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16:10 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
A moderator who doesnt come on much is better than no moderator atall eh?
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16:11 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
Don't have a go at Kev, hes a funkypool legend! and is one of the best mods if not the best on the game.
16:12 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
Its good to see someone who still has some faith in me anyway thanks Chris
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16:16 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
Revenge is nearly as much of a Legend as me so leave him alone or else i tickle u with my tickle stick.
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16:30 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
It's good to see something has finally be done
Just 1 question though, do any mods know the 9 ball rules?
Just 1 question though, do any mods know the 9 ball rules?
16:45 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
well i was going to put the official 9ball rules but.... they could be different to what nick has coded
Edited at 22:48 Thu 16/03/06 (GMT)
Edited at 22:48 Thu 16/03/06 (GMT)
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16:45 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
:-O the 1 i thought was dead knows the rules
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17:03 Thu 16 Mar 06 (GMT)
Good to hear it, where have you been all my life?
05:56 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)
'Please do not use this thread to suggest future moderators or argue about moderators being demoted etc '
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17:45 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)
I guess pool_life's rant against me failed...
Edited at 23:45 Sat 18/03/06 (GMT)
Edited at 23:45 Sat 18/03/06 (GMT)
18:07 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)
Under 10 words used and you still needed to edit your post otacon, hmmm....
If rich is ok with his position then so am I, admin will have had reasons for all the changes. Everything they have done so far has been in the sites best interests and have worked well for funkypool on the large scale. Aslong as people like middles_boro, eve_ninall, bunzarino, mattaus are still moderating then thats great. All of them are good moderators, all of them are active moderators. Congrats to Nev too on evading tax for such a long period and welcome to the big wide world.
If rich is ok with his position then so am I, admin will have had reasons for all the changes. Everything they have done so far has been in the sites best interests and have worked well for funkypool on the large scale. Aslong as people like middles_boro, eve_ninall, bunzarino, mattaus are still moderating then thats great. All of them are good moderators, all of them are active moderators. Congrats to Nev too on evading tax for such a long period and welcome to the big wide world.
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18:10 Sat 18 Mar 06 (GMT)
I thought about adding a bit on at the end... Heck, what difference does it make to you anyways?
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