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12:38 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
lmao that seemed like you just wanted to post something controversial to post it. you must not know squeezy very well, but he has VERY strong views on things....he is just trying to be polite to get his point across to people. the mod's will be more likely to respond if you give them something to respond to...yelling at them seems to not make them come to talk to should give the passive way a try before dogging on others
Edited at 17:39 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Edited at 17:39 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:43 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
i dont do passive, assertive is the way forward lol.
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12:56 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
I voice my opinions whether people like them or not too, I just do it in a way that is not offensive but is constructive. I'm not impartial to everything I have my view on things but tend to state the other view at the same time instead of ranting pointlessly. Putting both sides of an arguement and then making your own judgement on the situation shows that you understand what is going on and that you are not just considering your own viewpoint on matters before saying something out of hand.
'Don't start again' was not meant to aggrevate and knowing the person that I posted it towards I would think that he would understand the meaning of my post.
Keeping the peace is something that some users needs to do as the staff on the site are not so well respected as they once were and any attempt of proper moderating is thrown back at them.
Edited at 17:56 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
'Don't start again' was not meant to aggrevate and knowing the person that I posted it towards I would think that he would understand the meaning of my post.
Keeping the peace is something that some users needs to do as the staff on the site are not so well respected as they once were and any attempt of proper moderating is thrown back at them.
Edited at 17:56 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:56 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
I understand fully that users have strong views on different things and I try to post a way of looking at the situation that they may not have thought about, or try to make them justify their views when ever I can, this not only helps them put across their views even more strongly but allows me to understand them even more, and so can other people.
The debate in question however is not whose views are right or wrong at the moment as all I asked for was some better guidelines for users. This is not controversial and only benefits the site. It is not a reason to start arguements or continue old ones and due to this I struggle to see a point to your thread.
The debate about who is in the right or wrong will be present for anything that people disagree over, thanks for also pointing that out.
need* (for above post)
Edited at 17:58 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
The debate in question however is not whose views are right or wrong at the moment as all I asked for was some better guidelines for users. This is not controversial and only benefits the site. It is not a reason to start arguements or continue old ones and due to this I struggle to see a point to your thread.
The debate about who is in the right or wrong will be present for anything that people disagree over, thanks for also pointing that out.
need* (for above post)
Edited at 17:58 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:59 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
sorry bout poor grammer + spelling + rong words in places, typed that out kinda quickly
Deleted User
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13:05 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
1. Its not my thread i just posted. Its your thread.
2. Dont be patronising. How old are you? 18-19? I am older than you and fully understand situations when i post about them. I am quite sure i have thought about everything you can have thought about regarding a pool site. Its the pathetic seriousness of yoru posts which annoy me at times regarding a pool site.
3. End of lesson, squeeze your spots and forget about it. Its just my view. Anyone can cover every angle when they debate, its people with opinions, who come straight out with them, who get to the bottom of things. Just because they have their opinion it doesnt mean they think they are correct. However like i said i arent going to cover every hyperthetical possibility of a debate when i post, just my view.
2. Dont be patronising. How old are you? 18-19? I am older than you and fully understand situations when i post about them. I am quite sure i have thought about everything you can have thought about regarding a pool site. Its the pathetic seriousness of yoru posts which annoy me at times regarding a pool site.
3. End of lesson, squeeze your spots and forget about it. Its just my view. Anyone can cover every angle when they debate, its people with opinions, who come straight out with them, who get to the bottom of things. Just because they have their opinion it doesnt mean they think they are correct. However like i said i arent going to cover every hyperthetical possibility of a debate when i post, just my view.
Deleted User
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13:07 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
i cannot believe you just threw the age card in their could be 80 and i guarantee someone younger than you would know better than you, i hate when guys do that.
this site has turned to crap
this site has turned to crap
Deleted User
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13:12 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
So i presume your a teenager too brighteyes? Its not meant as a dig at teenagers, its just you live and learn, and i have learnt a lot in my time. I didnt say because i am older my views on a certain subject were correct compared to his, i just said i am sure i can explore all the possibilities he can.
Deleted User
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13:14 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
would you just stop talking, you have no idea what you are on about mister wisdom, squeezy made this thread as a polite way to ask the moderators to help solve the controversy over the forums. you have totally crapped on it now with your arguing and "wisdom" yes i'm a teenager, and right now, you are proving my point in younger people sometimes know more than their elders. just quit arguing the lot of ya
Deleted User
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13:17 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
nice and mature brighteyes, showing your age eh
Keep it up son.
Edited at 18:18 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Keep it up son.
Edited at 18:18 Wed 26/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:19 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
Anyhow on the subject i think the rules need clearing up yes. I have been punished for things which others get away with. What you need is consistency.
13:26 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
LOL @ Phillippe, Brighteyes is a girl... Ok son?
But seriously, there have been many threads about this, and the fact is that censorship etc is extremely rare.
People are talking about a "change to the site".
What change?
I'm here daily, and have been for 4 years and i sure as hell haven't noticed anything change!
Sure, some things need tightned up on (*cough* multiusing ) but for the most part this site is almost unique in its openess...
Just my 2c...
But seriously, there have been many threads about this, and the fact is that censorship etc is extremely rare.
People are talking about a "change to the site".
What change?
I'm here daily, and have been for 4 years and i sure as hell haven't noticed anything change!
Sure, some things need tightned up on (*cough* multiusing ) but for the most part this site is almost unique in its openess...
Just my 2c...
Deleted User
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13:27 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
lol well whatever, she might look like a bloke for all i know?
Deleted User
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13:31 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
Im not breaking any rules spinner, you need tightening up on, you go on about the same thing (multi-using), enough of it already!!!!
It's not your job spinner so just do everyone a favour and be quiet, thanks to pool_life for telling everyone im a multi-user, well played!!!!
Also, pool_life is a multi-user too!!!!!!!
It's not your job spinner so just do everyone a favour and be quiet, thanks to pool_life for telling everyone im a multi-user, well played!!!!
Also, pool_life is a multi-user too!!!!!!!
13:36 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
OK, can i now point out that the above post was made before i'd read everything thats gone on in the "wins and losses" thread...
I mentioned the mutiusing to point out to someone who might not realise that it was so obvious, and therefore help them avoid getting into trouble.
If, somehow, that can be misinterpeted, i'm sorry. All anyone wth a problem with any of my posts has to do is ask. English isn't my first language as many know, so sometimes my sarcasm isnt too obvious. Again, i'm sorry.
I think phillippe knows only too well what i mean...
OK, can i now point out that the above post was made before i'd read everything thats gone on in the "wins and losses" thread...
I mentioned the mutiusing to point out to someone who might not realise that it was so obvious, and therefore help them avoid getting into trouble.
If, somehow, that can be misinterpeted, i'm sorry. All anyone wth a problem with any of my posts has to do is ask. English isn't my first language as many know, so sometimes my sarcasm isnt too obvious. Again, i'm sorry.
I think phillippe knows only too well what i mean...
Deleted User
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13:38 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
no we can definitely tell your sarcasm, stop blaming it on your english, if you have so much trouble being nice in english, why don't you try in your home language w/e that is
13:39 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
kryptonite, i dont have a clue if you're a multi-user! How could i! LOL!
(though obviously i know now since you told us all...)
The Admins know who is abusing the multiuser issue and who is simply using it untill the forum postings issue is looked at.
(though obviously i know now since you told us all...)
The Admins know who is abusing the multiuser issue and who is simply using it untill the forum postings issue is looked at.
13:41 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
Ok thanks brighteyes.
I always try to be nice, the "win and loss" thread is a good example, but just somehow it seems to go wrong..
Oh well!
I always try to be nice, the "win and loss" thread is a good example, but just somehow it seems to go wrong..
Oh well!
Deleted User
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13:44 Wed 26 Jul 06 (BST)
This is exactly what 'dont start again' is aimed at
Spinner's mentioned the same arguement for the 40th odd thread, some1's had a go at him cuz of it yet again like every other post, an pool_life's name has been dragged into it yet again. For once i can agree with spinner...some things just dont change.
1. 'rong words in places' was referring to 'thread' being there instead of 'post', my bad.
2. You may have thought about every angle, some people don't. A pathetic seriousness about my posts has at least made you read them
3. 'End of lesson, squeeze your spots and forget about it.' Very mature also
Anyhow on the subject i think the rules need clearing up yes. I have been punished for things which others get away with. What you need is consistency.
That however sums it up perfectly
Spinner's mentioned the same arguement for the 40th odd thread, some1's had a go at him cuz of it yet again like every other post, an pool_life's name has been dragged into it yet again. For once i can agree with spinner...some things just dont change.
1. 'rong words in places' was referring to 'thread' being there instead of 'post', my bad.
2. You may have thought about every angle, some people don't. A pathetic seriousness about my posts has at least made you read them
3. 'End of lesson, squeeze your spots and forget about it.' Very mature also
Anyhow on the subject i think the rules need clearing up yes. I have been punished for things which others get away with. What you need is consistency.
That however sums it up perfectly
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