won't be an issue and hopefully we will keep him in the fixtures as long as necessary.

Stop with the crap and make the swap Official!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:29 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
i posted..

its official

but u said u may swap it back.....? and has been done then by friendy..i mean where i stand i don't no

its official..on clan subs/swaps or not..if u say yes great..if not. well thats my shizzle aint it .

swap was made..i made it..what do u want a contract?
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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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