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Multiple usernames solution

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Posts: 8,939
15:47 Sun 7 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I know the multi-user thing has been well discussed, and the only reasoble reason put forward was from squeezy, who said she had a second account for moderation purposes.

It is also undestandable that from time to time longer term users get picked on and want to be able to play in peace.

I suggest that the ability to create aliases would be a good solution.

This would mean users could create another name, or two, to disguise themselves however rank would apply to all names.

Any users found by admin to have more than one name would have the duplicates made into aliases and thier rank reduced to the level of the lowest name as punishment. (or banned if applicable)

See - everyone can be happy!
Deleted User
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22:01 Sun 7 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
errrr squeesy changed sex?

Edited at 03:02 Mon 8/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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22:59 Sun 7 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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02:48 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well i recon you should have a limit of 3 usernames on this site

and if ure caught with more thn 3 u should be banned

1 for UK pool
1 for US pool
1 for US 9ball

and plus it makes it more fun cause you can add a bit of what typoo like to call the oooooo factor into the site and it puzzles the other players in trying to find out who you really are and they always find out in the end lmao!

and emma just to be a little bit irritating you spelt "squeezy" wrong lol
Posts: 8,939
03:15 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ooops! Rather amusing typo tho!

There is no need for more than one username, having an alias for each game would be fine, and the rank/stats are seperate anyways..

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:45 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
i fink u shud be banned for havin mor den one username .. end of
Deleted User
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07:28 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Banned? thats a bit harsh lol, are we forgetting this is a game? If a "newbie" is a pro in disguise then just dont play any newbies, i dont anyway. Then by the time they have thrashed most ppl as they are very good, you will see how good they are by rank or win %. I really dont see the big issue here. I have one user name now as i deleted all others, but i used to have 3. All my names were above 830 rank so who am i hurting there? Surely lower ranked ppl have more chance to take points off me.

Edited at 12:29 Mon 8/05/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,939
18:30 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
No, lower ranked people only had 1/3rd the chance to take points off you (though why they would want to do so i cant get me head round! LOL)

I think you summed up the reason for having only one username perfectly! we all assue newbies are pros and pro's are cheats, so rank/rating etc etc actually means nothing! Might as well all play as guests.

Deleted User
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18:51 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
And what reason is that spinner? as far as i can see you have just regurgitated all the crap you have typed over and over again, pro's are cheats pro's are cheats boo hoo. Get a life man.

As i said i had 3 user names over 830, do you realise if you play me at that rank and i beat you 8-2 you will probably end up winning more rank from me? So how if i have 3 like that is that cheating you? PLUS you said your not bothered about rank??? you have 3 chances to play me on a great rank? cant you beat me over ten games twice?

If you have a point to make then define your point dont just trail over the same stupid claims that pro's are cheats without a reason. And as far as i can see you dont have any reason for your claim. explain to me how i am a cheat if i have 3 user names over 830 rank please?
Posts: 8,939
18:57 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL read the post again Phillippe, i was regurgitating what *you* typed!

but anyways, i am lost when this degenerates into the "you cant beat me" thing, because truth is i probably cant, and since you are clearly a number junkie it would be better to let you win anyways

This covers both threads - the multi user thing means people can cheat to gain the rank you have worked so hard for. Sure the issue means nothing to me directly, it is a sense of fairness i have been pushing for.

I'm not the enemy dude!
Deleted User
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18:58 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Why don't you ever say something good about this site?
Deleted User
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19:01 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
You have been pushing for a sense of fairness? get real. And how was you regurgitating what i said? i asked for an explanation as to how you can call pro's cheats? how am i a cheat if i have 3 users at 830? I'm not a number junkie as you put it but i like to have a good rank. I play to win in everything i do. Explain how you think i am a cheat? I never called anyone a cheat YOU DID.

Man you are infuriating. I dont care if ppl wanna cheat to try and take my rank cos i can take action against that as can others. DONT PLAY THE CHEATING NEWBIE YOU DUMBA$$!!!!! for gods sake your a moron.

Edited at 00:01 Tue 9/05/06 (BST)
Posts: 8,939
19:06 Mon 8 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  

What is this all about? It was you who said first : just dont play any newbies

I dont get it!

And i agree with guess_who, the site is awesome, why diss it because you dont like newbies?

Deleted User
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03:44 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by an admin
Posts: 8,939
03:48 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Why attack me because i believe everyone should give the newbies a chance?

Others are calling newbies cheats etc etc, and i'm the bad one for defending them!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:22 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
who is calling newbies cheats? Your the only one calling anyone a cheat! you say pro's are basically cheats. but you cant explain why!

Then your saying give newbies a chance and your defending them! what do you think a pro who starts a new account is? A NEWBIE !!!! do you get it yet? has it sunk in? Thats why i dont play newbies and thats why i dont moan about the multi using policy because you can take action by not playing ppl with more than one user name.

You change tack so much in your speaches you should be a politician. Most of them dont have a cluw what their on about.
Posts: 8,939
08:30 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not getting into a petty argument, but Phillippe, it is you who repeatedly says dont play newbies!

I have no problem with pro's as newbies, never have and never will. People setting up multiple accounts for fraudulent purposes, yes, obviously.

I know you are a decent guy, but you cant generalise comments about newbies without applying the same analogy to the pro's.

But anyways, i gotta get a new comp so i can play more and chat less! LOL!
Posts: 4,347
09:26 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Have you finished now? I still want to know the answer to Emma's question. Has Squeezy changed sex?

And if so was she a bloke, or is he a girl?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:00 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Spinner, Shut the hell up about this Multiple Usernames Policy.
The admins have set the rules....So keep to them!!
Posts: 4,347
11:40 Tue 9 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Got to say though nutta, that the admin's rules are actually "one account only," so whatever spinner's reasons, (and I don't think that pro's or newbies are cheating in any way at all) his views ARE in line with policy, as per Simon's post on 8 April:

Can all users please be aware that multi-using and banning guidance on this site has changed. The following now applies:
Each user should have ONE account.
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Multiple usernames solution

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