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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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00:05 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
5-3 to Paul

All game he was tip snookering me so not much i could do, once or twice i escaped but not good enough. even on easy pots for position he did it so slightly annoyed but thats what i have learned to expect from UK unfortunately so hopefully i can stick to the US games i am good at (except FCL) instead of an endurance challenge of will and patience.

Sorry i didn't stick around to say good games etc but got slightly annoyed with the playing style.

Nice guy anyway, good games mate and good luck

Edited at 22:15 Tue 13/01/15 (GMT)
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00:07 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No worries mate, unlucky on the slight defeat. Note taken to keep to US tables, no probs.
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00:07 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 3

Annihil-8 (11) vs (11) Pros

legend_pot (6) vs (2) beenjammin
the__priest vs miss_harriet (sub)
reminiscent (4) vs (2) crazy_greg
joeyy (1) vs (7) dvz (sub)
trats vs dbno

Annihil-8 (13) vs (6) Pool Sharks

legend_pot vs aces_back
the__priest (3) vs (3) red4eva
reminiscent vs keaneo16 (sub)
joeyy (5) vs (2) ronalddw
(s) hippesville (5) vs (1) any1left

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (Bonuses for R/Outs & GB's)
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00:08 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3

XVth Man (52) vs (53) Unbeatables

the__priest (4) vs (11) raker
iam_me (8) vs (7) sleipnir
(s) gillings (8) vs (7) poolbiird
legend_pot (6) vs (9) turtle1560
(sub) reminiscent (13) vs (2) mrmagic
joeyy (7) vs (8) fran_
(+) hippesville vs horse10000
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) onevisit

XVth Man (66) vs (24) FPD

reminiscent (11) vs (4) buckjam
mirrr (14) vs (1) jacksealy21
(s) iam_me (9) vs (6) blackcabman7
friendyboy (13) vs (2) jimmy_d26 (sub)
lfc12 (9) vs (6) anoneeemouse
ooo_u_tap_2 vs just_lucky (sub 08/01)
gillings (10) vs (5) r08
(sub) jittzdulay vs moonbeam06

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
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00:08 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (4) vs (3) Pocket Dynamos

iam_me (4) vs (3) triple_b
ooo_u_tap_2 vs chapster_7
friendyboy vs jasonb
jittzdulay vs kaperisk
lfc12 vs bigcjl2


Sev7n 'n' Deadly (2) vs (4) Unbe'A'tables

iam_me (2) vs (4) poolbiird
ooo_u_tap_2 vs fran_
friendyboy vs onevisit
jittzdulay vs raker
lfc12 vs turtle1560

Grand Slam Cup - Round 1

XVth Man (4) vs (0) FPD

FCL (15): iam_me vs thegreatone7 (messaged)
FCL (15): trats vs r08
SL (12): reminiscent vs jimmyd_86
SL: (12) (s) gillings (2) vs (0) canny_miss (8-4)
8us: friendyboy vs moonbeam06 (10 racks)
9us: _aquarius12_ vs jacksealy21(12 racks) (messaged)
8uk: the__priest (2) vs (0) blackcabman7 (10 racks) (6-3)
Str: mirrr vs anoneeemouse (4 racks)

Edited at 22:40 Tue 13/01/15 (GMT)
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00:10 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3

XVth Man (0) vs (2) Pool Sharks

8us: lfc12 vs dazpolz (Arranged Friday)
8us: joeyy vs keaneo16
9us: gillings vs red4eva (sub)
9us: reminiscent vs cannibals
8uk: dgeneratio (0) vs (2) kingdadcool (3-5)
8uk: trats vs _dave_ (reinstated)
Str: legend_pot vs andyw1
Str: (sub) crazykid vs funky_king

XVth Man (1) vs (1) Uprising

8us: iam_me (1) vs (1) cgibson92 (4-4)
8us: joeyy vs dv8 (sub)
9us: dgeneratio vs derik_dalton
9us: hippesville vs davybaumers
8uk: reminiscent vs sharky89
8uk: (sub) crazykid vs r1p0m4n_v2
Str: legend_pot vs corsair
Str: ooo_u_tap_2 vs clifton188

Deadline: 25th January 2015

Good Luck Guys -
Posts: 38,097
00:16 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks mate, i don't mind the type just the tactical surrounding it but its the way most people play
Posts: 36
00:37 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup - Round 1

Definitely finished it now!!!


8 ball - 3-1
9 ball - 3-1
8 ball UK - 2-2

gillings 8-4 canny_miss

Good games - lovely person, take care and good luck
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00:38 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very well done mate, great result. Thank you to you and Carrie for completing the match.
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03:30 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We need to crack on a little faster with the fixtures guys - we have more than we usually do. Thanks to those who have played some today/tonight.

Any problems let us know ASAP. (ie. too many or too few fixtures, opponent offline days, n reply to messages even though been online etc)

Cheers and the Best of Luck.
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03:36 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
They subbed Mikee out who is on every day for someone who hasn't been on for 2 days. Not much I can do there lol.

Others I just haven't seen yet.
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03:38 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
They subbed Mikee out who is on every day for someone who hasn't been on for 2 days. Not much I can do there lol.

Others I just haven't seen yet.

No worries - can you play before 5pm anyone? Just me and jacksealy21 have spoken but he cannot play after 5pm - i'm at me parents till at least 7pm.
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03:43 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah what day though?
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03:54 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
They subbed Mikee out who is on every day for someone who hasn't been on for 2 days. Not much I can do there lol.

Others I just haven't seen yet.

No worries - can you play before 5pm anyone? Just me and jacksealy21 have spoken but he cannot play after 5pm - i'm at me parents till at least 7pm.
if he's on tomorrow when I'm on I can
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04:02 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right I've gone through ALL our fixtures and made a list - I will delete when completed - easier for us all to read and see where we stand. Hope this helps.

Fixtures Checklist - FCL/FBL/SL/GSC (ALL Formats)
Dated from: 11th Jan - 25th Jan

Fixtures per player:

legend_pot: aces_back (SL), andyw1 (Str), corsair (Str),
the__priest: miss_harriet (SL),
reminiscent: keaneo16 (SL), cannibals (9us), sharky89 (8uk)
joeyy: keaneo16 (8us), dv8 (8us) anoneeemouse (GSC)
trats: dbno (SL), r08 (GSC), _dave_ (8uk),
hippesville: horse10000 (FCL), davybaumers (9us)
iam_me: thegreatone7 (GSC),
gillings: red4eva (9us)
dgeneratio: derik_dalton (9us), jimmyd_86 (GSC)
friendyboy: jasonb (SL), onevisit (SL), moonbeam06 (GSC),
lfc12: bigcjl2 (SL), turtle1560 (SL), dazpolz (8us)
ooo_u_tap_2: just_lucky (FCL), chapster_7 (SL), fran_ (SL), clifton188 (Str)
jittzdulay: moonbeam06 (FCL), kaperisk (SL), raker (SL),
crazykid: funky_king (Str), r1p0m4n_v2 (8uk)
_aquarius12_: jacksealy21 (GSC)

ANYONE with less than 2 matches and if eligible can be subbed in.

IF I can take some off players and spread them more evenly to help out then I will, who knows i may even play some... is it 25th Dec yet lol

Starting with; iam_me, dgeneratio, gillings, mirrr (offline 6 days)

Edited at 02:26 Wed 14/01/15 (GMT)
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04:09 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sub: SL
Was: reminiscent vs jimmyd_86
Now: dgeneratio vs jimmyd_86

Sub: Straight
Was: mirrr vs anoneeemouse
Is Now: joeyy vs anoneeemouse

Edited at 02:22 Wed 14/01/15 (GMT)
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04:11 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 3

Annihil-8 (11) vs (11) Pros

legend_pot (6) vs (2) beenjammin
the__priest vs miss_harriet (sub)
reminiscent (4) vs (2) crazy_greg
joeyy (1) vs (7) dvz (sub)
trats vs dbno

Annihil-8 (13) vs (6) Pool Sharks

legend_pot vs aces_back
the__priest (3) vs (3) red4eva
reminiscent vs keaneo16 (sub)
joeyy (5) vs (2) ronalddw
(s) hippesville (5) vs (1) any1left

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (Bonuses for R/Outs & GB's)
Deleted User
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04:12 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3

XVth Man (52) vs (53) Unbeatables

the__priest (4) vs (11) raker
iam_me (8) vs (7) sleipnir
(s) gillings (8) vs (7) poolbiird
legend_pot (6) vs (9) turtle1560
(sub) reminiscent (13) vs (2) mrmagic
joeyy (7) vs (8) fran_
(+) hippesville vs horse10000
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) onevisit

XVth Man (66) vs (24) FPD

reminiscent (11) vs (4) buckjam
mirrr (14) vs (1) jacksealy21
(s) iam_me (9) vs (6) blackcabman7
friendyboy (13) vs (2) jimmy_d26 (sub)
lfc12 (9) vs (6) anoneeemouse
ooo_u_tap_2 vs just_lucky (sub 08/01)
gillings (10) vs (5) r08
(sub) jittzdulay vs moonbeam06

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Deleted User
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04:13 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (4) vs (3) Pocket Dynamos

iam_me (4) vs (3) triple_b
ooo_u_tap_2 vs chapster_7
friendyboy vs jasonb
jittzdulay vs kaperisk
lfc12 vs bigcjl2


Sev7n 'n' Deadly (2) vs (4) Unbe'A'tables

iam_me (2) vs (4) poolbiird
ooo_u_tap_2 vs fran_
friendyboy vs onevisit
jittzdulay vs raker
lfc12 vs turtle1560

Grand Slam Cup - Round 1

XVth Man (4) vs (0) FPD

FCL (15): iam_me vs thegreatone7 (messaged)
FCL (15): trats vs r08
SL (12): (sub) dgeneratio vs jimmyd_86
SL: (12) (s) gillings (2) vs (0) canny_miss (8-4)
8us: friendyboy vs moonbeam06 (10 racks)
9us: _aquarius12_ vs jacksealy21(12 racks) (messaged)
8uk: the__priest (2) vs (0) blackcabman7 (10 racks) (6-3)
Str: mirrr vs anoneeemouse (4 racks)
Deleted User
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04:13 Wed 14 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3

XVth Man (0) vs (2) Pool Sharks

8us: lfc12 vs dazpolz (Arranged Friday)
8us: joeyy vs keaneo16
9us: gillings vs red4eva (sub)
9us: reminiscent vs cannibals
8uk: dgeneratio (0) vs (2) kingdadcool (3-5)
8uk: trats vs _dave_ (reinstated)
Str: legend_pot vs andyw1
Str: (sub) crazykid vs funky_king

XVth Man (1) vs (1) Uprising

8us: iam_me (1) vs (1) cgibson92 (4-4)
8us: joeyy vs dv8 (sub)
9us: dgeneratio vs derik_dalton
9us: hippesville vs davybaumers
8uk: reminiscent vs sharky89
8uk: (sub) crazykid vs r1p0m4n_v2
Str: legend_pot vs corsair
Str: ooo_u_tap_2 vs clifton188

Deadline: 25th January 2015

Good Luck Guys -

Edited at 02:29 Wed 14/01/15 (GMT)
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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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