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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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17:55 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Gives Tappy (AKA ooo_u_tap_2) - 'The Supermod' - A yellow card for interrupting my lovely fixtures ...AGAIN!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:55 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:56 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:56 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:56 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:59 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
_aquarius12_ given a yellow card for stealing a supermod's yellow card and for interrupting his posts with his fixtures.
tappy (supermod)

*nearly missed the u out in supermod...that would have been an unfortunate typo!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:00 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:01 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
_aquarius12_ given a yellow card for stealing a supermod's yellow card and for interrupting his posts with his fixtures.
tappy (supermod)

*nearly missed the u out in supermod...that would have been an unfortunate typo!

Accepts his yellow card but *decides to colour it in red instead* My favourite colour.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:02 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid has been reported to crazykidsdad for spamming the page. Where a grounding of unspecified days and a loss of TV privileges is likely to follow
Tappy (supermod)
Posts: 19,967
18:04 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

All this post proves is how clouded you are with your Ash obsession, as if any team would sub out their best player when he has been online the whole fixture, already won the game once against an illegitimate sub when he will be on regularly before the deadline just because pool sharks can't get their house in wouldn't and you know it.

That would be 33 + 1 for 2015...would you like to borrow a calculator?

All your post proves is how obsessed you are with creating a personal vendetta where there is nothing personal in it. If it was someone else doing it the same would be said. Inception.

Ash was the one who illegitimated the sub purely to spite Pool Sharks because they didn't allow an illegitimate sub by you guys to stand.

What about the fact friendyboy was subbed out to allow crazykid to play (whilst friendyboy was still on), though he wasn't subbed back in to play raker and complete the fixture.

He has in the past subbed out our top players at the deadline in a similar situation to get a game played. Your argument is now invalid (again)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:05 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid has been reported to crazykidsdad for spamming the page. Where a grounding of unspecified days and a loss of TV privileges is likely to follow
Tappy (supermod)

think this may actully be my dad lol he use to play this site before me and i used his laptop to play lastnight and left my name signed in he may have seen that and named himself after me lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:06 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Selective Reading Syndrome???

Just a little brief summary for recent subs/swaps.

SL - vs Pros
(the__priest) hippesville vs tinie_v2 (now miss_harriet) - Craig messaged tinie on numerous occasions, opponent even logged on and still failed too reply. Craig also offline messaged me saying with it being his Birthday on Friday he'll be away this weekend (now). Unfortunately he messaged me stating please sub me from ALL my matches as he's not very well at all. I wont go into detail but I immediately acted upon this request starting with 8uk vs r1p0m4n_v2.

SL - Pros
(trats) vs dbno - trats were given plenty of time had hoped he'd have his PC repaired by now so left it as long as possible before subbing in dgeneratio. Me and Rich have been in constant communication and both knew where we stood. Called working together to meet the same end goal.

Sub vs Ubs vs onevisit: At the time crazykid posted he's in a library, any matches want me too play I went through all matches to see if any opponents on or browsing. Only one were onevisit. I offered him the opportunity to sub in after speaking with my Co Captain who were originally in that particular fixture. With onevisit browsing, crazykid available at the now we agreed let them play on the previso Alex be given another fixture elsewhere. He will be the first sub for jittzdulay vs raker.
Posts: 38,097
18:06 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky joeyy hate it when it rolls like that in straight and they're smashing the pack and potting. Good point though still

I smash all the time in Straight unless opponent is close to 35
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:09 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid has been reported to crazykidsdad for spamming the page. Where a grounding of unspecified days and a loss of TV privileges is likely to follow
Tappy (supermod)

think this may actully be my dad lol he use to play this site before me and i used his laptop to play lastnight and left my name signed in he may have seen that and named himself after me lol

keaneo16's browsing mate - if you can track him down - (FBL 8us)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:10 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.beginning; start; commencement.

2.the act of graduating or earning a university degree, usually a master's or doctor's degree, especially at Cambridge University.
the graduation ceremony; commencement.

3.(in science fiction) the act of instilling an idea into someone's mind by entering his or her dreams.

Now you're just making words up!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:10 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid has been reported to crazykidsdad for spamming the page. Where a grounding of unspecified days and a loss of TV privileges is likely to follow
Tappy (supermod)

think this may actully be my dad lol he use to play this site before me and i used his laptop to play lastnight and left my name signed in he may have seen that and named himself after me lol

keaneo16's browsing mate - if you can track him down - (FBL 8us)

i cant play untill monday m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:14 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid has been reported to crazykidsdad for spamming the page. Where a grounding of unspecified days and a loss of TV privileges is likely to follow
Tappy (supermod)

think this may actully be my dad lol he use to play this site before me and i used his laptop to play lastnight and left my name signed in he may have seen that and named himself after me lol

keaneo16's browsing mate - if you can track him down - (FBL 8us)

i cant play untill monday m8

Okay mate no worries Deadline's 25th.
Posts: 19,967
18:18 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.beginning; start; commencement.

2.the act of graduating or earning a university degree, usually a master's or doctor's degree, especially at Cambridge University.
the graduation ceremony; commencement.

3.(in science fiction) the act of instilling an idea into someone's mind by entering his or her dreams.

Now you're just making words up!

You're along the right lines with number 3. It'll take wisdom though, not knowledge. As for the made up word, that's what chrome was giving me I trusted it. Exchange it for rejected.

Now, anything to address the actual issues or are you still looking for that leg to stand on
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:21 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixtures Checklist - FCL/FBL/SL/GSC (ALL Formats)
Dated from: 11th Jan - 25th Jan

Fixtures per player:

legend_pot: buckjam (GSC)
the__priest: none
reminiscent: none
joeyy: none
trats: none
hippesville: miss_harriet (SL), davybaumers (9us)
iam_me: thegreatone7 (GSC),
gillings: red4eva (9us)
dgeneratio: canny_miss ** (as a sub) dbno (SL) **
friendyboy: jasonb (SL), _dave_ (FBL), moonbeam06 (GSC),
lfc12: bigcjl2 (SL), dazpolz (8us)
ooo_u_tap_2: chapster_7 (SL), clifton188 (Str)
jittzdulay: canny_miss ** (FCL), kaperisk (SL), raker (SL),
crazykid none
_aquarius12_: r08 (GSC)

This has been updated, let's get the 18th January matches out the way ASAP please. (as marked with a **)

What a BLITZ we did this evening - I should go offline more often LOL. ONLY 4 matches to be played by Sunday;
Posts: 19,967
18:21 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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