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FBL discussion (2)

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Posts: 22,512
22:23 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Shadows is not banned from the FBL he is only banned from the FCL so even if it is Shadows then the above does not matter for this league.
Deleted User
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23:01 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
what bout fsl shadows banned from that ?
Deleted User
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23:11 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
what bout fsl shadows banned from that ?

I don't think your banned for that,

I'm sure I said last season whatever action jay took in the fcl we would enforce in fbl therefore shadows IS banned in fbl also.
Deleted User
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23:12 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
what bout fsl shadows banned from that ?

I don't think your banned for that,

I'm sure I said last season whatever action jay took in the fcl we would enforce in fbl therefore shadows IS banned in fbl also.

yep i remember this lol im not fussed tbh just wana show that sarah craig and tratter all new who i was then when played 4 some1 else they grassed :) they are no saints
Posts: 38,097
23:45 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sarah just told me she didn't say anything, maybe it was tratter either way hes been found out, the real phrase was "If you knew why he was kicked then i wouldn't be quick to comment", maybe i misinterpreted and if so i apologise but i was wrong with my comment yesterday after i found out through tratter.

Edit: If anyone knows of a banned user in the league whose ban is still in effect please let a runner know in an offline message as they are breaking rules.


Edited at 21:03 Sun 09/09/12 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
23:51 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Done default stats for the season here so you can see whos had defaults and whose at fault :

Due to the above i have a few ideas which i have split into 2 sections:


due to quite a few defaults with no punishment system in place i believe if your at fault for 3 defaults (meaning you get 0 at default) during course of the season then that person is banned for 1 fixture set.

due to killer defaults i believe we need a set time on deadline night to play this killer if the killer is unplayed by then, since snooker is at 9 pm i am proposing either 8 or 10 pm as i would need to check who is online and invite them to play (defaults will be done normally).

a Cup tournament tree at start of season so people know who they are playing in advance.

Not so Important:

Putting Cup games into the golden cue as well as league games, i know format is shorter but few frames can make the difference

FCL an idea came up about having a plate competition alongside the Cup, this would mean even if you lose your first match you have something to play for still.

Individual League - All Round Knockout Tournament featuring 1 frame of US, UK and Straight, 2 frames of 9 Ball)

what do people think of these?
Posts: 22,512
01:01 Mon 10 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't remember the discussion me and Matty had about Shadows as it was a while ago, but i will note that Shadows evidence shows nothing as it was sent to me and titled as Tratter and that was it, was no screenshot so cant see what is on it
Posts: 38,097
13:54 Tue 11 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need feedback people ill probably put cup in golden cue anyway. Killer is most important discussion here then the defaults punishment.

if i don't get feedback by next Tuesday then i might just do polls.
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14:35 Tue 11 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Was FBL schedule posted?
Posts: 38,097
15:44 Tue 11 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
not sure but more or less same as FCL just add 1 week i think
Posts: 22,512
18:32 Tue 11 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes it was posted, was posted on FCL discussion and im sure i also posted it here.
Posts: 38,097
20:22 Thu 13 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Done default stats for the season here so you can see whos had defaults and whose at fault :

Due to the above i have a few ideas which i have split into 2 sections:


due to quite a few defaults with no punishment system in place i believe if your at fault for 3 defaults (meaning you get 0 at default) during course of the season then that person is banned for 1 fixture set.

due to killer defaults i believe we need a set time on deadline night to play this killer if the killer is unplayed by then, since snooker is at 9 pm i am proposing either 8 or 10 pm as i would need to check who is online and invite them to play (defaults will be done normally).

a Cup tournament tree at start of season so people know who they are playing in advance.

Not so Important:

FCL an idea came up about having a plate competition alongside the Cup, this would mean even if you lose your first match you have something to play for still.

Individual League - All Round Knockout Tournament featuring 1 frame of US, UK and Straight, 2 frames of 9 Ball)
Posts: 22,512
09:21 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The fixture ban thing is fine with me, i have no issues with that at all.

The set killer time is an issue for me though, this is an online game you can not expect players to come online for that set time. I know it works on snooker well at least i think it is kind of successful, but just like the past has proved things that work on snooker do not work on pool and vice versa, yes some stuff does work but i don't see the set time working. Most clans that have failed to play some Killer games are lacking in players or an opposing clan is folding soon and it makes it harder to get the players to actually play.

I think next season captains are going to get there top six players from the team to get the killer done and those six players would be the more active ones. Some may see that as fixing the teams in killer and what not but the way it is now it can be done like that anyway.

The FCL thing will not be going ahead, based on a few reasons, it makes for more work to be done and what not and if im honest i felt last season i wasted my time with all the schedules and what not to be done by clans folding (not being harsh as things like that happens). Other reason is i also play a major part in the FBL league so that is enough work in total already.
Posts: 38,097
16:15 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i can do the plate if you like, not much extra work needed but due to this i will need to do a tournament tree after pre seasons then you can add it in the schedule.

Example in Spoiler

Cup Quarter Finals

1. Sinners vs Ninja Warriors
2. Team Angry vs Professionals
Fighting Eagles - BYE
Snooker Squad - BYE

Cup Semi Finals

3. Winner of 1 vs Fighting Eagles
4. Winner of 2 vs Snooker Squad

Plate Semi Finals

Loser of 1 vs Loser of 2
Loser of 3 vs Loser of 4

Plate Final

Winner of Plate Semi 1 vs Winner of Plate Semi 2

Cup Final

Winner of Cup Semi 1 vs Winner of Cup Semi 2

Individuals isn't too hard either but if not played i decide the obvious defaults then defaults team do the rest (if not i decide who goes through).

no problem with Killer, i see your reasons behind it just felt it may cut defaults down. For Snooker Squad/Dollars & Cents we generally ask for a set time (e.g. 10 pm each night) and when both teams have 3 online then we play, reason for defaults in Killer is due to asking once and thats it but no set time included, i feel if more clans stated when majority of their players are online then killer can be done.

yeah for fixture ban for 3 0 defaults, lee said its basically too high and maybe so but if anyone gets 0 at default 3 times then they deserve to be fixture banned.

Edited at 14:00 Fri 14/09/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:25 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
A suggestion regarding swaps in FBL, im sure i spoke to seb about this a while ago.
Currently if a player is subbed out of a game type, and both of those games are then played, the player that was subbed out cannot be swapped into a different game type.
To help reduce defaults next season, why not allow for the player that
has been subbed out of a game, to be swapped into a different game type if needed.
Although it still uses one of the swaps, it will encourage teams to make subs to get games played,knowing that they can swap the removed player back into a game,
rather than have an active player at the end of a fixture who cannot play.
Posts: 11,489
14:45 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i think that a lot of defaults is when games are started and u cant sub in cause games been started i would rather start game again and sub someone in instead of having partially played games
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
A suggestion regarding swaps in FBL, im sure i spoke to seb about this a while ago.
Currently if a player is subbed out of a game type, and both of those games are then played, the player that was subbed out cannot be swapped into a different game type.
To help reduce defaults next season, why not allow for the player that
has been subbed out of a game, to be swapped into a different game type if needed.
Although it still uses one of the swaps, it will encourage teams to make subs to get games played,knowing that they can swap the removed player back into a game,
rather than have an active player at the end of a fixture who cannot play.
I vote for this yes!
Posts: 38,097
16:16 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
or eliminate the one swap entirely? never been fond of that rule also i have a problem where you can swap in same game mode, this is open to possible match making (unless its a reliability/timezone issue) swapping into other modes should always be a possibility as less chance of match fixing.

Posts: 11,063
16:42 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
To help reduce defaults next season, why not allow for the player that
has been subbed out of a game, to be swapped into a different game type if needed.
Although it still uses one of the swaps, it will encourage teams to make subs to get games played,knowing that they can swap the removed player back into a game,
rather than have an active player at the end of a fixture who cannot play.
Yes we did! It will still use up your swap, but at least the player isn't lost entirely.
Posts: 11,063
16:43 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i think that a lot of defaults is when games are started and u cant sub in cause games been started i would rather start game again and sub someone in instead of having partially played games
So if one of our players is losing 0-4, I can tell him to quit so that we can sub a new player in and start again?
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