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Deleted User
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03:07 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
We all know how frustrating it is when someone leaves to make a cup oftea when your half way through a run of pots but doesnt want to forfeit the game.

Unfortunately its the higher ranking players thats more guilty of this as they feel they can catch up and win on their return.

It does slow the game down which usually breaks the rythmn and gives the absentee an advantage in the long haul.
No only is it a nusience to the other player but when it is in a tournement can stretch out the game to the 22 minute time limit thus delaying the whole tournement.

An easy solution to this is after the 5th missed shot (I would prefer 3rd!) the game is forfietted.

How do others feel about this...? Surely the only people who will complain will be those who are guilty.

Deleted User
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03:19 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
sometimes you cant help it and have to do something and it wouldnt be fair if u lost cause of something happend that you had no control over,

as for the tournie game the players have the right to play up to 22 minutes so i see no problem in that...
Deleted User
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03:24 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
but is it fair on the other player?
Posts: 8,939
14:01 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think forfieting after the third shot is a great idea!

Hopefully Nick and co will be listening now that 9 Ball is up and running. This is a very sensible option which there can be no argument against.
Deleted User
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16:32 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Personaly i dont, if you need the loo, or sumone comes to the door. Or many other things, u have to move. Not being there and having random shots benefits the person still playing in quite an obvious way, they're playing vs something that doesn't aim!

Also if they aint there, on your shot, clear the table..quick game
Posts: 8,939
02:58 Fri 17 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well i guess this could run and run, but personally if i need a cuppa, or the phone rings etc, id rather do the decent thing and forfiet the game so the other player doesn't have to wait.

Surely thats where the 3 shot thing works fine, no-one needs longer than that for anything if they actually want to play..
Posts: 4,347
04:53 Fri 17 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think a 5 random shot rule would work. I agree that things happen and you could miss 3 shots by accident - but if it runs to five then you've had plenty of time to get back, and if you haven't bothered then you are being disrespectful to your opponent and should be disqualified.
Posts: 4,347
04:56 Fri 17 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
And Squeezy - you and plenty of other quality players might be able to quickly clear the table every time, but lesser players end up waiting maybe 40 secs between shots, and having to do that time after time doesnt make for much of a game.
Posts: 8,939
06:34 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been thinking, this could be a time thing rather than number of missed shots..

If you dont play within 60 secs you forfiet the frame. Cant see any argument against that...
Deleted User
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08:40 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Three shots is realistically a minute. 2 players playing 3 shots (or not) at a minimun of 10 seconds each... one minute.

If it was left on the default 40 seconds and the other player played one quick shot each without pot nor penalty then youd be talking about 3x40 + 2x10(?) = 2 minutes 20 seconds.
My inital suggestion is better for your incontinence argument and surely easier to program as its just adding one to a variable and resetting it on each played shot.

Esentially no one of 'the people' have rejected the idea in principle, just how it should be enforced. When's a Admin going to say their point of view?
Posts: 1,821
08:43 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Realistically it would be a good idea to move it down to three but in a modern online world sometimes lag can cause problems like random shots more than 3 times in a row. Not becuase the guy has "gone to make a cup of tea" but due to their connection, pop-ups what ever it may be. Think it should stay at 5 purely because people will kick off after forfeiting too many games due to no fault of their own...
Posts: 8,939
10:12 Sun 19 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL the only reason for my 60sec suggestion is to keep everyone on a level field, be they 10 second normal people or 40 sec senior citizens

Hehe seriously, it *should* also be much easier to code (I'm a software developer myself, albeit with zero knowledge of java) so should cause minimum hassle to Nick.

I wouldnt hold your breath though. The 3ball rule is still with us despite being objected to since the day dot.....
Deleted User
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12:58 Tue 21 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Post removed by an admin
Deleted User
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23:36 Tue 21 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
No spamming please rolit.
Posts: 8,939
03:20 Wed 22 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Simon! I was happy to see th thread back up the list but dissapointed to see why!

Any word from admin on this issue, and the 3ball rule, which are still spoiling the experience for a lot of us?
Deleted User
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22:00 Sat 1 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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00:18 Sun 2 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
jamjah what was the point of that pointless spam?

Edited at 06:31 Sun 2/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:09 Sun 2 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
the system we have is fine - random shot if timer runs out. There will always be external factors to games that you cant control ie phone ringing.

I personally have to concede random shots on occasion caus a user brings something to my attention on PM or guests are going nuts in the chat room. Wouldnt be happy being forfeited in those circumstances.
Posts: 8,939
05:02 Sun 2 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I notice there is a 5 random shot rule now, so thats something. Now if we could get everyone to play 10 sec games instead of the sleep inducing 20....

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:08 Sun 2 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The suggestion you are putting forward is a typical thing for some one such as yourself to put forward . other people have more important things to do then play a game online

A game is something for someone to enjoy themselves whilst maybe doing something else such as watch tv or eat a meal . I think that some people dont understand this such as jamjah ... This site was created for people to enjoy thereselves not for people to be scared of leaving there computer in fear of losing a game .

I think the enviroment is already corrupt as people still use racist abuse and swear words . people have already found ways to get past the filters by using the áéíóú letters . I think people are more worried about losing rank then playing a game . jamjah is just another player who is worried about rank and time , if the time limti annoys you then dont play funkypool and create your own website with your own rules ... no ? i thought that would be your answer .
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