Write a poem
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13:19 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
Laughing in the bath.
I worked as a pizza deliverer, and would hear such noise,
Especially women in the bath with their toys.
And i was in Liverpool, working, when i heard a giggle,
Then there was a splish, splash and a squiggle.
The water hit the floor, and the laughing increased,
And i heard the lock on the bathroom door being released.
So down the stairs she came, still laughing i think,
I had just heard her spit her mouthwash into the sink.
She open the door, and said 'Hello ste'.
Shocked i looked down, and saw her size 3's.
She burst out laughing again, and gave me a hug,
I could feel her back jolt, as she laughed and put in the plug.
The light came on, and i thought 'Its paula for sure'
So she jumped up and down, and laughed out some more...
Edited at 18:20 Tue 25/04/06 (BST)
Laughing in the bath.
I worked as a pizza deliverer, and would hear such noise,
Especially women in the bath with their toys.
And i was in Liverpool, working, when i heard a giggle,
Then there was a splish, splash and a squiggle.
The water hit the floor, and the laughing increased,
And i heard the lock on the bathroom door being released.
So down the stairs she came, still laughing i think,
I had just heard her spit her mouthwash into the sink.
She open the door, and said 'Hello ste'.
Shocked i looked down, and saw her size 3's.
She burst out laughing again, and gave me a hug,
I could feel her back jolt, as she laughed and put in the plug.
The light came on, and i thought 'Its paula for sure'
So she jumped up and down, and laughed out some more...
Edited at 18:20 Tue 25/04/06 (BST)
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13:20 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
Holding onto her sides, she said 'I was just in the bath',
And i replied 'Yes i know, and the whole street heard you laugh'.
By the end of the night, we were laughing so loud,
And i asked to take a bath, to which Paula allowed.
To be continued in the future
And i replied 'Yes i know, and the whole street heard you laugh'.
By the end of the night, we were laughing so loud,
And i asked to take a bath, to which Paula allowed.
To be continued in the future
Deleted User
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14:27 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
i dnt no how 2 rd ths sht
it tks me hrs 2 cmprhnd it
in propa spch i rite so fst
bt ritn lk ths i wud cm last
i dnt no how its pssibl 2
rite lk this & mk sens 2
th mning is so ofn lost
wen ruls ov gramer out r tost
& evn wen i rite lk so
im mkin it up as i go
alng bt my spch is clere
my strctr is bth gd & pure
ritn lk ths shd b in th soor
So plz u fkn wastrls all
lurn 2 rite wn ur in skl!
coz this usles vpd tspt crp
as usd bi sum pr brenls sap
enrages me, makes my blood boil
these people should be fried in oil
for writing stuff that makes no sense
Now look, you gits! You've made me tense!
it tks me hrs 2 cmprhnd it
in propa spch i rite so fst
bt ritn lk ths i wud cm last
i dnt no how its pssibl 2
rite lk this & mk sens 2
th mning is so ofn lost
wen ruls ov gramer out r tost
& evn wen i rite lk so
im mkin it up as i go
alng bt my spch is clere
my strctr is bth gd & pure
ritn lk ths shd b in th soor
So plz u fkn wastrls all
lurn 2 rite wn ur in skl!
coz this usles vpd tspt crp
as usd bi sum pr brenls sap
enrages me, makes my blood boil
these people should be fried in oil
for writing stuff that makes no sense
Now look, you gits! You've made me tense!
Deleted User
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14:39 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
I don't know how to read this s**t,
It takes me two hours, to comprehend it.
In proper speech i write so fast,
But writing like this - i would come last.
I don't know how it is possible to,
Write like this and make sense too.
The meaning is so often lost,
When rules of grammer, out are tossed.
And even when i write like so
I'm making it up as I go
Along but my speech is clear,
My structure is both good and pure
Writing like this should be in the sewer
So please you f****ng wastrels all,
Learn to write when your in school!
Cause this useless vapid tosspot crap
As used by some poor brainless sap.
''enrages me, makes my blood boil
these people should be fried in oil
for writing stuff that makes no sense
Now look, you gits! You've made me tense!''
Edited at 19:46 Tue 25/04/06 (BST)
It takes me two hours, to comprehend it.
In proper speech i write so fast,
But writing like this - i would come last.
I don't know how it is possible to,
Write like this and make sense too.
The meaning is so often lost,
When rules of grammer, out are tossed.
And even when i write like so
I'm making it up as I go
Along but my speech is clear,
My structure is both good and pure
Writing like this should be in the sewer
So please you f****ng wastrels all,
Learn to write when your in school!
Cause this useless vapid tosspot crap
As used by some poor brainless sap.
''enrages me, makes my blood boil
these people should be fried in oil
for writing stuff that makes no sense
Now look, you gits! You've made me tense!''
Edited at 19:46 Tue 25/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:43 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
(sewer, wastrels, vapid, tosspot, brainless. now added in by mr G)
Nice to see you treated it as a translation exercise!!
Edited at 19:49 Tue 25/04/06 (BST)
Nice to see you treated it as a translation exercise!!
Edited at 19:49 Tue 25/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:47 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
Cheers for the missing one's swing....There was some very short words there.
Deleted User
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16:39 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
I LUV THAT POEM!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA.........
Ste Mwahhhhhhhhh's to u for that, and guess wot i am STILL pmsl! hahahahahah oooooooo that was so funny lmfao..........
SWING!!! Come on mate gizza poem!......
L.M.F.(_x_) OFF.....hahaha
Ste Mwahhhhhhhhh's to u for that, and guess wot i am STILL pmsl! hahahahahah oooooooo that was so funny lmfao..........
SWING!!! Come on mate gizza poem!......
L.M.F.(_x_) OFF.....hahaha
Deleted User
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17:23 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
hahaha loved em all thre really good i may type shorted but atleast when i do ya can understand it ryt??
more poems woo woo!!!!
more poems woo woo!!!!
Deleted User
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17:39 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
I can stephy understand stephy woooooooo
Swings just in a mood hehe *pulls tongues at swing* lmao *hugs*
Swings just in a mood hehe *pulls tongues at swing* lmao *hugs*
Deleted User
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17:41 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
wooooo ty paula
awwwww swing cheer up luv *hugs*
nice title hehehe
awwwww swing cheer up luv *hugs*
nice title hehehe
Deleted User
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17:48 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
I cant stop flippin laffing stephy hahahahaha......
Deleted User
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17:55 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
hahaha me neither all these threads crack me up lmao ahahaha
Deleted User
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19:22 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
The mood was good for most of the night,
But by half-eleven it ended up in a fight.
A step-dad who had too much beer,
Had thought he would stand up in an argument- and interfere.
So fat and sweaty, so stupid with no teeth,
At the moment i wished he lived in the ground, underneath.
To think he could fight a seventeen year old,
My best friend was scared, a lesson needs to be told.
But when we're older, the mood will change,
And the age difference won't seem as strange.
For he will be frightened of us strong, strapping men,
And he wont see us as children, aged ten.
The barbecue was good all night, plenty of fun,
Then an argument started, too drunk was the mum.
So here we are, in a big family mess,
And the closeness between us just feels less...and less.
The mood was good for most of the night,
But by half-eleven it ended up in a fight.
A step-dad who had too much beer,
Had thought he would stand up in an argument- and interfere.
So fat and sweaty, so stupid with no teeth,
At the moment i wished he lived in the ground, underneath.
To think he could fight a seventeen year old,
My best friend was scared, a lesson needs to be told.
But when we're older, the mood will change,
And the age difference won't seem as strange.
For he will be frightened of us strong, strapping men,
And he wont see us as children, aged ten.
The barbecue was good all night, plenty of fun,
Then an argument started, too drunk was the mum.
So here we are, in a big family mess,
And the closeness between us just feels less...and less.
Deleted User
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19:32 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)
awwwww ste hun *hugs* gd poem but bad situation
Deleted User
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02:46 Wed 26 Apr 06 (BST)
Aw Ste am sowwy for laffin *hugs* but ya know i wasnt laffin at you dont ya hunny ??
I know THAT poem was about real life sad, but very good......
Title:Early Bird......lol
I know THAT poem was about real life sad, but very good......
Title:Early Bird......lol
Deleted User
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05:13 Wed 26 Apr 06 (BST)
ooooooooooooooh gd title some on ste get 1 written hehe ok so maybe ure at college....wen u get bac
Deleted User
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10:03 Wed 26 Apr 06 (BST)
I know you wern't Paula...no worries hun.
Early Bird.
The early bird always catched the worm,
While i stay in bed having a tussle and squirm.
People get up before the sun arrives,
And start early on the new day in their lives.
But i would prefer to sluch around in my bed,
And instead of meeting a woman, let her meet me instead.
I can stroke the cat as i watch jeremy kyle,
And sip on my coffee for another little while.
But i envy the early birds, they make the most of the day,
While i just lay around, and waste half of the day.
-my mate's here now, don't have time for more!!!
Early Bird.
The early bird always catched the worm,
While i stay in bed having a tussle and squirm.
People get up before the sun arrives,
And start early on the new day in their lives.
But i would prefer to sluch around in my bed,
And instead of meeting a woman, let her meet me instead.
I can stroke the cat as i watch jeremy kyle,
And sip on my coffee for another little while.
But i envy the early birds, they make the most of the day,
While i just lay around, and waste half of the day.
-my mate's here now, don't have time for more!!!
Deleted User
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11:24 Wed 26 Apr 06 (BST)
Hahahah Very good Ste
(Message to Ste's mate. Oi You, dont dare interupt him when he's on this forum!! Grrrr)
Title: Ste's Mate! hehehe
(Message to Ste's mate. Oi You, dont dare interupt him when he's on this forum!! Grrrr)
Title: Ste's Mate! hehehe
Deleted User
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11:39 Wed 26 Apr 06 (BST)
Ste's (my) mate.
My mate interrupted, to see me today,
But i don't mind him visiting, we had tea, earl gray.
His name is Ben, he's very tall and so loud,
He's the sort of mate you have, that stands out in the crowd.
He's a very tough lad, always fights for his friend's,
But was kicked out of school , for the rules he did bend.
Visiting me everyday, just to catch up and talk,
And if the weather's not too bad, we will go for a walk.
We are compared to Gary and Tony - from 'Men behaving badly',
And if I get compared to Gary, then i'll take the compliment gladly.
We always have a laugh, a beer drinking duo we are,
And have been on holiday's with all the lads, travelling near and far.
My mate interrupted, to see me today,
But i don't mind him visiting, we had tea, earl gray.
His name is Ben, he's very tall and so loud,
He's the sort of mate you have, that stands out in the crowd.
He's a very tough lad, always fights for his friend's,
But was kicked out of school , for the rules he did bend.
Visiting me everyday, just to catch up and talk,
And if the weather's not too bad, we will go for a walk.
We are compared to Gary and Tony - from 'Men behaving badly',
And if I get compared to Gary, then i'll take the compliment gladly.
We always have a laugh, a beer drinking duo we are,
And have been on holiday's with all the lads, travelling near and far.
Deleted User
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11:51 Wed 26 Apr 06 (BST)
LOL gud one, but you sed Ste's (my) mate so i thought his name was Ste!....lol
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