Potting the black off the break
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14:49 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)
In the beginning they were few and far between, so losing some rank was ok, if anything you were happy for the opponent.
Then slowly but surely a few more players found the technique, and they became more common, which was still ok.
To me GB’s became a problem when some players started creating games, breaking off and then leaving when the shot didn’t come off. Also some players would play against friends with the sole purpose of 'helping each other out' so to speak, and could not see how this could be considered a form of cheating.
A golden break used to be an achievement that would come once in a blue moon, hence the name. That's why the rule is different on funkypool as opposed to real life, in that i mean it being classed as a win and not a loss.
My feeling is this technique has killed good sportsmanship to a small degree, the result being a lot of unhappy players and a small minority of happy ones. One argument is if you can't beat them join them, but could you imagine what things would be like if everybody played the same game?
I think making them a loss in UK pool is something that should be considered, but 9 ball should remain how it is now, sink the 9 on the break and you win.
Edited at 19:51 Tue 30/05/06 (BST)
Then slowly but surely a few more players found the technique, and they became more common, which was still ok.
To me GB’s became a problem when some players started creating games, breaking off and then leaving when the shot didn’t come off. Also some players would play against friends with the sole purpose of 'helping each other out' so to speak, and could not see how this could be considered a form of cheating.
A golden break used to be an achievement that would come once in a blue moon, hence the name. That's why the rule is different on funkypool as opposed to real life, in that i mean it being classed as a win and not a loss.
My feeling is this technique has killed good sportsmanship to a small degree, the result being a lot of unhappy players and a small minority of happy ones. One argument is if you can't beat them join them, but could you imagine what things would be like if everybody played the same game?
I think making them a loss in UK pool is something that should be considered, but 9 ball should remain how it is now, sink the 9 on the break and you win.
Edited at 19:51 Tue 30/05/06 (BST)
14:55 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)
All good points...except one ofyours Mr Dudey!
Pro pool players DO practice all the time. That was my point m8. And...even they still can't get GB's one in 3 breaks, like our superstars on here. In fact it's nearer 1 in 50 -75 attempts.
I've sed this b4, but if they cud get GB's at the rate they do here, it'd be the end of pool as a serious sport.
And - to reiterate - if a six year old kid can learn the shot in 20 mins, how is it in any way skillful...or even sport.
Pro pool players DO practice all the time. That was my point m8. And...even they still can't get GB's one in 3 breaks, like our superstars on here. In fact it's nearer 1 in 50 -75 attempts.
I've sed this b4, but if they cud get GB's at the rate they do here, it'd be the end of pool as a serious sport.
And - to reiterate - if a six year old kid can learn the shot in 20 mins, how is it in any way skillful...or even sport.
14:57 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)
I was still writing when u posted then pool-life.
I agree with all of that.
I agree with all of that.
15:32 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)
Ok, problem sorted!
The black ball is to be removed, so whoever clears their colour first is declared the winner.
Happy now?
The black ball is to be removed, so whoever clears their colour first is declared the winner.
Happy now?
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16:00 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)
yaya... that works hehe
but wait.....you could hit the balls and every single ball of one colour went in!!!!!
what would happen then?
but wait.....you could hit the balls and every single ball of one colour went in!!!!!
what would happen then?
16:43 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)
Well, there are many different options here, but the concensus seems to be to simply stop the shot counting as a win.
Maybe Nick will let us know his preference soon, but i dont think there can be any dispute that something has to be done.
One thing not mentioned yet (in this thread) is the option of combining the solution to this problem with another, that being the 3 ball fiasco.
If you make the GB a re-spot, like in real life pool, let the GB'er get his credit, but have the game continue from there, so that anyone getting a GB cant just leave without losing rank....
Maybe Nick will let us know his preference soon, but i dont think there can be any dispute that something has to be done.
One thing not mentioned yet (in this thread) is the option of combining the solution to this problem with another, that being the 3 ball fiasco.
If you make the GB a re-spot, like in real life pool, let the GB'er get his credit, but have the game continue from there, so that anyone getting a GB cant just leave without losing rank....
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16:12 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
u cant take the gb away from uk & leave it in us if so then scrap gb's on all games as it seems 2 be as regular on us now as it is on uk
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16:26 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
martin_blank u said in a previous page my rank would only be 620 or somethin if it was'nt for gb's
so heres a challenge get ur rank above 800 & play me till we see just how good u r & u can come back on here & post the final score
oh & i'll play you without doing any gb's how does that sound bring it on
so heres a challenge get ur rank above 800 & play me till we see just how good u r & u can come back on here & post the final score
oh & i'll play you without doing any gb's how does that sound bring it on
16:27 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
It would only be a win in 9 ball, as per the proper rules, for obvious reasons!
No-one is suggesting taking GB's away (which is impossible!!!), just make them what they should be.
Edited at 21:28 Wed 31/05/06 (BST)
No-one is suggesting taking GB's away (which is impossible!!!), just make them what they should be.
Edited at 21:28 Wed 31/05/06 (BST)
17:26 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
rangers-fc_ i bin above 800 b4 m8, i was today (briefly lol), and i was top of rankings once. And, by the way, 9-ball is my game now, in which you have a record of played 2 lost 2 I understand. Not easy to cheat in that one, is it?
I've played you at UK before, like I said. I beat u once, u beat me once. So what.
When I played u in a tourny, u won 2-1 with 2 cheat breaks (...that a six year old can do) and I will never play u again. I like UK, but I don't like cheats. There are thousands of decent, sporting players on here - so fortunately I can choose not to play the idiots. You play ur game and I'll play mine. Not that yours usually last very long...
Edited at 22:55 Wed 31/05/06 (BST)
I've played you at UK before, like I said. I beat u once, u beat me once. So what.
When I played u in a tourny, u won 2-1 with 2 cheat breaks (...that a six year old can do) and I will never play u again. I like UK, but I don't like cheats. There are thousands of decent, sporting players on here - so fortunately I can choose not to play the idiots. You play ur game and I'll play mine. Not that yours usually last very long...
Edited at 22:55 Wed 31/05/06 (BST)
17:31 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
Hey, and talking of six year olds. Now that I taught her to do your 'specialist' shot - here's a challenge -play her - she plays the same game as you m8.
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17:32 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
y does he need to be above 800? do u care that much bout rank??
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20:57 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
I think we should all chill out and maybe laugh about GBs...i know they get annoying when u lose with all the balls still on the table but while it is still a stat I think we can only hope that it is considered a parasite lol...maybe we should only display them on a profile instead of the persons stats... this way we dont clog up the forums with angry players with a score to settle...instead we will get players blowing their trumpet as nobody will now how many GBs they have got lol...
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23:33 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)
fagin wait till u reach 800 & you'll understand until then just keep quiet
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Potting the black off the break
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