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tell us ya 7 ballings

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:47 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
idolized - User
(45 posts) 18:08 Thu 17/03/05 (GMT)

^^ I was quite impressed with that because it was off the break
lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 18:42 Thu 17/03/05 (GMT)

hello kevin(revenge) and gava.. i've 7 balled you both on poolgame... you too matt(ibiza) several times :-)
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 18:47 Thu 17/03/05 (GMT)

hmmm dont quite remember that!
landlord (deleted) - Deleted User
(9 posts) 10:43 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

He is hitthelights
gava - User
(960 posts) 10:49 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

I know that that is rubbish because nobody knows what my name was on poolgame and it wasn't gava. I deleted my name on poolgame. That lars does talk some crap to be fair.
up_and_comin - Banned User
(37 posts) 12:01 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

7balled trickshot todays final sweet as!!!
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 12:10 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

gava i knew ur name on poolgame and i kno lars was hitthelights and all his other names but dont remeber getting 7 balled by him!
harts - User
(1 post) 14:31 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

i 7 balled up and comin in a final and won 2-1. he sed it was the 1st time he ever been 7 balled!
sturryboy - User
(84 posts) 14:59 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

mark_rufc loses to sturryboy with 7 balls remaining
sturryboy - User
(84 posts) 18:14 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

benlyon loses to sturryboy with 7 balls remianing
gava - User
(960 posts) 18:20 Sun 20/03/05 (GMT)

i know ke he talks crap!
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 18:44 Mon 21/03/05 (GMT)

sturryboy wots the point in that
mr_brohnson - User
(6 posts) 18:58 Mon 21/03/05 (GMT)

i 7 balled lars over on poolgame, think i 7balled up and comin in a tourney final too
therm - User
(166 posts) 19:09 Tue 22/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: luv4luda (1) loses to therm (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: therm 80.9 (+1.0), luv4luda 76.3 (-0.9)
hairypotter2 - Moderator
(117 posts) 23:20 Thu 24/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: geordie_lass (0) loses to hairypotter2 (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKING: hairypotter2 94.9 (+0.6) geordie_lass 71.6 (-0.6)
gava - User
(960 posts) 19:24 Fri 25/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: lynchy05 (0) loses to gava (2) with 7 balls remaining
TOURNAMENT: gava knocks out lynchy05
gava - User
(960 posts) 19:58 Fri 25/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: msjoey7 (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
valiant (deleted) - Deleted User
(7 posts) 23:30 Fri 25/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: guitfiddler (0) loses to valiant (3) with 7 balls remaining
valiant (deleted) - Deleted User
(7 posts) 08:49 Sat 26/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: gingi (2) loses to valiant (6) with 7 balls remaining
gilli - User
(1079 posts) 13:20 Sat 26/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: kay05 (0) loses to gilli (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gilli 94.8 (+0.6), kay05 74.0 (-0.6)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:47 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
gas_head - User
(29 posts) 22:13 Sat 26/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: blonde_binbo (0) loses to gas_head (1) with 7 balls remaining
lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 14:05 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

lol i'll give you all a big clue here..

i was oojamaplop on here.. (7 balled everyperson i played before leaving the game) tht includes you kevin..

7 balled you on poolgame as glacia.. 7 balled matt(ibiza) several times as glacia lol

poolgame names for me = glacia,hitthelights,lars,valhella,boyo17,wyatt_earp,ghostbuster.

and yes..i have 7 balled many of you repeatedly and nope.. none of you are up o me in frames won.. not by a long way..

closest person to me is dawn_patrol.. and i'm upon him 23 - 20
lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 14:07 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

mr_brohnson...unless your poolgame name is either rolandnunezj..otc..or mjd.. then no. you have not 7 balled me for tthese mention ed names are the only 1s tht have.. and i happen to know that none of them play this site lol

rolandnunezj not even got the net anymore!!
lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 14:09 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

and.. i have never been 7 balled on the name lars... only as boyo17 (by otc)..glacia(by mjd)... and wyatt_earp(when i only just started by rolandnunezj)

wish people would stop lying about victories over me because if everbody who says they have beaten me had actually beaten me... My record and reputation on poolgame and funkypool wouldnt be anywhere near what it is now..

as oojamaplop here i was 150 - 3 lol
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 14:17 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

yeah.....but i dont seem to recall u 7 balling me..i have only played u bout 5 times ever
lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 14:27 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

lol uv played me in normal games..league games.. and tourny games on there.. its more around the 15 game mark...
misleadyouth - User
(1310 posts) 14:42 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

i 7balled dancerhol
gava - User
(960 posts) 22:26 Mon 28/03/05 (BST)

i was gona 8ball chavster_tom jsut now but he left before i did. so sad!
hairypotter2 - Moderator
(117 posts) 01:13 Tue 29/03/05 (BST)

I 7 balled bass_junkie which put me 3-0 in front
brosque (deleted 1) - Deleted User
(18 posts) 08:49 Tue 29/03/05 (BST)

LAMBERT! can u remember when we were playing winner stays on and i beat u then i 7 BALLED CHRISKAV05
gava - User
(960 posts) 15:24 Tue 29/03/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: aymz (0) loses to gava (4) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 97.3 (+0.3), aymz 69.3 (-0.3)
brosque (deleted 1) - Deleted User
(18 posts) 17:52 Tue 29/03/05 (BST)

kl! ! ! ! !
brosque (deleted 1) - Deleted User
(18 posts) 17:55 Tue 29/03/05 (BST)


i wos on my frends acc and i wos playing nic and i potted six balls of mine then i wos on my last red then the black.I potted the red but i hit it to hard and to much back spin and i hit the black in aswell (not funny! ! ! )
gava - User
(960 posts) 00:45 Wed 30/03/05 (BST)

haha lol ;-)

Gava - 10 times tourny winner
gava - User
(960 posts) 00:38 Thu 31/03/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: bluebuddha (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 98.4 (+0.2), bluebuddha 74.4 (-0.2)

Gava - a member of the nemesis revenger's clan
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 19:58 Thu 31/03/05 (BST)

wd m8
cool_dude - User
(48 posts) 21:37 Thu 31/03/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: 1_man_army (0) loses to cool_dude (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: cool_dude 97.4 (+0.3), 1_man_army 79.9 (-0.3)
stinkbridge (deleted) - Deleted User
(1 post) 21:47 Thu 31/03/05 (BST)

wd m8
just unlucky thats all
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 21:52 Thu 31/03/05 (BST)

im canter
gava - User
(960 posts) 02:09 Fri 1/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: cute_tiger7 (0) loses to gava (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 98.9 (+0.1), cute_tiger7 70.3 (-0.1)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:48 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
gava - User
(960 posts) 01:56 Sat 2/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: blaze (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 96.6 (+0.4), blaze 77.7 (-0.4)
jehuty (deleted 1) - Deleted User
(50 posts) 05:24 Sat 2/04/05 (BST)

hahahah. Enjoyment from this? what are you people doing when you're playing?

"people need to get lives, i mean who would cybér a rabbit? rancid man, rancid...Break the habit dude's"
gava - User
(960 posts) 01:05 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

revenge: gg
gava: gg
revenge: oppsps
revenge: 7 baller go on m8
RANKED RESULT: revenge (1) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 96.2 (+0.5), revenge 97.0 (-0.4)
revenge: hehe
revenge: :-D
gava: get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 09:34 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

nice1 m8!
gava - User
(960 posts) 09:55 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

Cheers mate, I dont mean to rub it in Kev but I had to put it on because it is a rarity for any1 to 8 ball u.
gilli - User
(1079 posts) 10:43 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 16:54 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

lol gava kevs been 7 balled many times by moi :-), youv got a long way to go mate and why after balling someone do you put 'get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

thats just sad...
sinister (deleted) - Deleted User
(64 posts) 10:50 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

badders (1) loses to sinister (4) with 7 balls remaining
jack_daniels - User
(172 posts) 13:28 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: greavsie (0) loses to jack_daniels (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: jack_daniels 96.9 (+0.4), greavsie 93.0 (-0.3)
gava - User
(960 posts) 13:30 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

lars m8 get a life i 8 balled him for the first time and said 'get in' so what? does it matter? y do you have to argue with eevrything i say or everytime i win? are u jealous?
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 16:49 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

TORNEY RESULT: up_and_comin (0) loses to canter_crusa (2) with 7 balls remanning
afey - Admin
(204 posts) 16:51 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

7 balled greenday a couple of times today
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 16:53 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

lambert - User
(253 posts) 17:12 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

lol nicely dun canter and afey
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 17:15 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

thanks m8
jack_daniels - User
(172 posts) 21:44 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: _krikay_blue (1) loses to jack_daniels (4) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: jack_daniels 98.0 (+0.3), _krikay_blue 89.0 (-0.2)
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 21:51 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

no way?

nice 1 wish u cud b in the clan

therams will chuck me out when he hears about this :'(

u just spoiled my chances of survivin!
jack_daniels - User
(172 posts) 22:29 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

were you talkin to me in that post tommy?
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 11:33 Tue 5/04/05 (BST)

yeah cos krikay blue sed he was gonna get u in the clan

but u have a clan soooo.......

ToMMy $h££r1n!
gava - User
(960 posts) 16:04 Tue 5/04/05 (BST)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: football1st (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:48 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
mull - User
(60 posts) 23:11 Tue 5/04/05 (BST)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: fliam (0) loses to mull (1) with 7 balls
gava - User
(960 posts) 23:22 Tue 5/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: fritofart (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 97.4 (+0.3), fritofart 73.5 (-0.3)
kaiba (deleted) - Deleted User
(67 posts) 01:44 Wed 6/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: duracell (0) loses to kaiba (3) with 7 balls remaining

RANKED RESULT: duracell (0) loses to kaiba (6) with 7 balls remaining

RANKED RESULT: thelegend69 (1) loses to kaiba (3) with 7 balls remaining

the man ot lucky in first frame :(
kaiba (deleted) - Deleted User
(67 posts) 09:59 Thu 7/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: yobo (0) loses to kaiba (1) with 7 balls remaining
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 10:06 Thu 7/04/05 (BST)

i have just lost my first game against a 70 ranker

kaiba (deleted) - Deleted User
(67 posts) 11:03 Thu 7/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: swill (0) loses to kaiba (2) with 7 balls remaining
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 08:53 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

yeh wd..(lars) y wont you play me ...first to 5 one day?
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 10:40 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

he wouldnt play u cos he was dying to beat me afta i won him *cough fluke cough*
misleadyouth - User
(1310 posts) 13:04 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

i 7baled guest309 not long ago :P
kaiba (deleted) - Deleted User
(67 posts) 14:34 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

lol tommy_da_biz lost to me 4 -1 and claims to beat me, funny guy if ya ask me, sort ya head out son
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 14:37 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

i neva sed i beat u man
dubfire - User
(15 posts) 14:46 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT:why (0) loses to dubfire (1) with 7 balls remaining
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 14:47 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

i think that kaiba should forget that i even one that tiny small match because it is causing some serious problems
kaiba (deleted) - Deleted User
(67 posts) 18:26 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

lol shouldnt bragg about winning 1 frame when you lost 4...
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 18:39 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

i neva bragged when did i brag
gava - User
(960 posts) 19:03 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

kaiaba, with the amount of times your going on about how good you are and how u can beat everyone im suprised u lost at all. I'm also suprised u fail to spell such simple words as brag right when on msn you were going on about words such as Antidisestablishmentarianism. LMAO. oh well, looks like back to primary school for you son.
gava - User
(960 posts) 19:04 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:08 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:08 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

and u cant spell kaiba
gava - User
(960 posts) 19:10 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

not a word tho its a funkypool name and he always brags about he can do this and that so he asks for it basically.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:50 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:10 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

lol yeah but still

gava - User
(960 posts) 19:14 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

anyway mine was only a typo, he hasnt said it was a typo or corrected it so i presume he cant spell the word.
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:17 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

gilli - User
(1079 posts) 19:31 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: zoda (0) loses to gilli (5) with 7 balls remaining
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 19:42 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

zoda is nicknax sister lol
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:48 Fri 8/04/05 (BST)

canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 14:27 Sat 9/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: jackbauer (1) loses to canter_crusa (4) with 7 balls remaining
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 16:55 Sat 9/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: terry1989 (0) loses to canter_crusa (3) with 7 balls remaining
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 16:58 Sat 9/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: terry1989 (0) loses to canter_crusa (4) with 7 balls remaining
nic - User
(66 posts) 19:46 Tue 12/04/05 (BST)

so zoda is relly nicknax's sister? nicknax is like 14 yrs,(wats da diferenc) how old would zoda be? the little boy now is studyin for his middle school exams, ive always respected jackbauer to extend tht i had him in mind when planin a mutant clan. now they 7balled him, canter crusa, we all kno ur gud, but seven ballin a 1989 kid for 2 concgativ gams? u shud try ppl ur level. I MEAN THE KID DOESNT EVEN EXIST, im still trying to figure out how genuine this is , i dont mind it when the ranks r not there cos i would just quickly go and check them out , (PROVIDED THE KID EXIST) ....

lambert - User
(253 posts) 06:35 Wed 13/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: stuart_c (1) loses to lambert (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lambert 95.5 (+0.6), stuart_c 93.6 (-0.5)

chip_fork (deleted) - Deleted User
(11 posts) 18:31 Wed 13/04/05 (BST)

Post removed by an admin
thuganomics2 - User
(177 posts) 22:31 Wed 13/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: cousins (0) loses to thuganomics2 (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: thuganomics2 94.6 (+0.6), cousins 69.1 (-0.5)
soz (deleted) - Deleted User
(51 posts) 20:52 Wed 20/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: squirt (7) loses to soz (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: soz 91.5 (+1.1), squirt 97.4 (-1.0

soz: if i were a moderator i would annonce this lol
squirt: haha !! ..
squirt: damn u
squirt: i havent been seven balled for .,...
squirt: years
squirt: if i have ever been
soz: lol
soz: yay!
squirt: damn u ! lol
squirt: nah well done dude .. its an achievement lol

show_stopper - User
(53 posts) 15:48 Sun 24/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: x3mly_yld (0) loses to show_stopper (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: show_stopper 98.0 (+0.2), x3mly_yld 71.8
pimp_my_cue - User
(100 posts) 17:45 Sun 24/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: allid75 (0) loses to pimp_my_cue (2) with 7 balls remaining
show_stopper - User
(53 posts) 18:57 Sun 24/04/05 (BST)

RESULT: guest152 (0) loses to show_stopper (1) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:51 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
these were posts from the previous 'tell us you 7 ballings' threads, and so i have merged them together and deleted the others, please post here from now on and dont make any new 7 ball threads
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:11 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: guest671 (0) loses to playerx (1) with 7 balls
RESULT: guest671 (0) loses to playerx (2) with 7 balls
RESULT: guest671 (0) loses to playerx (3) with 7 balls
ok its a guest, but 3 in a row aint bad, one was of break as well
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:47 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Nar, that's good!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i seven balled someone 4 times in a row once
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:20 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
ooooh la la
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:39 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RANKED RESULT: squeezy (1) loses to rat (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: rat 94.7 (+0.7), squeezy 94.8 (-0.6)

my 1st 7 balling!!!

i feel so proud..... *stands up for the national anthem*

Edited at 02:58 Fri 3/06/05 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:31 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
wow so many 7balling here... very impressive!!! but then... have u ever been 7balled b4 glacia/lars/hitthelights n etc?... hehehe :p
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:09 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: soljar (0) loses to sepultura (10) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:25 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: jamel (0) loses to derpatovski (3) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:25 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
init derp lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:46 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I have 7 balled lars.........................................oh wait there, that was a dream.................
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:07 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
technically i 7 balled wills, because i had poted all my 7 balls, and was on the black, and he is not responding so i will probably win by default in a minute, having potted all 7 of my balls, does that count?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:52 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RANKED RESULT: keep_it_real (0) loses to bert (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: bert 96.2 (+0.5), keep_it_real 88.9 (-0.4)

:-D and here was his
keep_it_real: i am pis sing rround
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:16 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
guess_who in tourny
Posts: 1,556
18:32 Fri 3 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT UPDATE: pete1 (1) loses to raiden (1) with 7 balls remaining
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tell us ya 7 ballings

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