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Give UK pool it's own schedule...

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18:24 Fri 16 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
OK hear me out on this because I know I mentioned it in another topic but I think this deserves it's own thread purely because it's a cool idea and I want to draw attention to it to actually get some feedback.

The idea is this: remove UK pool from the current schedule and give it it's own thereby making room for more US 8 and 9 ball tournaments.

Personally I never play the UK version because I don't like it (in reality and on here - the small white is just wrong because it's only like that so the table doesn't gobble it up every time it's potted).

By clearing this from the US schedule it makes room for 50% more tournys which means you can have speed tournys as well as big and small table tournys and there will be enough variety to keep everyone happy without going the way of tournys every 30 minutes. Also those who choose to play the inferior version can do so at their hearts content. Everyones happy.

(I promise not to start any more threads this month)
Posts: 8,940
19:04 Fri 16 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok. I'm trying to be polite so please dont take any offense. I've already been reprimanded for being to "vocal" today...

UK pool takes up only 33% of tourneys, nt 50%. And, given the stats provided by Nick :

nick said:
48.1% 8 Ball UK
23.1% 8 Ball
03.9% 8 Ball Pro
19.4% 9 Ball
05.5% 9 Ball Pro

We see that UK pool actually *should* have 50% of tournament time!

We all have our personal preferences. Given that you prefer 4 out of 5 of the games currently availiable, i think you're doing ok

Finally, the "ball size" thing. Yes on a UK table, the cue ball is smaller, but i'm afraid that if you find the same thing on FunkyPool, i have some unfortunate news for you...
Posted Image

....the rest of us have at least one ball bigger than yours...

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:39 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
What about people who like to play UK aswell as the US games? I my self would love to see more us 8 ball pro tournies, as they are my favourite, but i don't feel this is the answer!
Deleted User
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03:10 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I feel the point has been missed here (surprisingly) - if UK pool is the most popular then it should have tournaments more regularly, like every hour - this keeps UK pool fans happy.

If that happens in the way I suggested then we could have more US 8 and 9 ball tournaments (24 insead of 16 per day - an increase of 50% ) which would then allow more variation in terms of quick tournys and ones of differing table sizes.

This is a fantastically good idea, OK I was drunk when I started the topic but I totally agree with myself and am totally surprised that the first post doesn't think it's a good idea!

(OK I concede the one about the white in UK pool)
Deleted User
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03:37 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
There shouldn't be any more tournements than there already is! The place will become to cluttered!
Deleted User
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05:00 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

Quite clearly the UK is the most popular therefore by that stat it should be played more often. If it meant sacrificing US tournys to make way then it would be a very sad day and I for one would come here less frequently. As the site is very good and very addictive and therefore rightly is growing, it stands to reason that expansion is a logical step and my idea should be seriously considered, and I don't see how anyone could complain about it because it's good for everyone.
Posts: 8,940
05:32 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it will all boil down to what percentage of users online at any one time are involved in tournaments.

I see you are new to the site, so may not be aware that its only recently that tournaments were expanded to the number we now have. (and not really all that long ago since there were no scheduled tourney's atall!)

There are already too many tournaments to be able to play each one. Having any more would thin things down even more.

I'm unsure of the procedure's which run the tournaments, but it could be that starting more than one tournament at the same time would require quite a bit of extra work.

(I assume this is what you mean, giving people a choice of tournament to enter)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:42 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
you've got a point but if you've tried hosting your own mmog (massive multiplayer online game) with your PC as a server, then add more and more tournaments your PC just can't handle it therefore causing server crashes! Even if nick runs this server via the internet im guessing the more tournaments and other things added the more regularly the server will crash! Plus theres the added number of players playing on the server.
Deleted User
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06:04 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good point and one which I hadn't considered in my haste to get across how I'd like to see the site run.

To be honest, if it means paying a wee subscription every month to support the site in expanding to a proper big server which can handle the flow then I'd contribute.
Deleted User
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06:08 Sat 17 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:

I see you are new to the site, so may not be aware that its only recently that tournaments were expanded to the number we now have. (and not really all that long ago since there were no scheduled tourney's atall!)

There are already too many tournaments to be able to play each one. Having any more would thin things down even more.

I'm unsure of the procedure's which run the tournaments, but it could be that starting more than one tournament at the same time would require quite a bit of extra work.

(I assume this is what you mean, giving people a choice of tournament to enter)

Well yeah I guess, but it could be done with half hour starts too. I see there's a snooker version but it's probably run by someone else is it? If not and if it's fairly easy to set up then UK pool could have it's own section like the snooker? It does seem unfair to UK fans having 1 tourny every 3 hours.
Deleted User
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02:14 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
haha now theres an idea i like funkyUK

how there can b uk pro normnal uk mayb even 9 ball uk!!!
Posts: 8,940
07:09 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkysnooker and Funkypool are both run by Nick (and his team of voulinteers)

FP just recently moved to a new server, whilst FS continues to run on the od one.

(you can find more details in the game announcements thread)

Since you're new, i can also assure you things discussed here do happen, and Nick keeps us up to date regularly.

I've very confident he will be taking this all on board.
Posts: 5,223
08:21 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
whilst FS continues to run on the od one.

What do you mean?
Posts: 4,347
08:31 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
He means the OLD one - the old server. Just a typo.
Posts: 5,223
08:37 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok thanks martin.
Deleted User
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08:42 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
After listening to the arguments i'm still not swayed! Still feel it's a bad idea, i like the site the way it is, i don't feel it needs to change to this extent. If you moved uk 8 ball to another site/server then you would be seperating alot of people from one another! We're more than just a game, we're more like a community!
Deleted User
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09:53 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
1_eye said:
After listening to the arguments i'm still not swayed! Still feel it's a bad idea, i like the site the way it is, i don't feel it needs to change to this extent. If you moved uk 8 ball to another site/server then you would be seperating alot of people from one another! We're more than just a game, we're more like a community!

moving uk 8 ball to another site or server would be awful
Posts: 8,940
10:33 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sure the original intention was just to move the game to a seperate server to avoid conflicts when running tournaments (if thats necessary at all, it totally depends on how the tournaments are coded).

This is a sensible enough idea, and wouldn't impact how the site works at all, other than offering more tournaments.

At the end of the day, the only thing that will cause that is demand. Nick is well aware of the community here, i very much doubt anything happening to change that
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:50 Sun 18 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
*Remembers the good ole days when there was only UK pool, and tournaments were merely an idea that people never thought would happen*
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:35 Mon 19 Feb 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
wasn't here thn
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Give UK pool it's own schedule...

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