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Deleted User
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13:48 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok fair enough.

This site was unique, personally i think it's starting to go down hill, it kept getting better and better until not long ago.

As for multi-using, pool_life was the one who told everyone i had more than one account, i am not breaking any rules at all and i'll leave it at that.

I always try to be nice, the "win and loss" thread is a good example, but just somehow it seems to go wrong..

It's because of your sarcy comments, you always go on about multi-using too, no offence but every time you post on a thread, it seems to go off topic and turn into an argument.

Just try saying wether it's a crap idea or a good idea or something like that.
Posts: 3,764
13:59 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  

If there is another post from you that basically takes a dig at admin, moderators, or how funkypool is run i will remove your posting ability like i did on your last name, hence the reason you are avoiding the ban by posting on this. And doing the exact same thing i may add.

You have made your point, so stop trying to rally users to your cause. You have covered every angle now as far as i can see, how the site is going downhill, how I’m the worst thing to happen to the site, and it's getting repetitive.

Spinner noted in a previous thread how this would not be tolerated on most forums, yet here we give you the chance to say your piece as long as it's non abusive and not picking on an individual for reasons unbeknown to most people.

If you have a problem, use contact us. If you post again with your comments against the site, then i promise it will be your last post on that name.

Edited at 19:05 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:11 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I have used contact us, still waiting on a reply...

You show me where i said you're the worst thing thats happened to this site then, as for rallying users, i didn't even make this thread so try getting your facts straight, as for the threat, was there really any need?

When you find a reason to ban me then WARN me, don't THREATEN me!

I haven't broken any rules so you can't ban me can you!

I haven't been abusive, i have replied in appropriate and mature way, you have just gone and threatened me...

I haven't personally gone and attacked anyone, this thread was fine until your post.

I haven't said how bad the admin team is, i simply said you don't let us have an opinion, you threatened me because i voice my opinion....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:14 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
You think this is the only forum i use, i use a few actually and not one of them is this strict, they don't threaten me either, if you don't like it then tough, you can't just go and remove my posting abilities for nothing can you, i've read the rules and haven't broken any of them.

Why are you aiming your attack at me anyway, i haven't even said anything as bad as a few other members yet you still single me out?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:16 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol flozzy you dork i told you not to!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:21 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Got banned from the forum AGAIN did he
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:21 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
haha yes bunz he did....boys
Posts: 8,940
14:23 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Just for clarity, the only reason i have mentioned multi-using so often is because its the only thing i can think of that isn't enforced according to the rules.

However, as it has been discussed on another thread, and no doubt noted by admin, perhaps the rules can be updated regarding posting allowances to avoid the need for more than one account.

And kryptonite, the post, as you will have read, was a light-hearted reference to the fact that andyrognus and _brighteyes_ , then sunderland and _brighteyes_, were posting replies so fast it was almost as if they were the same user!

I even pointed out that thier IP's could be logged just in case they were multi-using.

Cant see how i could be more helpful than that..

Anyways, the one good thing to come out of the whole affair is that its become another example of how open this site is. That can never be bad...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:27 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
mike i'm being serious, i don't care if he is your mate you need to say something to him. i don't care if he doesn't swear this is ridiculous!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:27 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
It's ok im back ladies!

Just forget it spinner, i didn't attack anyone, i replied in what i thought was a nice way, didn't abuse anyone and got forum banned for it!

Posts: 3,764
14:28 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for your constructive comments as always Spinner.

We are not here to take abusive from anyone, so lets get that straight from the start. Some members seem to think you can post any thought that comes into your mind, sometimes without even the slightest consideration as to what you are actually implying.

All of the team give up their spare time to help the site in some way or other, yet some of you go out of your way to make this kind gesture as difficult as possible.

Do you think you have a licence to be abusive every time you don't agree with another person’s opinion? Well I’ll tell you now, you can't!

I don't want to cap this, but if this does not go back on track i will be left no option.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:29 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
"Thanks for your constructive comments as always"....

oh please. that has to be a joke...really it does..
Posts: 3,764
14:30 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
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