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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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23:24 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.

Can we have subs for haste then? lol
vs playa87 in fcl
and vs me in fbl :D
FBL done, fcl now, ok.

This is the new set of fbl games.... see when a set of games finish another set is released
WHtas your point, that is common sense. So why you typing that in?
Posts: 19,819
23:25 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems like you didn't understand so i was just saying lol
Posts: 157
23:28 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
alright guys whats happening with the super league play off tie breaker i see that i was to play thegreatone7 but am i right in saying that sniper played her if so do i still play or is the match finished cheers guys
No i won3-0, and we won the tie breaker, we will be playing Latin Legends.

ok matey thats cleared that up for me thanks and well done sniper
Deleted User
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23:29 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems like you didn't understand so i was just saying lol
Where in there does it say that lol, i said FBL done, FCL now. as in i made FBL sub, and am doing fcl sub now.
Posts: 19,819
23:29 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems like you didn't understand so i was just saying lol
Where in there does it say that lol, i said FBL done, FCL now. as in i made FBL sub, and am doing fcl sub now.

Okay just making sure you know
Deleted User
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23:30 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
alright guys whats happening with the super league play off tie breaker i see that i was to play thegreatone7 but am i right in saying that sniper played her if so do i still play or is the match finished cheers guys
No i won3-0, and we won the tie breaker, we will be playing Latin Legends.

ok matey thats cleared that up for me thanks and well done sniper
Thanks Kingy! She was a bit ul, should have been 2-1 to here, but i cleaned up where she miss, and on uk, last game i ran all my yellows without a miss. Good way to end it.
Deleted User
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23:30 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems like you didn't understand so i was just saying lol
Where in there does it say that lol, i said FBL done, FCL now. as in i made FBL sub, and am doing fcl sub now.

Okay just making sure you know
Thanks Zac, i could always use an extra pair of eyes
Posts: 19,819
23:31 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems like you didn't understand so i was just saying lol
Where in there does it say that lol, i said FBL done, FCL now. as in i made FBL sub, and am doing fcl sub now.

Okay just making sure you know
Thanks Zac, i could always use an extra pair of eyes

After that miss so could I LOL
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:37 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems like you didn't understand so i was just saying lol
Where in there does it say that lol, i said FBL done, FCL now. as in i made FBL sub, and am doing fcl sub now.

Okay just making sure you know
Thanks Zac, i could always use an extra pair of eyes

After that miss so could I LOL
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:13 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

The Legend Killers vs Vipers

blueberry vs rhinofool
familyguy0 vs matthew95_8
wade_ vs pusher
sniper vs hotdave
relisys vs howhigh
khukuri vs _hot_potter_
lars_4 vs davey_1985
se7en vs dark_chocco

Mouseketeers 2 Vs 10 The Legend Killers

8US fleetwood vs blueberry
8US samwisemac vs familyguy0

9US playa87 vs wade_
9US thegreatone7 vs sniper

8UK nick79theman vs relisys
8UK mastroianni vs khukuri

Straight punkpoet 0 vs 6 lars_4
Straight marksmith 2 vs 4 se7en

6 games of your game type, 3 of straight

Deadline is 19/08/12 good luck vipers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:14 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League II

Round 2 Play-Offs - Preliminary Semi-Finals

The Legend Killers v Latin Legends

khukuri v king8ball1
kingywhu v toluca321
blueberry v w_hoolahan
sniper v zantetsukenz
relisys v scooby

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on 13/8/12 (One week)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:50 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pusher of 16 days now.will message playa87
Posts: 6,262
03:10 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

The Legend Killers 3 vs 3 Vipers

blueberry 3 vs 3 rhinofool
familyguy0 vs matthew95_8
wade_ vs pusher
sniper vs hotdave
relisys vs howhigh
khukuri vs _hot_potter_
lars_4 vs davey_1985
se7en vs dark_chocco

Mouseketeers 2 Vs 10 The Legend Killers

8US fleetwood vs blueberry
8US samwisemac vs familyguy0

9US playa87 vs wade_
9US thegreatone7 vs sniper

8UK nick79theman vs relisys
8UK mastroianni vs khukuri

Straight punkpoet 0 vs 6 lars_4
Straight marksmith 2 vs 4 se7en

6 games of your game type, 3 of straight

Deadline is 19/08/12 good luck vipers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:12 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol "good luck vipers" nice copy pasta
Posts: 6,262
03:15 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It was to add my result, get your's played
Posts: 22,512
04:34 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
haste vs playa87 is now

mighty_zeus vs playa87

This sub is invalid as mighty_zeus is already in this fixture.
Posts: 38,097
19:31 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just a reminder that FBL defaults info is due by midnight tonight, if not received then will be done without info so those who haven't its best if you do.

if any games below has been played before deadline please let me know so i can take it off website

Untouchables vs Legend Killers

madmiketyson 0-0 ads19
banana 0-0 khukuri **info submitted by khukuri**
its_me 0-0 sniper **info submitted by sniper**
dark_chocco 0-0 lars_4
mattywellie 0-0 haste **info submitted by sniper**

Mouse vs Underdogs

playa87 0-0 lfc07 **info submitted by playa**
fleetwood 0-0 9balljay

Underdogs vs Untouchables

chris 0-0 mr_pink_eyes **info submitted by chris**
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:46 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Relisys v Staffie_man

6 - 2 up 2 now he went and didnt come back for ages and i also had to go finish 2mo if hes on
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:06 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i be on m8 sorry had to rush my neigbour fell down stairs lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:43 Tue 7 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
haste vs playa87 is now

mighty_zeus vs playa87

This sub is invalid as mighty_zeus is already in this fixture.
Yeah i know, i didn't know what to do that day, and jus gave mind almost exploded, luckily i sealed up the crack with duck tape!
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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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