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Posts: 1,821
20:18 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Like to make the point that admin look at players pasts rather than presents and also don't take into account the reason of the players bans/boots. As I would say 1 of my bannings was just, in that I went overboard in my protest against the origional banning. Anth0ny is the other one who should be a moderator in my opinion. Was banned a while back even though the whole thing was a little corrupt and we all know fine well who the real guilty party was. Anth0ny has been a great mamber for ages and not one person dislikes the guy, very helpful in chat area also. Anth0ny or redhot would be great mods, if danny777 would pick a name and keep it he would be an excellent candidate too.
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20:24 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Errrrm danny777? , Who would want an immature idiot that constantly swears and abuses, as a moderator?

Edited at 02:28 Sun 19/03/06 (GMT)
Posts: 142
20:24 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
redhot is a top bloke, an old timer from poolsharks since 2002 too, if I had to recommend someone I'll recommend him and morry252.
Posts: 1,821
20:34 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good call Bert, morry252 is cool too. As for Steven159 take your own advice kiddo
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20:35 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
As far as mods are concerned, this site has been a mess for the last 2 years. 4 decent mods left (pool_life,eve_ninall,middles_boro,mattaus) 2 of the best mods demoted (rich,squeezy). The recent choices are pathetic.
Posts: 1,821
20:36 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well stop whinging about it and suggest someone you'd like to see there.....
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20:36 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
are you sayin i swear and abuse you ediss? i am simply giving an opinion.
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20:40 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
jeez, handbags u 2...
Posts: 1,821
20:41 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
If I was saying that I wouldn't be speaking with a fianite verb would I, nvm thats beyond you. The point is, stedda whinging about every little decision, try and help for once....
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20:46 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Learn some grammer...and ok ill bear that in mind.
Posts: 1,821
20:47 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
bare* not bear...
Deleted User
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20:51 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
he sed bear cuz he's grizzly with u
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21:03 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Heres ediss and steven trying to have an argument, with squeezy adding the extras.

It's great
Posts: 1,821
21:06 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I haven't argued back once, just corrected him and asked him to contribute without going into ultra-sonic whinge mode....
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23:06 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow drama at funkypool.
Look arnt we missing the big picture here. im not trying to say who should and should not be a mod. they way i c it its really not my concern because its not like we can pick them. Further more the big picture in my mind alone is the fellowship that this website has to offer. Its also about the pool. Maybe that should have came first. The point im going to get to is that we have no chioce who is a mod and who isnt. so why get all worked up about it. If a moderator does somthing off color report them. Siting here arguing ( although highly entertaining) is just going to get peoples anger up. So im going to shorten this down, Lets Play Some Pool!

Edited at 05:08 Sun 19/03/06 (GMT)
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23:25 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Two things I want to point out.

Firstly, certain moderators that have recently been demoted were demoted for being mainly inactive so far this year. These user's will be welcome to inform us if their personal circumstances change and they can offer slightly more time, then they will be welcomed back onto the team. Rich is included in this catergory.

Secondly, the send complaint function allows a certain amount of self moderating. Regardless of the time you know action will be taken against any offenders. It is always good to have moderators online, but at least now it is not vital.

The most important thing, as always, is to keep the majority of the site user's happy. I feel we have the strongest funkypool team so far, with no weak links. However we will be adding a few members of the team, but what we want to ensure is that they live upto the rest of the moderating team. So one thing we won't do, is rush the decision.
Posts: 1,821
23:38 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link] last time

Yours Sincerely, Simon.
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07:15 Sun 19 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have to agree with simon we mods that are active now im not saying i know all of whats happend on this site but arguing over mods and who u think should be a mod is a bit sad this is a POOL site so like redneckmale said play some pool and stop moaning when nick/ the other admins feel it nessary to add some more mods they will and no amount of moaning is gunna change it so come on just play a bit of pool
Deleted User
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08:40 Sun 19 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
When a Mod gets hacked / deleted why don't they get their job back.. I'm talking about Xmavadox and Derpatovski, They didn't do anything wrong and where deleted against their will. Are they being considered again as I know these two gave me the most help anyway, oh yeah the new mods should have the perfect qualities of one... And as you've said above , please , please don't rush the decision!

Edited at 14:41 Sun 19/03/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:19 Sun 19 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Both the users named above were not hacked, they gave away their passwords. I am sorry but we can't have security issues like that on the moderating team when we have lots of information on users available.
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