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04:16 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Shh-She wouldn't, would she? I've heard some fearsome tales of Paula and her "Size 3's", but never that awful. You're just trying to scare me!

Deleted User
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04:19 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
*whispers* I dont know,but ive heard about the size 3

Scare you,,im flipping gonna do a runner now,

Omg shes here

Deleted User
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04:20 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
She's here? There's nowhere to hide, she's gonna catch us! I'm too young to die!

Deleted User
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04:23 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
hothead_bob said:

How hard is it for the man accused
Of cheating, he is so abused
No such thing has he done
Yet he is viewed with such scorn
It's Cheeky's fault He cries in vain
But they turn a deaf ear so he tries again
It was an l I checked it thrice
Oh please believe me I'm ever so nice
Alas his pleas they all go unheard
Not even sweet Paula will heed his words
Only Miss Steph comes to his aid
'I'm sure you're right in the chatroom she said
So how may he be rid of this terrible curse?
Is it through poem, rhyme or verse?
Or must he suffer disbelief forever
Hated by all even kindly young Stella?
Will he fade away in the twinkle of an eye
Forced to leave with nary a goodbye?
The innocent young man findly known as Bob
Berated for cheating by the funkypool mob
May pass beyond ne'er seen again
Because of Im_Cheeky on F & G's Hangman!

Bob I Love that poem its fab. You should do more hun
I dont hate you either...BUT keep ya convos to Gen Chat ha!
Deleted User
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04:24 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
All I can say is thank God for plagiarism
Deleted User
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11:53 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
My Day

Well it started at 5am, I was not happy with that
But at least, an early finish, now can get drunk as a rat
So I logged on to snooker around about seven
What followed then, was nothing short of Laughter heaven

Went onto general , saw a post off Sam that made me laff
She said she is getting wed, I thought , ur avin a giraffe
So I logged into main, and sure enough, it was true
The guests were all gathered, gunners, me, and others too.

Beggar was shaking, he was a nervous wreck
Even though he pm?d me, and said what the heck
Sam looked lovely, in her flowing white dress
But at 7 in the morning, Ben was a hell of a mess

Deleted User
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11:53 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Then just as I thought, I couldn?t take any more
The members bar opened, the _vicar walked in the door
Well im not kidding you, while i was sipping my tea
I sprayed the stuff everywhere, as far as the eye could see.

But throughout all the laughing, crying and stuff
At the end, I?d just about had enough
My ribs are still hurting, im telling you I swear
I just wish my baby Paula was there.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:12 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  

Ha i love the way ur poems are about true things thats happened bab PMSL.
Deleted User
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12:17 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
The only way, i can do them baby
Deleted User
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12:18 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
PARDON? With them feet?
Deleted User
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12:21 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep WTF on a Monday, of all days
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:30 Mon 9 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
With them feet and on that day
My oh My Stell Show me the way
Share ur lunch gizza chick ball
Sweet Or Sour I trust ur call

You make me laff while im sat
WHAT! ya wanna cover me in chip fat?
Eeewww No Way youve got no chance
Your being a tart who wants a glance

Get on that BC walk that Plank
No Shower gel for you for your.......a crank
Have ur Stella and a bobble or two
Then just drop by to say I LOVE YOU

Off to bed u go then to sleep
While thoughts of u i do keep
Yano that i love ya Dontcha eh?
Well what more can i say !

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:16 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
With them feet and on that day
My oh My Stell Show me the way
Share ur lunch gizza chick ball
Sweet Or Sour I trust ur call

You make me laff while im sat
WHAT! ya wanna cover me in chip fat?
Eeewww No Way youve got no chance
Your being a tart who wants a glance

Get on that BC walk that Plank
No Shower gel for you for your.......a crank
Have ur Stella and a bobble or two
Then just drop by to say I LOVE YOU

Off to bed u go then to sleep
While thoughts of u i do keep
Yano that i love ya Dontcha eh?
Well what more can i say !

Well yano what dontcha eh? eh? I LOVE YOU TOO OK.

*Blush* Nice poem BTW, PMSLLLLLLL @ a crank lmaooo
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:30 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ha I was PMFSL @ a Crank Too..yano why tho

Come on please guys

Where are u all?? I love this thread sooooo much am sure ya can do one or two..pwwwweeeezzzzzze
Deleted User
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07:12 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
LMAOOO im gonna find that SHower gel poem and post it on snooks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:52 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Get Well soon honey

Here is a poem, just for me to say
How much, i've missed My Paula today
When she is here, there is such a great spark
But when she is not, my world feels quite dark

I've missed her so much, i suppose you can tell
But it's not her fault, she's not very well
She said this morning, she was feeling like crap
I just wanted to hug her, but she needed a nap

So i've been here all day, with a random post
Still missing the one, who i love most
Hoping she's OK, and feeling more well
And reading this poem, from her dear Stell

Paula, my love, i'm here for a while
For you, you know i'll go that extra mile
Your special to me, you know the tune

~Your Stell~

Hope your better soon honey XX MWAH XX

Edited at 16:55 Tue 10/07/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:14 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Well this one is short and sweet.....

There is a woman called Joanne (xjuicyx)
her strops should face a ban
she likes to play pool while her kids are at school and I am her number one fan.

**takes a bow**
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:44 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
stellaman said:
Get Well soon honey

Here is a poem, just for me to say
How much, i've missed My Paula today
When she is here, there is such a great spark
But when she is not, my world feels quite dark

I've missed her so much, i suppose you can tell
But it's not her fault, she's not very well
She said this morning, she was feeling like crap
I just wanted to hug her, but she needed a nap

So i've been here all day, with a random post
Still missing the one, who i love most
Hoping she's OK, and feeling more well
And reading this poem, from her dear Stell

Paula, my love, i'm here for a while
For you, you know i'll go that extra mile
Your special to me, you know the tune

~Your Stell~

Hope your better soon honey XX MWAH XX

Stell, thats lovely *hugs* she will love it.

Spenny liked ures too!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:04 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
spenny said:
Well this one is short and sweet.....

There is a woman called Joanne (xjuicyx)
her strops should face a ban
she likes to play pool while her kids are at school and I am her number one fan.

**takes a bow**
great poem babe shame you got the facts wrong lmao moi !!!!! strop no way lol x x x
Deleted User
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14:05 Tue 10 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
We need more poemmmmsssss!!
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