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Random shot penallty?

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Deleted User
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18:59 Fri 22 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Take it from me, the random time limit penalty is far from random...
Deleted User
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19:03 Fri 22 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
thats also very true martin maybe they should make 2 random shots in a row ball in hand or what spinner said 10 sec games cause 3 random shots u win
Posts: 1,221
19:28 Fri 22 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I played someone the other day and they had the time on 70 and they had 3 random shots (i wasn't happy lol) and they could of easily came back to the table and of won the game but they didnt but i was still a bit annoyed....

Also why would you need the timer higher than 40, i think i shouldnt be able to go higher than 40.

Deleted User
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20:58 Fri 22 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well theres the possibility that two users agree to play inbetween work or the likes. but I've never seen it so I agree, 40 should be the maximum
Deleted User
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04:58 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree on 40 secs max too, people shouldnt be playing while they are at work/school/college etc, except in designated lunch breaks etc
Posts: 4,751
05:15 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a user option, you have the choice whether to enter the game or not.

I've certainly played new players and have been explaining things with the gameplay as lower priority.

For me I often use a time limit from 20-40 seonds, and I have lots of game experience. It's not unfeasible someone would want a longer time period.
Posts: 1,221
11:48 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
But why would anybody need it higher than 40seconds?
Deleted User
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12:27 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
well i know sum1 in a differenet game altogether they make it as high as they can and when its their shot they wait till the last second to shoot so the opponent gets so bord they just leave which means free rank
Posts: 8,940
13:51 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
tricky_boi said:
But why would anybody need it higher than 40seconds?

As i said before, when i asked this (I cant see why anyone needs more than 10 let alone 40!!) It was pointed out to me that some regulars play with 180 secs, thus letting them take a shot when they have a chance between work etc. Just like many other turn-based games.

After all, as Nick said, its a user option, so if you dont like long games just dont enter them!
Deleted User
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14:15 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
y 10 u dnt have much time time to think about wat ur doin spinner i always do 20 exact tournament time so i get use to it but 40 gives alot of time to think about wat ur doin so tht is also gud even tho it can take a wile but 90 that is just ridiculous
Posts: 1,221
16:04 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
10 Secs is a bit to low for me, i usally have mine on 20secs aswell.

No need to go any higher!
Posts: 31,220
17:04 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Back when I was working last February, my colleagues et moi occasionally played during work, and sometimes this necessitated 180-second games, cos if a boss walked in you couldn't take a shot, and where was the fairness in that?

Whether or not someone should be playing games at work is not the concern of!!!
Posts: 8,940
20:07 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly clooneman! Its only takes a split second to play a shot so its not like you're losing a days work!

I understand the long games, but anything between 10 secs and 120 or so just doesn't make sense!

Time to look at table = zero, you should be watching the other player.
Time to click on side/stun = 1 sec
Time to click on where you want to aim, 1 sec
Time to take shot 1 sec

That leaves 7 seconds to chat in a ten sec game, so what can you possibly do with more???

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:15 Sat 23 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
it takes me bowt 10 secs altogether aswell because i always take my time to look wat im goin to do plus i chat so tht mite b a few more secs
Posts: 160
08:11 Sun 24 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
20 seconds is best.

3 seconds to think of what shot do and what spin.
1 second put spin on the ball (If needed).
1-5 seconds line up shot.
1 second take shot...
Leaving 10-14 seconds take ya time on ya shot, chat and click on the funkypool game screen if ya elsewhere.
Posts: 4,751
08:22 Sun 24 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Whether or not someone should be playing games at work is not the concern of!!!

I consider it a morale resposibility for the site to relieve boredom of people at work. Hence the game works through any firewall settings.
Deleted User
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08:37 Sun 24 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Back when I was working last February, my colleagues et moi occasionally played during work, and sometimes this necessitated 180-second games, cos if a boss walked in you couldn't take a shot, and where was the fairness in that?

Whether or not someone should be playing games at work is not the concern of!!!

tbh you've swayed me with that, the option doesn't really do any harm. We just need to get in the habit of checking the time limit before we enter.
Posts: 8,940
09:53 Sun 24 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, now thats cleared up, i can say what everyone will be expecting!

Nick - can we please have the option for quick-fire games.

Many other sites have 4-5 second games, and they are always the best games, so can we please have the same option on funkyPool?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:39 Mon 25 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
nick said:

I consider it a morale resposibility for the site to relieve boredom of people at work. Hence the game works through any firewall settings.

nick can u speak english plz im only 12 lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:31 Mon 25 Dec 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
It means when your boss pay's some computer guy an awful lot of money to stop you wasting your time surfing the net; Nick has it fixed so you can stll play funkypool!
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Random shot penallty?

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