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08:21 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
lmao lambert
Deleted User
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08:30 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
yes the tourney/league is still going ahead its just taking a while to make its diff to get it to fit around my work i promise it will be with you by the weekend
Deleted User
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09:23 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
You can't compair "chavs" and skaters.
Skaters are called "skaters" cos they skate, which could be called a sport with no rules. What do chavs do? Walk around town wearing odd clothes talking in their own 'language'.
I would be classed as a skater cos I skate.

-It's spelt "s-k-a-t-e", not "sk8". (posted by raiden)

raiden, skateboarding IS a sport, and it does have rules :-)
Deleted User
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09:29 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
They're both as bad as each other. Both seem to dress exactly the same, both seem to refuse to listen to any other type of music than the type they are obsessed with and both only seem to mix with their own. (posted by simon)

ok ok, i used to be a skater and none of my mates dressed even simillar! i still wear the same clothes as i did when i skated too. oh, and the comment on music... i listen to...

soft accoustic
heavy metal
brit pop (oasis, blurr, ect ect ect)

how is this refusing to listen to other types of music?!!? every single catagory listed above is totally different. chavs listen to anything with a topless black man on the cover ;)

(p.s, el crapitano still loves u simon)
Posts: 155
10:03 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll be on the Chav team please just because no-one else will. As they clearly do not have computers, and if they did, they would sell them for cider money.

Deleted User
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11:08 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
yeh i fink ya right
Deleted User
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11:15 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
lol at adam!!

not at u,but u no what i mean!
Deleted User
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14:36 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Misleadyouth, the truth is no-one is the same. To say that every chav or skater was the same just isn't true. I bet every single chav has a different taste in music and style as the next. Similarly every skater will have a different taste in music and style. We can stereotype all we like but no two people are the same. To suggest someone that everyone that wear's reebok classic trainers or a adidas tracksuit will all be the same is ridiculous. As ridicilous as saying everyone that skates likes exactly the same music.

I'm not a skater, or a chav, I'm just me. I'm afraid everyone is different! It's just like saying everyone on funkypool is a geek and listen's to Scatman. It's pretty hard to judge people's taste in music without speaking to them.

BTW, I posted the thing you quoted once heavilly intoxicated, so please feel free to ignore!

I'll go on the chav team as well I think, seems it's a bit uneven.
Deleted User
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15:16 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
hahaha adam im a chav mate don't like cider stella mate ;-)
Posts: 155
15:28 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought chavs got insulted if you called them chavs, but here's one proudly admitting it!
Deleted User
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15:30 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
why not?
i am what i am =-)
Deleted User
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17:40 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest I dont think people are 100% sure what a chav is.
Deleted User
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20:50 Mon 4 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]

all about chavs. "official" definitions
Deleted User
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04:07 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i do. the most common ppl round my way!

berghauss, rockports, white trackys, fred perrys, the lot!

maybe theyre different around the country!
Deleted User
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05:32 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
to be honest i think ur all sad, the world has obviously been so screwed up, no-one can be just themselves nowadays when what u wear or listen to catogorises u in others eyes. not gunna catogrise chavs or townies because i have never had any trouble by them, but skater/punk/goth/other can be just as bad,saying that chavs suck,what happened to liking people for who they are! its things like these that push people too far, we all live and breath the same air so anyone that has issues with assositiating with anyone other than those in there "catagory" are really are shallow, and obviously have very closed minds....

be more open minded! be random! and dont catogorise! ....and drink lots of milk cuz its good for u :-P

Edited at 10:35 Tue 5/04/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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05:34 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont catergorise myself when ppl say wot r u i say i am me!

no1 can stop u
Deleted User
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10:29 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
can count me in as skater, and also ask lars and uno.. both skaters
Deleted User
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11:20 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
ur only friends are yourself then bcoz u r lars
Deleted User
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15:17 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
heyyyy people good idea but i dont wanna be part of it!!

kaiba does uno even play anymore??
Posts: 155
18:30 Tue 5 Apr 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Well said kratos . wise words from a wise man
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