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Posts: 8,939
13:03 Sun 2 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
"This site was created for people to enjoy thereselves not for people to be scared of leaving there computer in fear of losing a game . "

That has to be the weirdest thing i have ever read! haha sorry m8..

Seriously. I am always always eating AND watching TV while playing, but this is no reason not to have a sensible time limit on games.

It does nothing for anyone's enjoyment of the game if people log on to play then just wander away aimlessly leaving the opponent either to wait till it times out or log out themselves. personally, i usually do the latter (have a look, i left the final of a Us 8ball tourney while one game up yesterday because i had things to do), but there are many players on here who take rank and tourneys seriously and it is unfair and downright offensive to suggest they should loose out just because you cant be bothered to play.

Sure, there is swearing and abuse, but such users are usually banned.
Posts: 8,939
13:05 Sun 2 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh, and just a quick post to congratulate Nick and his team for how well, and quickly, abusive and offensive users are dealt with. Given the open nature of this site i think its amazin how social things are...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:51 Mon 3 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think this has clearly devided opinion. The right answer is will never be known unless you give the option. Game prefs?

I am extremely disappointed that I have been criticised for making suggestions. Consultation is one of the keys to diplomacy. So is constuctive criticism. I am seriously debating if I should try to help improve the site. Maybe not.

Before everyone assumes how I play and how obbsessed I am at playing I would like to clearify the facts:
1. I too play whilst doing working, eating in bed and thanks to wireless networking during private moments instead of the newspaper.
2. I too conceed the odd shot. I'm human. Its thepeople who conced 10 or 12. I'm now playing 9 ball more.
3. I do not care of rank or tourney wins. In fact I am probably one of the lowest ranked regular players on the site. Bothered? no... I play pool. PLAY. If I was competitive about it id given up by now!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:52 Mon 3 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
If this site was not meant to be uncompetitive WHATS THE POINT IN TOURNEMENTS AND RANK

This will probably be my last post. Maybe I've had my last game. Thank you for bittering such a good site.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:32 Mon 3 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hey i think your being a bit excessive jamjah, everyone has different reasons for playing this game eg friendly games for fun or ranked games to be competitive thats everyones personal choice. I do however agree that it is annoynig when you have someone who really isnt playing thier shots as i had to play 2 tourny games against my non - playing opponant but what the point in moaning about every tiny little thing there will always be something to critersize and i think the site is great the way it is. People should stop asking for things to be changed constantly and sit back and realise how much effort goes into running this site.
Many thanks
Jenny (beannie0_8)
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