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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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13:59 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi! could you send default information for following games to dgeneratio by Tuesday midnight. After this time it will be done with or without support info.

Untouchables vs Legend Killers

madmiketyson 0-0 ads19
banana 0-0 khukuri
its_me 0-0 sniper
dark_chocco 0-0 lars_4
mattywellie 0-0 haste

Subs in Spoiler New Fixture in ()
23/7 Swap: 9US jimmy__1878 vs fuunky
9US madmiketyson vs khukuri

8UK banana vs kingywhu
8UK kingy vs relisys

(9US jimmy__1878 vs kingywhu
9US madmiketyson vs relisys

8UK banana vs fuunky
8UK kingy vs khukuri)
30/7 madmiketyson vs kukhuri (madmiketyson vs sniper)
banana vs fuunky (banana vs khukuri)
kingy vs relisys (kingy vs ads19)
dark_chocco vs _straight_ (dark_chocoo vs lars_4)
mattywellie vs smasher (mattywellie vs haste)
3/8 kingy vs ads19 (its_me vs ads19)
4/8 ads19 vs its_me (sniper vs its_me)

Deleted User
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14:25 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
This team is sticking around, for next season!

Yeeeeh ya'll thas right! Wub wub wub wub wub wub, wub wub wub wub wub wub
Deleted User
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14:26 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Team list:
1. ads19 (captain)
2.sniper (co captain)
3. familyguy0 (Vice captain)
4. blueberry
6.khukuri Uk mainly..
11.lars_4 UK and STRAIGHT only.

Ok let's start looking for players!!
Deleted User
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14:27 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set Four

Legend Killers (28) v (32) Vipers

blueberry 10 v 5 blackcabman7
haste v staffie_man
mighty_zeus v mfc_ss
familyguy0 3 v 12 hotdave
sniper v davey_1985
kingywhu v fry06
wade_ 4 v 11 rhinofool
khukuri 11 v 4 pixie_dust

Mouseketeers (34) Vs (26) The Legend Killers

nick79theman 9 vs 6 blueberry
playa87 vs haste
mastroianni vs mighty_zeus
samwisemac 7 vs 8 relisys
punkpoet (13) vs (2) sniper
thegreatone7 (6) vs (9) kingywhu
marksmith vs ads19
stephenball vs khukuri

Deadline is 8/12/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:28 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

The Legend Killers vs Vipers

blueberry vs rhinofool
familyguy0 vs matthew95_8
wade_ vs pusher
sniper vs hotdave
relisys vs howhigh
khukuri vs _hot_potter_
haste vs davey_1985
se7en vs dark_chocco

Mouseketeers Vs The Legend Killers

8US fleetwood vs blueberry
8US samwisemac vs familyguy0

9US playa87 vs wade_
9US thegreatone7 vs sniper

8UK nick79theman vs relisys
8UK mastroianni vs khukuri

Straight punkpoet vs haste
Straight marksmith vs se7en

6 games of your game type, 3 of straight

Deadline is 19/08/12 good luck vipers
Posts: 38,097
15:45 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Golden Cue has been updated up to fixture set three:

If i have missed anything please let me know
Deleted User
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19:44 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.
Deleted User
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21:33 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.
Don't play pool anymore??? where that come from? Never told me, and that isnt right. I love this "job"
Deleted User
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21:34 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lol well i asked him to play over on snooker and he said he dont play pool anymore he told you last night or
Deleted User
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21:34 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.
lars_4 he is online!
Deleted User
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21:36 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lol well i asked him to play over on snooker and he said he dont play pool anymore he told you last night or
No he absolutely did not, i had been trying to get ahold of him.. maybe he sent that on snooker, but i havent been on yet today.
Deleted User
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21:36 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dont need a sub to play it now just
sub him in i will catch him tommoro ive got loads of jobs to do before the girlfriend chops my balls off.
Deleted User
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21:37 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dont need a sub to play it now just
sub him in i will catch him tommoro ive got loads of jobs to do before the girlfriend chops my balls off.
he is thundrbuster on snooker pal...send him a message on there and pool i guess.
Deleted User
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21:39 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
oh yer i know him he on my friends list on snooker.
Deleted User
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21:41 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
oh yer i know him he on my friends list on snooker.
awesome, then it should be done as fast as you would play haste lol
Posts: 19,819
21:46 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.

Can we have subs for haste then? lol
vs playa87 in fcl
and vs me in fbl :D
Deleted User
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21:53 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.

Can we have subs for haste then? lol
vs playa87 in fcl
and vs me in fbl :D
FBL done, fcl now, ok.
Posts: 19,819
21:59 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
need a sub for haste as he dont play pool anymore.

Can we have subs for haste then? lol
vs playa87 in fcl
and vs me in fbl :D
FBL done, fcl now, ok.

This is the new set of fbl games.... see when a set of games finish another set is released
Posts: 157
23:13 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
alright guys whats happening with the super league play off tie breaker i see that i was to play thegreatone7 but am i right in saying that sniper played her if so do i still play or is the match finished cheers guys
Deleted User
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23:23 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
alright guys whats happening with the super league play off tie breaker i see that i was to play thegreatone7 but am i right in saying that sniper played her if so do i still play or is the match finished cheers guys
No i won3-0, and we won the tie breaker, we will be playing Latin Legends.
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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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