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08:42 Sun 27 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus these Mclaren boys know how to race, they're bloody power sliding around corners! LMAO!

Alonso is superb, i can't see Hamilton doing him today, unless something happens, which i don't want to see as i'd like to see Mclaren walk away with 2 podium spots today.

Can't see any other team touching the Mclarens today. WOOOHOOOooo.........
Deleted User
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14:00 Sun 27 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Great race from both Mclarens today. Alonso was untouchable though...did you see how fast he cut round the swimming pool section?!?! SIDEWAYS!!!

Ferrari were nowhere to be seen today, and well done to Alonso for 2 in a row at Monaco.
Deleted User
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02:46 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i read on tele txt last night that mclaren had decided early in the race to let alonso win and hamilton was not allowed to over take grrrrrrrrr very unfair in my eyes, ok so alonso is no1 driver for mclaren but things like this could stop hamilton winning the title
Posts: 33
06:47 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yer that was the case.... if you actually saw the race you would know that on the last couple of laps the mclaren boys were told to take it easy as they knew they had came 1st and 2nd.... what a loada .................

but you must think... it was alonso home country was it not? dyu really think they would let a english lad win there?? haha
Deleted User
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10:11 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Alonso is from Spain!

I think Alonso was the better driver. But you have to think that tactically Hamilton could of over taken him in the pits, if Mclaren would of left him out for longer. Either way, Mclaren have always let their driver race, rather than having silly team tatics, but a line must be drawn!

They were both putting it through sideways Dave, it's like they wa' both showing of! They are 2 of the best drivers in F1 at the moment.
Deleted User
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10:17 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeh agreed.

I reckon what makuta said is a load of poo poo:
makuta said:
if you actually saw the race you would know that on the last couple of laps the mclaren boys were told to take it easy as they knew they had came 1st and 2nd.... what a loada .................

Alonso was screaming around that track, how is it a loadda......if they were almost lapping 3rd place man??!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:34 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Was easily the best race so far, i think they need more street circuits in the calender, perhaps surfers paradise would be good?
Deleted User
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10:49 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Next year there gonna have another Spanish track, and there talking about having a night race!How cool would that be?!
Deleted User
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11:04 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah the night race has been confirmed now hasn't it? I look forward to that!
Deleted User
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11:21 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
1_eye said:
Was easily the best race so far, i think they need more street circuits in the calender, perhaps surfers paradise would be good?

I reckon that tracks too small for F1, but it's still awesome.

Maybe the extended norisring in Germany...or even Adelaide again??!

The night race! Wow that's news to me, if it goes ahead that will be great! They tried promoting it a few years back but that's all i heard, and ideas where it's being held??
Deleted User
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11:28 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not to sure, but the commentators seemed to think it was almost definite that it would be next years rostrum. Norisring would be good, and i'm fond of Adelaide, i also like Surfers Paradise, although i don't know if that would suit forumla 1, so i think i might have to go with Adelaide!

Shall have a look at night race see if i can find owt.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:35 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
And...not forgetting the old classic street races they used to have in USA...

Long beach i think was one...then another in Detroit if my memory does me correct. Though only having one legit street track on the calendar is a bit poor.
Deleted User
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14:49 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I think i heard the night race will be in the middle east somewhere.Not sure though...
Deleted User
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14:49 Mon 28 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Here you are Dave, looks like the night race is going to be in Asia!

I'm very excited now!
Posts: 33
12:15 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_mcquiston said:
Yeh agreed.

I reckon what makuta said is a load of poo poo:
makuta said:
if you actually saw the race you would know that on the last couple of laps the mclaren boys were told to take it easy as they knew they had came 1st and 2nd.... what a loada .................

Alonso was screaming around that track, how is it a loadda......if they were almost lapping 3rd place man??!

if you actually watch the race mate... you would understand... its not 'poopoo' its blatant truth lol what dyu know anyways ROTLMAO

Edited by forum moderator the_hunter, at 21:07 Tue 29/05/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:22 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Such was the speed of the McLarens on the day. They were told to stop racing each other and ease off a bit (which they did), and yet by the end of the race they were still going faster than everyone else.

As for that proposed night race, I can't wait!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:51 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Makuta, if your gonna post, do it such a way as not to offend or be condescending towards others please, nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate, as you will see me and Mcquiston frequently do!

Yeah Bernie has told Australia that they might have to do hold a night race in the future, if they can't then he'll take the race somewhere else. He don't take prisoners does he?
Deleted User
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14:10 Tue 29 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha certainly not!
Would make a night race interesting in rainy conditions...imagine that!!! haha!
Posts: 33
10:07 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
1_eye said:
Makuta, if your gonna post, do it such a way as not to offend or be condescending towards others please, nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate, as you will see me and Mcquiston frequently do!

1_eye i would prefer it if you kept your nose out of my business and th moderators bottoms thankyou and i would have thought you would be saying that to mcq as he was the one who offended me i thought making out im full of ..... i know there is nothing wrong with a bit of friendly debate but personally i took offence to his comments.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:14 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i'm sure Dave made his comment as a joke. As for offensive, do you not think your comment to me about my nose being up someone's bum is offensive? I doubt you will find many to agree with that statement, although martin_blanks bum does smell nice.

However, on this thread we do banter, but let's try keep it like that, and not so offensive thanks. I'm sure Dave will shed light on his post, and from knowing him, i'm sure his aim wouldn't have been to offend you, sorry you felt this way. Please carry on taking part in this thread, as you are obviously an F1 fan, but letr's try be nice.
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