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tell us ya 7 ballings

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:38 Wed 1 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
its not the same dawn_patrol m8

Edited at 18:38 Wed 1/06/05 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:47 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RANKED RESULT: msn_girl (0) loses to farren (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: farren 95.1 (+0.6), msn_girl 74.5 (-0.5)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:16 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: up_and_potin (0) loses to farren (1) with 7 balls remaining

hahaha, in the same day...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:58 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I know i was joking he told me anyway he wasn't the real dawn
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:35 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
funk_amo (0) loses to mr7ball (1) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:17 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RANKED RESULT: teejay (0) loses to derpatovski (4) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:24 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:32 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RANKED RESULT: aficinado (1) loses to derpatovski (2) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:37 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
good 1 derp
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:14 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i 7balled farren earlyer hehe you said i could say it farren =-D
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:49 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:50 Thu 2/06/05 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:41 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
RANKED RESULT: bikerboy14 (0) loses to gilli (5) with 7 balls remaining
supersayian (deleted) - Deleted User
(19 posts) 12:10 Sat 19/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: randyorton (0) loses to supersayian (3) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: supersayian 87.9 (+0.8), randyorton 71.5 (-0.7)
pool1 (deleted) - Deleted User
(2 posts) 14:59 Sat 19/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: pool_shark (0) loses to pool1 (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: pool1 93.4 (+0.8), pool_shark 92.5 (-0.7)
pool_shark: =-0
qlp (deleted) - Deleted User
(6 posts) 07:15 Wed 23/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: noshow (0) loses to qlp (1) with 7 balls remaining
afey - Admin
(193 posts) 11:19 Wed 23/03/05 (GMT)

7 balled shripman12 but was on poolgame, since hes also a funkypool player it should be counted :)
afey - Admin
(193 posts) 21:31 Wed 23/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: time (0) loses to afey (2) with 7 balls remaining
thuganomics2 - User
(177 posts) 22:30 Wed 23/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: jam_jar (0) loses to thuganomics2 (1) with 7 balls remaining
afey - Admin
(193 posts) 23:57 Wed 23/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: jam_jar (0) loses to afey (10) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: afey 100.0 (+0.0), jam_jar 80.7 (-0.1)

pool1 (deleted) - Deleted User
(2 posts) 15:48 Thu 24/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: cursemenator (1) loses to pool1 (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: pool1 94.5 (+0.7), cursemenator 92.8 (-0.6)
gilli - User
(1079 posts) 14:52 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: cdm138 (0) loses to gilli (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gilli 98.9 (+0.1), cdm138 71.5 (-0.1)
cool_dude - User
(48 posts) 15:10 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: steven159 (0) loses to cool_dude (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: cool_dude 96.9 (+0.4), steven159 95.5 (-0.3)
hairypotter2 - Moderator
(117 posts) 21:10 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

i 7 balled jack_a_
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 21:15 Sun 3/04/05 (BST)

i know him hes banana_mans bro!

banana_man is my best m8
nic - User
(66 posts) 15:25 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

nice one cool dude, tht was a gd one, keep it up!
canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 15:27 Mon 4/04/05 (BST)

wd to afey..but y do we need a new thread
nic - User
(66 posts) 13:01 Thu 7/04/05 (BST)

i dont know, its senseless...oh, soz , u were not asking me?
chuckie_doll - User
(8 posts) 13:37 Thu 7/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: trickshot (7) loses to chuckie_doll (7) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: chuckie_doll 95.5 (+0.6), trickshot 96.0 (-0.5)
soz (deleted) - Deleted User
(51 posts) 20:52 Wed 20/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: squirt (7) loses to soz (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: soz 91.5 (+1.1), squirt 97.4 (-1.0

soz: if i were a moderator i would annonce this lol
squirt: haha !! ..
squirt: damn u
squirt: i havent been seven balled for .,...
squirt: years
squirt: if i have ever been
soz: lol
soz: yay!
squirt: damn u ! lol
squirt: nah well done dude .. its an achievement lol

canter_crusa - User
(428 posts) 20:55 Wed 20/04/05 (BST)

lmao well played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:41 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 21:16 Wed 20/04/05 (BST)

wp chuckie and soz
thuganomics2 - User
(177 posts) 02:28 Fri 22/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: martins5 (0) loses to thuganomics2 (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: thuganomics2 93.6 (+0.8), martins5 77.9 (-0.7)
thuganomics2 - User
(177 posts) 02:29 Fri 22/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: cog2006 (0) loses to thuganomics2 (3) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: thuganomics2 95.5 (+0.6), cog2006 81.4 (-0.5)

two in 10 getting good at this game :O)
thuganomics2 - User
(177 posts) 02:30 Fri 22/04/05 (BST)

so what if their mouse was broken? :O)

show_stopper - User
(53 posts) 03:08 Sun 24/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: aiden_f (0) loses to show_stopper (7) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: show_stopper 97.5 (+0.3), aiden_f 73.6 (-0.3)
show_stopper - User
(53 posts) 18:58 Sun 24/04/05 (BST)

RESULT: guest152 (0) loses to show_stopper (1) with 7 balls remaining
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:10 Sun 24/04/05 (BST)

dont pick on guests show stopper :-)
lambert - User
(253 posts) 12:59 Mon 25/04/05 (BST)

RANKED RESULT: cursemenator (0) loses to lambert (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: lambert 95.9 (+0.5), cursemenator 92.9 (-0.5)

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:43 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
luv4luda - User
(193 posts) 00:00 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

i always thought it was 8balled :S oops
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 02:10 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

lol, ppl say either really....i know u sed no past ones but its neva gonna happen the space of 4 games i 7 balled Revenge, an he 7 balled me....i just thort that was fun lol, i wont tell u any more lol
carter - User
(105 posts) 04:34 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

well a while ago believe it or not i 7 balled ibiza lol and posted it on some other funkypool magic moment lol
ibiza - User
(481 posts) 04:55 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

REMEMBER IT!!!!!! its not gonna happen agen lol.. ;-) i remember 7 balling u hehe
carter - User
(105 posts) 05:02 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

lol i will mate dw bout prime time lolol bed for me now zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ
fdampi (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(6 posts) 20:24 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

richi147 lol
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 21:01 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

ive 7 balled many people in my time hehe, i cant possibly name all the people, sorry guys
fdampi (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(6 posts) 21:06 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

no its starting from NOW ... every seven ball u do post it here so we can all see !
kris_360 - User
(3 posts) 23:14 Sat 19/02/05 (GMT)

Just 7/8 balled gonk
carter - User
(105 posts) 01:39 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

jus 7 balled kinky_kimmy my g/f lol

RANKED RESULT: kinky_kimmy (1) loses to carter (6) with 7 balls remaining
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 01:49 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

skater_boy ......awrite!
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 01:50 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: skater_boy (0) loses to squeezy (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: squeezy 93.9 (+0.7), skater_boy 75.9 (-0.7)
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 01:56 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

=-) tyvm m8, ul tho
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 14:03 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

dont pick on the poor 70 rankers lol...thats meannn..i almost 7 balled nick the other day but i missed an easy black...doh
goog (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(16 posts) 18:12 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

qmaster !! he is old school seven balled him ... p.s give your opinion on my moderator post
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 22:07 Sun 20/02/05 (GMT)

i wasn't pickin on 70 rankers! he asked me to play so i did lol
carter - User
(105 posts) 04:47 Mon 21/02/05 (GMT)

beat kinky_kimmy again 7 balled lol my poor baby
carter - User
(105 posts) 07:07 Mon 21/02/05 (GMT)

jus 7 balled mr_izz

RANKED RESULT: mr_izz (4) loses to carter (3) with 7 balls remaining
playerx (deleted) - Deleted User
(43 posts) 17:17 Mon 21/02/05 (GMT)

raider (0) loses to playerx (1) with 7 balls remaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:43 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
misleadyouth - User
(1310 posts) 11:24 Tue 22/02/05 (GMT)

misleadyouth. wait...
micky_15 - User
(33 posts) 14:36 Tue 22/02/05 (GMT)

RESULT: liam20059 (0) loses to micky_15 (1) with 7 balls remaining
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 17:57 Tue 22/02/05 (GMT)

sexuality (0) loses to squeezy (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: squeezy 93.6 (+0.5), sexuality 66.8 (-0.5) ....2 easy i know but still was 7
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 18:18 Tue 22/02/05 (GMT)

7 and 8 ballings arent easy when u crap up an easy shot!!
punk (deleted) - Deleted User
(122 posts) 22:03 Tue 22/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: wh11 (0) loses to punk (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: punk 92.7 (+0.7), wh11 73.7 (-0.6)
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 09:53 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

i aint ever 7 balled any one YET
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 09:53 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

i will soon
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 09:57 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: _krikay_blue (0) loses to p0t (1) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: p0t 76.6 (+1.6), _krikay_blue 77.7 (-1.4)
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 09:58 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Prove your skill by entering tournaments. Check out the tournament wat is dat and y dose it always com up
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 10:00 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

i hav just started thats y ma ranks low
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 10:02 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: p0t (1) loses to _krikay_blue (1) with 2 balls remaining
RANKINGS: _krikay_blue 78.8 (+1.1), p0t 75.6 (-1.0)
_krikay_blue (deleted) - Deleted User
(141 posts) 10:08 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: _krikay_blue (1) loses to p0t (2) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: p0t 77.1 (+1.5), _krikay_blue 77.5 (-1.3)
_krikay_blue: fluky shot
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 11:13 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

krikay we dont wanna know ur whole history of games hehe just ur 7 ballings...i thought that was obvious?
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 11:14 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

i 7 balled hitomi yesterday
punk (deleted) - Deleted User
(122 posts) 12:15 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

RESULT: lou2k5 (0) loses to punk (1) with 7 balls remaining

thats 2 now in the last week

ive had about 5 in a week before though
ibiza - User
(481 posts) 13:20 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

5 in a week? ive had 5 in a hour love! ;-) some 1 needs to hit the practise table
punk (deleted) - Deleted User
(122 posts) 14:35 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

so i dont care. ur good im crap
its as simple as that
wots with the love?
ur not g** r u?
ibiza - User
(481 posts) 16:03 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

just saying "love" to make conversation in forth coming comments lol...and as for im good your crap thery...ive never played you so i cnt agree/disagree
punk (deleted) - Deleted User
(122 posts) 18:03 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

every 1 knows im crap
its a fact
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 19:53 Wed 23/02/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: sturryboy (0) loses to revenge (2) with 7 balls remaining
TOURNAMENT: revenge knocks out sturryboy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:43 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
gava - User
(960 posts) 20:10 Thu 24/02/05 (GMT)

i did against i_love_girls 2 nights ago!
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 11:10 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

RESULT: madmart112 (0) loses to afey301 (1) with 7 balls remaining
cueball69 - User
(1 post) 11:27 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

the greatest moment of my funky carear lol was my third game after signing up i 7/8balled nicknax lol but i aint got a screenshot of it darn im so proud
therm - User
(166 posts) 14:53 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: killerkarl (2) loses to therm (1) with 7 balls remaining
therams_1884 - User
(375 posts) 16:07 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

i just 7 balled the mitey ibiza lol
RANKED RESULT : ibiza (1) loses to therams_1884 (1) with 7 balls remaining
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 16:40 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

oh he will be very please bout that...RANKED RESULT: pariah (0) loses to theman45 (3) with 7 balls remaining
overrated (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(14 posts) 17:09 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

i cant copy and paste from the site
black_ops - User
(14 posts) 17:17 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

best ive done is 6 ball someone, i 7balled someone on poolsharks years ago tho! :)
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 18:50 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

RESULT: bread (0) loses to afey301 (5) with 7 balls remaining
punk (deleted) - Deleted User
(122 posts) 18:59 Fri 25/02/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: gib3 (0) loses to punk (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: punk 94.0 (+0.7), gib3 82.6 (-0.7)

yay another 2 add 2 the collection
overrated (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(14 posts) 11:44 Sat 26/02/05 (GMT)

therams_1884 - User
(375 posts) 11:58 Sat 26/02/05 (GMT)

underrated just got seven balled by me im the new kid on the block now im gonna be top of them rankingd within a week
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 16:12 Sat 26/02/05 (GMT)

just 7 balled delve
triangl - User
(489 posts) 03:31 Sun 27/02/05 (GMT)

i just had the weirdest game in which my opponent potted every last one of their balls, and then i went on and won. i was seriously lucky tho
triangl - User
(489 posts) 19:48 Sun 27/02/05 (GMT)

just 7 balled randomperson
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 21:07 Sun 27/02/05 (GMT)

i have no idea what any of this means... oh well
ss2gohan - User
(92 posts) 14:13 Tue 1/03/05 (GMT)

i 7 balled triple_h on the 1/3/2005
sturryboy - User
(84 posts) 14:28 Tue 1/03/05 (GMT)

i 7 balled hairy potter earlier
soz (deleted) - Deleted User
(51 posts) 20:11 Tue 1/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: jon89brown (0) loses to soz (2) with 7 balls remaining
thuganomics2 - User
(177 posts) 08:37 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: toon_gal (0) loses to thuganomics2 (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: thuganomics2 92.7 (+0.9), toon_gal 83.6 (-0.8)

so what if its a girl :P lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:44 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
derpatovski - Moderator
(413 posts) 08:52 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: swedish_jim (1) loses to derpatovski (6) with 7 balls remaining
derpatovski - Moderator
(413 posts) 16:08 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: chuckie_doll (0) loses to derpatovski (1) with 7 balls remaining
playerx (deleted) - Deleted User
(43 posts) 17:02 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: emacsrule (0) loses to playerx (1) with 7 balls remaining
poolkiller - User
(23 posts) 17:16 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

i have 7 balled squirt 1 time squeezy 2 times nick 1 time hiya235 2 times and loads more just cant rember the names lol i must admit when i was playing squirt i hade a black ball and a yellow ball left and i potted both of them at the same time but oh well still call that a 7 baller
poolkiller - User
(23 posts) 17:40 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: scousedanny (0) loses to poolkiller (2) with 7 balls remaining
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 20:44 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

sorry but can't people just make this up?

Like for example i could say....

RANKED RESULT: nicknax (0) loses to baby_lion (100) with 7 balls remaining

I wish...
triangl - User
(489 posts) 23:15 Thu 3/03/05 (GMT)

derpatovski you 7 balled me man...
poolkiller - User
(23 posts) 15:34 Fri 4/03/05 (GMT)

why would we do that for baby_lion ...?
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 15:39 Fri 4/03/05 (GMT)

what* would we do that for

Because it's fun
gava - User
(960 posts) 23:15 Fri 4/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: pot_luke13 (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: gava 97.1 (+0.4), pot_luke13 85.5 (-0.3)
gava: gg
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 23:17 Fri 4/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: gava (0) baby_lion (1) with 7 balls remaining
gava - User
(960 posts) 23:26 Fri 4/03/05 (GMT)

u neva 8 balled me baby_lion in fact ive never played u dont say such stupid things coz no1 has ever 8 balled me and i plan on things staying that way!!!
poolkiller - User
(23 posts) 02:33 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: dildado (0) loses to poolkiller (2) with 7 balls remaining
poolkiller - User
(23 posts) 04:24 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: micky_15 (1) loses to poolkiller (2) with 7 balls remaining
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 10:35 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)


dude take a chill pill!
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 10:36 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

at least it wasn't

RANKED RESULT: gava (0) baby_lion (1000000000) with 7 balls remaining
gava - User
(960 posts) 11:02 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

Well all I see u do is come out with stupid comments on these forums.
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 11:27 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

oooooh! that was a bit harsh gava, i've heard about pmt but woah!
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 13:23 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

and btw all i see you do is moan
gava - User
(960 posts) 13:27 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

well done. i notice that took u 2 hours 2 think of.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:44 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 13:37 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

it's called logging out and logging back on again
poolkiller - User
(23 posts) 20:07 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

o yeah i for got i 7 balled elton 2 times in the tourney
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 20:10 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

i 7balled xxxk8xxx earlier hav sum of that

ToMMy $h££r1n!
nick05 (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(4 posts) 21:22 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: scotland (0) loses to nick05 (1) with 7 balls remaining
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 22:01 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

lol yeah thats a nice scoreline
check this:
RESULT: ibiza (0) loses to tommy_da_biz (99) with 7 balls remaining
lol soz ibiza first legend that came to mind

ToMMy $h££r1n!
nick05 (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(4 posts) 23:36 Sat 5/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: dhoff (0) loses to nick05 (5) with 7 balls remaining
to in 1 night :)
squirt - User
(122 posts) 00:11 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

lol ... you seven balled me but i won ! haha, as you fouled on black ;-) nice one mate ..
paul2k4 - User
(25 posts) 00:44 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

lol thanks :)
paul2k4 - User
(25 posts) 00:44 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: stormjester (0) loses to paul2k4 (2) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: paul2k4 95.3 (+0.5), stormjester 66.8 (-0.4)
simon - Admin
(1179 posts) 01:13 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

I 7 ball everyone....hahahaha, ok I'm going to bed.
nick05 (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(4 posts) 03:23 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: soz (4) loses to nick05 (4) with 7 balls remaining

3 in a night :)
soz (deleted) - Deleted User
(51 posts) 03:23 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

wd to nick05 for 7balling me

tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 09:26 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

i think u shud get more rank for seven ballin sum1 cos it requires a lot of skill!

ToMMy $h££r1n!
afey301 (deleted) - Deleted User
(236 posts) 14:34 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

not a 7 balling but..

RANKED RESULT: trafro (2) loses to afey301 (7) who potted the black on the break!
gava - User
(960 posts) 15:55 Sun 6/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: blushfulbabe (0) loses to gava (2) with 7 balls remaining
TOURNAMENT: gava knocks out blushfulbabe
nick05 (deleted 2) - Deleted User
(4 posts) 11:45 Mon 7/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: johnboy (0) loses to nick05 (2) with 7 balls remaining
nick73 (deleted) - Deleted User
(3 posts) 20:20 Mon 7/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: snow (1) loses to nick73 (1) with 7 balls remaining
supersayian (deleted) - Deleted User
(19 posts) 12:18 Tue 8/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: petrehull123 (1) loses to supersayian (1) with 7 balls remaining
gilli - User
(1079 posts) 16:08 Tue 8/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: irish_kane (0) loses to gilli (1) with 7 balls remaining
therams_1884 - User
(375 posts) 18:08 Thu 10/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT : ibiza (0) loses to therams_1884 (1) with 7 balls
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:45 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:36 Thu 10/03/05 (GMT)

dont try it i hav already tried that!
gava - User
(960 posts) 23:09 Thu 10/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT : 85victoria05 (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
lars (deleted) - Deleted User
(44 posts) 15:55 Fri 11/03/05 (GMT)

haha i've 7 balled every person i've played on this site,
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 16:43 Fri 11/03/05 (GMT)

nope not me hehe
squeezy - Moderator
(418 posts) 17:37 Fri 11/03/05 (GMT)

nor me! RESULT: martin2005 (0) loses to squeezy (1) with 7 balls remaining
gava - User
(960 posts) 18:31 Fri 11/03/05 (GMT)

Nor me! so haha in ur face lars!!!
gava - User
(960 posts) 19:21 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: robw (0) loses to gava (1) with 7 balls remaining
chelsea - User
(3 posts) 19:33 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: imaman_1 (0) loses to chelsea (1) with 7 balls remaining
chelsea - User
(3 posts) 19:53 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

GRRRRRRRR, i hate it when ur about to 7 ball some 1 and they leave the game i was al most about to 7 ball fit_lad2 and he left :O
chelsea - User
(3 posts) 20:06 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: lakai (0) loses to chelsea (1) with 7 balls remaining
but he was on as a guest he told me his name :)
man_u - User
(11 posts) 21:04 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

TOURNAMENT RESULT: thegame (1) loses to man_u (2) with 7 balls remaining

tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 21:07 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

i 7 balled xxxk8xxx and 5 balled anth earlier
man_u - User
(11 posts) 23:10 Sat 12/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: mctubelight (0) loses to man_u (3) with 7 balls remaining
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 12:13 Sun 13/03/05 (GMT)

babyface - Banned User
(1 post) 14:57 Sun 13/03/05 (GMT)

only my 7th game and i seven balled prest good job my bf taught me how to play. LOVE YOU DAN (STURRYBOY) (8BALLHERO) both the same person
concorde (deleted 1) - Deleted User
(2 posts) 17:14 Sun 13/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: donquixote (0) loses to concorde (1) with 7 balls remaining
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 20:52 Sun 13/03/05 (GMT)

nice 1
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 18:52 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: simon (2) loses to revenge (5) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: revenge 98.1 (+0.2), simon 95.6 (-0.2)
revenge: hehehehe!!
simon: omg
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 18:52 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

thats class. obviously the most talented on the site. well dun m8!
simon - Admin
(1179 posts) 19:50 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: revenge (2) loses to simon (5) with 7 balls remaining
RANKINGS: simon 98.1 (+0.2), revenge 95.6 (-0.2)
simon: hehehehe!!
revenge: omg

Don't lie revenge, you just changed the names around.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:46 Thu 2 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:50 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

heheheh i dont know who to believe u crafty ppl!
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 19:52 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

mr simon is lieing shame on u
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 19:53 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

the slyboy never lies
revenge - Moderator
(758 posts) 19:54 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

this time he has im afraid
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 19:56 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

ooooooooooh naughty simon hang ur head in shame my friend

can i lend ur gun plz?
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 19:58 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 20:01 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

i was talkin to simon

y u so bothered? :'(
luv4luda - User
(193 posts) 20:01 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

maybe because its borrow and not lend
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 20:02 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 20:03 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

same reason ur so bothered about 'lendin' my gun
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 20:05 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

acutally i am goin to stop simon usin it whilst he is drunk!

sorry :(
baby_lion - User
(2497 posts) 20:06 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

why? it'd be fun
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 20:07 Mon 14/03/05 (GMT)

just stay away from him

i dont want the gun ne more if u want him to shoot sum1
man_u - User
(11 posts) 14:10 Tue 15/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: hiya235 (0) loses to man_u (2) with 7 balls remaining
supersayian (deleted) - Deleted User
(19 posts) 14:22 Tue 15/03/05 (GMT)

no fake results plz thanx u
ss2gohan - User
(92 posts) 11:08 Wed 16/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: supersayian (0) loses to ss2gohan (1) with 7 balls remaining

RANKED RESULT: supersayian (1) loses to ss2gohan (2) with 7 balls remaining

supersayian (deleted) - Deleted User
(19 posts) 13:21 Wed 16/03/05 (GMT)

trust u ss2gohan i could of beat u but i didn't try thats y u 7 balled me
tommy_da_biz (deleted) - Deleted User
(2243 posts) 17:20 Wed 16/03/05 (GMT)

yeah right that is wot they always say
man_u - User
(11 posts) 17:44 Thu 17/03/05 (GMT)

RESULT: stephg (0) loses to man_u (1) with 7 balls remaining
idolized - User
(45 posts) 18:05 Thu 17/03/05 (GMT)

RANKED RESULT: hhgh121 (0) loses to idolized (1) with 7 balls remaining
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