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Deleted User
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21:42 Mon 2 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
wow wrestlemania was good ^_^

and raw is even better so far

hardy boyz champions again
Deleted User
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21:51 Mon 2 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Undertaker world champ i hear
Deleted User
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21:56 Mon 2 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yea wrestlemania was class course undertaker was gonna win cant kill the 15-0 at wrestlemania streak
Deleted User
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22:16 Mon 2 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
My brother is a big Undertaker fan and he's 22!
Deleted User
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22:43 Mon 2 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
thing is people may say wrestling is for kids etc etc etc... what about recored producer timberland?

he is a massive wwe fan... and tony hawks
Deleted User
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04:11 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
not watched wrestling in a while lol see the crappy ones sometimes but not wwf(is that it i can't remember)or smackdown or raw.

Is the undertaker still in it?
Deleted User
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06:21 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I remeber watching wrestling on saturday morning when I was younger, I knew it was fake but it was still good.
Deleted User
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06:31 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
the best soap on tv
Deleted User
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06:44 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
haha i live about 30 minutes out of detroit and wrestlemania was held on ford field in detroit, and there were HUUUUUUUGE crowds and like no end to traffic for hours. lol some odd fans...

i'm just sad the donald didn't have to shave his head, that hair is outrageous!
Deleted User
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08:05 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
poolcue2k6 said:
not watched wrestling in a while lol see the crappy ones sometimes but not wwf(is that it i can't remember)or smackdown or raw.

Is the undertaker still in it?

Aye, he won the main event at wrestlemainia and is now the new world champion.
Posts: 8,940
15:55 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't believe i missed this thread!

I'm a huge wrestling fan, always have been, always will be. Even had my website shut down by the WWF in 1999.

Wrestlemania is always a cool time, and we have lockdown coming up too, what a month!

Anyone have any questions for a wrestling geek?

Deleted User
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15:58 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
no offence to wrestling fans but it's totally over rated what's so good about seing people act out a fight.
Posts: 1,363
16:01 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
allornothing said:
no offence to wrestling fans but it's totally over rated what's so good about seing people act out a fight.

its a soap for blokes i say mate

Edited at 21:02 Tue 3/04/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
17:28 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
allornothing said:
no offence to wrestling fans but it's totally over rated what's so good about seing people act out a fight.

Its all about telling a story, but obviously unless you're interested enough to pay attention, you wont "get it"

This applies to all entertainment, soaps for example. I seriously cant tell the difference between them, as they are all just people saying the same things in the same places etc etc etc. But thats because i'm not a fan.

The big draw with Wrestling is that, though it may be predetermined, everything is performed live in front of a crowd. That requires way more talent than 100 takes and CGI to make it good like you see in the movie fight scenes.

Plus - when did you last have a ticket to go watch spiderman fight live, and get his autograph later?

Deleted User
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17:31 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm more interested in why your website got shut down? And i thought websites couldn't be shut down?!
Posts: 8,940
17:40 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I ran a wrestling clips site. The shutting down came in the form of a letter from WWF's legal dept telling me i was a bad boy (I didnt take any chances! LOL!)

My disclaimer that all the clips were found freely on the web clearly wasn't enough

If you google for "brutal bumps" you can still find traces!

I cant even tell you the address - i didnt have an auto-renew set up and the domain was bought by a "naughty" site.
Deleted User
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17:54 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner here's why i don't like wrestling when i was younger i was a massive fan of wrestling i had to stop watching it because in reality i was stupid enough to do some wrestling moves and my out look of wrestling these days is it's all about commercial advertisement and all the matches are a fix and before they start the match they match decide on who wins.
Posts: 1,363
19:16 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
allornothing said:
spinner here's why i don't like wrestling when i was younger i was a massive fan of wrestling i had to stop watching it because in reality i was stupid enough to do some wrestling moves and my out look of wrestling these days is it's all about commercial advertisement and all the matches are a fix and before they start the match they match decide on who wins.

yeah i agree a remeber trying yo tombstone my cousin (was grounded for weeks ) made me realise that it was not wise to watch it any more. all matches are foxed probs weeks before they actually happen
Deleted User
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19:25 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
well obv but its all about the woman
Posts: 8,940
19:25 Tue 3 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I really dont understand the idea of not watching because you were stupid enough to do it youself though. Thats like saying you cant watch 300 because you'll have to start chopping people's heads off!

Its knowing the way things are going that makes it fun, just like any story. I mean you know Spiderman will beat the baddy, you just dunno how..

Thats also what puts the pressure on wrestlers, they cant stop because of injury, they have to carry on. Do you see many footballers carry on after breaking thier leg or seperating a quad?

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