Lightning Play Tournaments

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Pages: 1
Posts: 8,939
07:07 Fri 10 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
YAY! now maybe this is getting somewhere!

Come on Nick, everything else is looking so good, lets see these issues tidied up a bit and you will be approaching perfection!
Posts: 31,220
08:54 Fri 10 Mar 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
20 seconds is enough for a shot. 10 secs is too little, cos somethimes you are snookered and have to weigh up your options, and then plan the angle, etc. Plus, what if you want to pull off an intricate shot or a plant or something and you have to judge it down to the pixel? So keep the current time limit at 20 (or increase it to 25, I don't mind....). But specially organised 10 sec tourneys are also cool.

And by the way, hi!

Edited at 14:55 Fri 10/03/06 (GMT)
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Lightning Play Tournaments

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